Biblia (Bible / 1685 Florinus), book (Finnish)
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Biblia (1685) is a the revised edition of Biblia (1642 Petraeus, Stodius, Hoffman, Matthaei), book, by Henrik Florinus.
First major revision of the Finnish Bible (Old and New Testament).
Published in Turku [Finland]: Präntätty cuningalliseld Kirjain Präntäjäldä Johan Winterildä, 1685. Reissued in Turku [Finland]: Jacob Merckellidä, 1758, edited by Carl Fredrik Mennander.
External links
- [ Google Books]
- 1685
- Other languages--1600s
- Finnish language
- Made in the 1680s
- Hebrew Bible Studies--1600s
- Hebrew Bible Studies--Finnish
- New Testament Studies--1600s
- New Testament Studies--Finnish
- Bible Translations (text)
- Bible--Finnish tr. (text)
- Old Testament Translations (text)
- Old Testament--Finnish tr. (text)
- New Testament Translations (text)
- New Testament Bible--Finnish tr. (text)