The Cross (2001 Tracy), short film
The Cross (2001) is a short film (sound, color, 22m), directed by Lance Tracy.
The film, aimed to a religious audience, focuses on the passion of Jesus. The story is told literally through the eyes of Jesus.
Produced in the United States (2001).
Released in the United States (9 March 2001).
External links
- [ Wikipedia]
- The Internet Movie Database
- YouTube (full movie)
- 2001
- Fiction--2000s
- Fiction--English
- Cinema--2000s
- Short Films
- English language--2000s
- Historical Jesus Studies--2000s
- Historical Jesus Studies--Fiction
- Historical Jesus Studies--English
- Passion of Jesus (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth--fiction (subject)
- Jesus of Nazareth--cinema (subject)
- See also:
- Mary of Nazareth--cinema (subject)
- Peter--cinema (subject)
- Mary Magdalene--cinema (subject)
- John--cinema (subject)
- James son of Zebedee--cinema (subject)
- John the Baptist--cinema (subject)
- Judas Iscariot--cinema (subject)
- Pilate--cinema (subject)
- Thieves of Golgotha--cinema (subject)
- Salome the disciple--cinema (subject)
- Caiaphas--cinema (subject)