Ed Parish Sanders (M / United States, 1937), scholar

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-- 1969 --
-- 1977 --
-- 1983 --
-- 1985 --

Ed Parish Sanders (b.1937) is an American scholar. Professor emeritus at Duke University (Durham, NC). Born in Grand Prairie, Texas into a family of modest means. BA 1959 (Texas Wesleyan College). MA 1962 (Southern Methodist University). ThD 1966 (Union Theological Seminary). Studied modern Hebrew and Rabbinics in Israel. Professor at McMaster University, Canada (1966-1984), and at the University of Oxford, England (1984-1990). Arts and Sciences Professor of Religion at Duke University (1990-2005).

-- 1960s --

E.P. Sanders, The Tendencies of the Synoptic Tradition (1969 Sanders), book (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 9; London [England]: Cambridge University Press, 1969)

The Synoptic Gospels contain traditions about Jesus which differ in some respects from Gospel to Gospel and, it is presumed, from the very earliest Christian traditions. Scholars often seek to establish the earliest form of each tradition and the methods and criteria they use are of the greatest importance. Dr Sanders here provides a reassessment of this whole problem. His study deals directly with the question of determining the reliability of the Synoptic Gospels.--Publisher description.

-- 1970s --

-- 1980s --

-- 1990s --


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