The Temptation of Our Lord (1538 Bale), play

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The Temptation of Our Lord (1538) is a play by John Bale.


"A refreshingly simple dramatization of the temptation scene. The figure of Jesus is clam and dignified; but the simplicity of the play is achieved at the expenses of dramatic tension; for in the medieval tradition Jesus opens the play by recounting the lessons to be learned from the subsequent scene. There is, as yet, no possibility of bringing the play to life by suggesting an inner struggle, and the dramatic advance over the mystery plays remains minimal" (Roston)

Editions, performances, translations

Written in 1538. Editd about 1547-48 (facs. London-Edinburgh: Jack, 1909). Premiered at Kilkenny, 1553.


  • Alexander B. Grosart, ed., "The Temptacyon of Our Lorde," Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library, vol. 1 (London: 1870) 123-155
  • J.S. Farmer, ed., "A brefe comedy or enterlude concernynge the temptacyon of Our Lorde and Sauer Jesus Christ by Satan in the desert," Dramatic Writings of John Bale (London: 1907) 151-170
  • Paul Schwemmer, John Bales Drama: A brefe comedy or enterlude concernynge the temptacyon of Our Lorde and Sauer Jesus Christ by Satan in the desert (diss. University of Erlangen, 1919)
  • See Coleman (1931); Greg (1939); Harbage (1964); Roston (1968); Berger (1975)

External links