Revision as of 15:44, 1 October 2023 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs) (→Interpreters (1800s))
Highlights (1800s)
- Dizionario storico degli autori ebrei e dello loro opere (1802 De Rossi), book
- Christus am Ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives / 1803 Beethoven / Huber), oratorio
- Dizionario storico degli autori arabi più celebri e delle principali loro opere (1807 De Rossi), book (Italian)
- The History of the Jews from the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Nineteenth Century (1812 Adams), book
- Ciro in Babilonia (Cyrus in Babylon / 1812 Rossini / Aventi), opera
- Jeruzsálem pusztulása (The Destruction of Jerusalem / 1814 Katona), play
- The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth (1820 Jefferson), book
- Degli Egregori (On the Watchers / 1820 Manin), book
- The Book of Enoch (1821 Laurence), book
- Ester d'Engaddi (1821 Pellico), play
- Entwicklung des paulinischen Lehrbegriffs (Development of Paul's Doctrinal System / 1824 Usteri), book
- Das Leben Jesu (1828 Paulus), book
- Specimen historico-theologicum; quo continetur, Historia conditionis judaeorum religiosae et moralis inde ab exsilo Babylonica usque ad tempora J.C. immutatae (1834 Boon), book
- The Last Days of Pompeii (1834 Lytton), novel
- Geschichtliche Darstellung der jüdisch-alexandrinischen Religions-Philosophie (1834 Dähne), book
- Das Leben Jesu: kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus: Critically Examined / 1835-36 Strauss), book
- Paulus (Paul / 1836 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy), oratorio
- Libri Enoch prophetae versio aethiopica (1838 Laurence), book
- Jésus-Christ et sa doctrine (1838 Salvador), book
- Naomi; or, The Last Days of Jerusalem (1840 Peploe), novel
- Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai and Arabia Petrae (1841 Robinson), book
- Nabucco (1842 Verdi / Solera), opera
- Storia degli Ebrei e delle loro sette e dottrine religiose durante il secondo tempio (1844 Bianchi-Giovini), book
- Paulus der Apostel Jesu Christi (Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ / 1845 Baur), book
- The Women of Israel (1845 Aguilar), book
- De Pharisaismo Iudaeorum Alexandrino Commentatio (1846-50 Grossmann), book
- Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus (1846 Kaulbach), art
- Histoire de la domination romaine en Judée et de la ruine de Jérusalem (1847 Salvador), book
- Herodes und Mariamne (Herod and Mariamne / 1849 Hebbel), play
Interpreters (1800s)
Giovanni Bernardo De Rossi (1742-1831)
Hannah Adams
(1755-1831)Silvio Pellico (1789-1854]]
Ludwig van Beethoven
(1770-1827)Ferdinand Christian Baur (1792-1860)
Edward Robinson (1794-1863)
Aurelio Bianchi-Giovini (1799-1862)
Edward Bulwer Lytton
(1803-1873)Daniele Manin (1804-1857)
David Friedrich Strauss
(1808-1874)Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847)
Friedrich Hebbel
(1813-1863)Giuseppe Verdi
(1813-1901)Grace Aguilar
Pages in category "1800s"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- Apocalyptic Studies (1800s)
- Archaeology (1800s)
- Bible Studies (1800s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1800s)
- Early Christian Studies (1800s)
- Early Islamic Studies (1800s)
- Early Jewish Studies (1800s)
- Early Samaritan Studies (1800s)
- Enochic Studies (1800s)
- Gospels Studies (1800s)
- Hebrew Bible Studies (1800s)
- Hellenistic-Jewish Studies (1800s)
- Historical Jesus Studies (1800s)
- Johannine Studies (1800s)
- Josephus Studies (1800s)
- New Testament Studies (1800s)
- NT Apocrypha Studies (1800s)
- OT Apocrypha Studies (1800s)
- OT Pseudepigrapha Studies (1800s)
- Pauline Studies (1800s)
- Petrine Studies (1800s)
- Philo Studies (1800s)
- Reception History (1800s)
- Second Temple Studies (1800s)
- Septuagint Studies (1800s)
- Wisdom Studies (1800s)
- Women's & Gender Studies (1800s)
Media in category "1800s"
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.
- 1803 * Beethoven (oratorio).jpg 300 × 425; 9 KB
- 1820 * Manin.jpg 138 × 200; 7 KB
- 1824 * Usteri.jpg 300 × 449; 20 KB
- 1828 Paulus.jpg 907 × 1,360; 72 KB
- 1834 * Lytton (novel).jpg 395 × 499; 47 KB
- 1835 * Strauss.jpg 765 × 1,261; 248 KB
- 1836 * Mendelssohn (oratorio).jpg 188 × 269; 6 KB
- 1840 * Peploe (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 25 KB
- 1841 * Robinson.png 440 × 751; 37 KB
- 1843 * Sola Raphall.jpg 416 × 500; 37 KB
- 1844 * Bianchi-Giovini.jpg 1,044 × 1,360; 280 KB
- 1845 * Aguilar.jpg 324 × 499; 25 KB
- 1845 * Baur.jpg 1,000 × 1,576; 589 KB
- 1846 * Kaulbach (art).jpg 723 × 600; 106 KB
- 1849 * Hebbel (play).jpg 1,200 × 1,695; 260 KB