Jesus Mafa (1973), art
[ Jesus Mafa] (1973) is a series of 65 paintings depicting Jesus of Nazareth as an African (Mafa). They are the colective prudct of a Chrostina community in Cameroon, Africa.
"JESUS MAFA is a response to the New Testament readings from the Lectionary by a Christian community in Cameroon, Africa. Each of the readings were selected and adapted to dramatic interpretation by the community members. Photographs of their interpretations were made, and these were then transcribed to paintings."
List of the paintings
9. The Temptation
10. The Two first Disciples
11. The Wedding at Cana
12. Nicodemus
13. The Samaritan Woman
15. The miraculous Draught
16. Jesus heals the paralysed Man
17. The Beatitudes
19. Jesus and the penitent Sinner
20. The Sower
21. The hidden Treasure
22. The Possessed
23. Jesus lulls a Storm
24. Jesus multiplies the Loaves
25. Jairus's daughter
29. The Man bornblind
30. The Good Samaritan
31. The Good Shepherd
- 50. The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
- 51. The Lord's Supper
- 52. The Washing of the Feet
- 52a. Peter denies Jesus
- 53. Gethsemane
- 54. The Kiss of Judas
- 54a. The Flagellation
- 55. The Crucifixion
- 56. The empty Tomb
- 56a. Easter (Noli me tangere)
- 57. The Disciples of Emmaüs
- 58. Jesus appears to Thomas
- 58a. The Mission to the World
- 59. Ascension
- 60. Pentecost
- 61. African Virgin
- 63. Virgin in a Palm grove
- 62. Virgin and Child