Jesus Mafa (1973), art
Jesus Mafa (1973) is a series of paintings depicting Jesus of Nazareth as an African (Mafa). They are the collective product of a Christian community in Cameroon, Africa.
"JESUS MAFA is a response to the New Testament readings from the Lectionary by a Christian community in Cameroon, Africa. Each of the readings were selected and adapted to dramatic interpretation by the community members. Photographs of their interpretations were made, and these were then transcribed to paintings."
List of the paintings
Childhood of Jesus
3. The Birth of Jesus (Adoration of the Shepherds)
4. The Three Wise Men (Adoration of the Magi)
The Ministry of Jesus (Teachings, Miracles, Parables)
12. Nicodemus
14. <-->
16. Jesus Heals the Paralysed Man
17. The Beatitudes
18. <-->
19. Jesus and the Penitent Sinner
20. The Sower
24. Jesus Multiplies the Loaves
26. <-->
32. Martha and Mary
34. The Rich Fool
35. The Poor invited at the Feast
36. The Prodigal Son
39. The Ten Lepers
40. The Pharisee and the Publican
42. The Late Comers
43. The Ten Girls
44. The Resurrection of Lazarus
47. <-->
48. The Merchants in the Temple
49. The Widow's Mite
Passion of Jesus
50. The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
- 52a. Peter Denies Jesus
53. Gethsemane
- 54a. The Flagellation
55. The Crucifixion
The Resurrection of Jesus
56. The Empty Tomb
59. Ascension
60. Pentecost
Vergin with the Child
61. African Virgin
62. Virgin and Child