Paul & Apocalypticism (2017 Boccaccini), graduate course

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Pre-requisites: Reading of the seven authentic letters of Paul, with special emphasis on Romans and Galatians.


New Perspective on Paul

Stendhal Sanders N.T. Wright

Radical New Perspective on Paul

Paul and Second Temple Judaism

Video-Conferences in preparation

with Segovia

(1) General Introduction Paul the Jew Views of Paul in Judaism and Christianity before the 20th century - Schweitzer, Paul and His Interpreters: A Critical History (1911 [ET 1912])

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.1 (pt.1)

(2) The Rediscovery of the Jewishness of Paul (1900-1924)

- Thackeray (1900) - *Levertoff (1905) - Deissmann (1911 [ET 1926]) - *Montefiore (1914) - Phillimore (1920)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.1 (p.2)

(3) The Age of Anti-Semitism 1925-1949

- Knox (1925) - *Werfel, Paul among the Jews (1926 [ET 1928]) - *Levertoff, St. Paul in Jewish Thought (1928) - Windish (1935) - Parkes (1936) - *Klausner (1939 [ET 1942]) - *Asch 1943

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.2 (pt.1)

(4) After WW2 1950-1960

- *Schonfield, The Jew of Tarsus: An Unorthodox Portrait of Paul (1946) - Davies, Paul and Rabbinic Judaism (1948) - *Sandmel, The Genius of Paul (1958) - *Schoeps, Paulus: Die Theologie des Apostels im Lichte der jüdischen Religionsgeschichte (1959 [ET 1961]) - *Cornfeld, Daniel to Paul (1962)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.2 (pt.2)

(5) - Murphy-O'Connor, Paul and Qumran (1968) The Dead Sea Scrolls and Pauline Literature (2013 Rey), edited volume

- Bornkamm (1969 [ET 1971])

  • Ben-Chorin (1970 [ET 1999])
  • Rubenstein, My Brother Paul (1972)

Gunther (1973)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.3 (pt.1)

Meeting 3: The Beginning of the New Perspective

(6) Sanders Stendahl, Paul among Jews and Gentiles (1976) Sanders, Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977) Lapide (1981 [ET 1984]), Paul, Rabbi and Apostle Sanders, Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (1983) Raisanen (1983)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.3 (pt.2)

(7) Lüdemann, Opposition to Paul (1983 [ET 1989)] Newton, The Concept of Purity at Qumran and in the Letters of Paul (1985) Watson (1986

  • Maccoby (1986)

Richardson Anti’Judaism and Early Christianity

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.4 (pt.1)


Video-conference with ??

Gaston, Paul and the Torah (1987) Dunn, Jesus, Paul, and the Law (1990)

  • Segal, Paul the Convert (1990)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.4 (pt.2)

(9 ) Meeting 4: The New Perspective II (the 1990s) Vido-Conference with ??

  • Boyarin A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity (1994)

Stowers, A Rereading of Romans: Justice, Jews, and Gentiles (1994)

  • Nanos The Mystery of Romans: The Jewish Context of Paul’s Letter (1994)

- Lim, Holy Scripture in the Qumran Commentaries and Pauline Letters (1997) Kuula The Law, The Covenant and God’s Plan (2 vols)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.5 (pt.1)

(10) Meeting 5: The Newest Perspective (the 2000s)

Video-conference with ???

Gager, Reinventing Paul (2000) Das (2001) Justification and Variegated Nomism (2001-2004),

  • Nanos, The Irony of Galatians: Paul?s Letter in First-Century Context (2002)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.5 (pt.2)


Video-conference with ??

  • Chilton (2004

Divine and Human Agency in Paul and His Cultural Environment (2006 Barclay/Gathercole), edited volume Watson (2007)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.6 (pt.1)

(12) Contemporary developments (2009-2010)

Video-conference with ??

  • Eisenbaum (2009)

Borg/Crossan (2009) Wright Zetterholm (2009) Langton (2010)

Reading (Greek text): Galatians ch.6 (pt.2)

(13) Meeting 6: Paul in Acts Jervell, The Theology of the Acts of the Apostles (1996)

Reading (Greek text): Selected passage from Acts

(14) Meeting 7: Paulinism and Matthew Sim, The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism (1998)

Reading (Greek text): Selected passages from Matthew

(15) Wrap-Up Meeting