De Etruriae regionis (1551 Postel), book

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<bibexternal title="De Etruriae regionis" author="Postel"/>

De Etruriae regionis <Latin> (1551) is a book by Guillaume Postel.


"Qvae prima in orbe Evropaeo habitata est, originibus, institutis, religione & moribus, & imprimis de avrei saecvli doctrina et uit a praestantissima quae in diuinationis sacrae usu posita est."--Full title.

Guillaume declared that the Enoch's prophesies made before the Flood were preserved in the archives of the Queen of Sheba and that to this day they were believed to be canonical scripture in Ethiopia.

"Nam septimus ab Adam Enoch profetia clarus scripsisse de rebus diuinis legitur. Euis opus etiamnum superest pro Canonica scriptura in Aethiopia, in ecclesiae Reginae Sabbaeorum archiuis" (pp.242-243; cf. 108-109).


Published in Florence, Italy: 1551.


Postel refers to Enoch on pp. 108-109, and 242-243.

External links

  • [ Google Books]