Category:Life of Mary Magdalene (subject)

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Life of Mary Magdalene refers to fictional and scholarly narratives of the events surrounding the life and biography of Mary Magdalene.


Mary Magdalene is a familiar presence in the Life of Jesus, where she plays the role of the most faithful female disciple, along with Jesus' mother Mary of Nazareth. Over centuries her presence have become more and more conspicuous. In recent times the development of fictional stories about her love (or marriage or even motherhood) with Jesus has given her almost the role of co-protagonist as in Jesus Christ Superstar or The Da Vinci Code.

Mary Magdalene's relevance in Christian cult and theology has also made her the protagonist of narratives of her own.

The first narratives of the life of Mary of Nazareth were offered by devotional legends and paintings in churches and monasteries.

Then came the first novels, plays and movies on the subject. Most of these narratives were strictly devotional in purpose but we have also non-conformist portraits of Mary Madgalene, notably, those offered by [[]]. Non-fictional narratives tend to focus on an analysis of the Mary Magdalene passages in the New Testament and on the study of the growth of traditions and theologies on Mary Magdalene over the centuries.