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Pages in category "1922"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- Einleitung in das Neue Testament (1922 Appel), book
- Jesus of Nazareth: A Biography (1922 Barton), book
- Judith (1922 Bernstein), play
- The Acts of the Apostles (1922 Blunt), book
- Die Bücher der geheimnisse Henochs (1922 Bonwetsch), book
- Salome (1922 Bryant), feature film
- The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel (1922 Burney), book
- Types of Jewish-Palestinian Piety from 70 B.C.E. to 70 C.E.: The Ancient Pious Men (1922 Büchler), book
- Samson and Delilah (1922 Collins), film
- Sodom und Gomorrha (1922 Curtiz), film
- Jesus-Jeshua (1922 Dalman), book
- The Street of the Gazelle (1922 Deamer), novel
- Nero (1922 Edwards), feature film
- L'uomo irredento in San Paolo (1922 Ferrari), book
- San Paolo e la sua dottrina di vita e d'amore (1922 Ferrari), book
- Vie de N.S. Jésus-Christ (The Life of Christ / 1922 Fillion), book
- The Beloved Disciple (1922 Garvie), book
- Eine unbekannte jüdische Sekte (An Unknown Jewish Sect / 1922 Ginzberg), book
- Pistis (1922 Gyllenberg), book
- Enoch and 2 Corinthians (1922 Harris), essay
- Die eschatologische Lehre des Vierten Esrabuches (1922 Keulers), book
- Yeshu ha-Notsri (Jesus of Nazareth / 1922 Klausner), book
- Commentarius in Evangelium secundum Matthaeum (1922 Knabenbauer, Merk), book (revised ed.)
- Samson und Delila (1922 Korda), film
- Judith (1922 Le Borne), music
- Orfismo e Paolinismo: studi e polemiche (1922 Macchioro), book
- Berenice (1922 Masefield), play
- Der Menschensohn in den Bilderreden des Henoch (1922 Messel), book
- Paolo di Tarso, apostolo delle genti (1922 Omodeo), book
- Detti di Gesù (1922 Picherle), book
- St. Luke (1922 Ragg), book
- Die Anhängigkeit des Korans von Judentum und Christentum (The Dependence of the Qur'an on Judaism and Christianity / 1922 Rudolph), book
- Christus Rex (1922 Ryelandt), oratorio
- Le credenze religiose di Maometto (The Religious Beliefs of Muhammad / 1922 Sacco), book
- Traces of Early Acquaintance in Europe with the Book of Enoch (1922 Schmidt), essay
- The Parable of Dives and Lazarus, and Enoch 22 (1922 Standen), essay
- Евреи в древности в Средние века = Jews in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages (1922 Tiumenev), book
- Onesimus (1922 Tupper), play
- Une repentie (1922 Vioux), novel
- Salome, English ed. (1922 @1893 Wilde / Eric), Broadway production (play)
Media in category "1922"
The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
- 1922 * Strack Billerbeck.jpg 432 × 664; 38 KB
- 1922 Barth (2nd ed).jpg 795 × 1,187; 97 KB