Category:Gospel of John (text)
The Gospel of John (see Online Text) is a New Testament document.
The divinity of the Christ: A Jewish God vs a Pagan God
(a) Jesus as the divine Word (Logos) of God: The Prologue.
“In the beginning (en arche; be-reshit) was the Word (logos), and the Word (logos) was with the God, and divine was the Word (logos)” (Jn 1:1). “All things came into being through him… His own people did not accept him… And the Word (logos) became flesh… No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart who has made him known” (Jn 1:1-18).
pre-existence / co-existence incarnation creation vs. immanence
The Biblical Foundations of the concept of the Logos
WORD (logos) and WISDOM (sophia)
“In the beginning (or, with the beginning: Hebrew be-reshit; Greek en arche) God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1:1). Then God “said” and everything was.
“The Lord by wisdom (sophia) founded the earth (Prov 3:19). “The Lord made me the beginning (reshit) of His work” (Prov 8:22). “I was beside Him as a master worker” (Prov 8:30).
“By the Word (logos) of the Lord the heavens were made and all their host by the breath of his mouth… He spoke, and [the world] came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm” (Ps 33:6-9)
The Theology of the Word of God (the Targums, Aramaic translation of the Bible)
“The Word of God created the heavens and the earth” (tg N Gen 1:1) “The Word of God is the light of the world” (tgN Exod 12:42) “The Word of God appeared to Abraham” (tgM Gen 18:1) etc. etc.
The Theology of the Wisdom of God (Wisdom of Solomon)
“Wisdom is the fashioner of every thing…” (7:22). “She is a breath of the power of God and a pure emanation of the Glory of the Almighty… She is reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and image of His goodness…” (7:25-26) “Wisdom protected Abraham… rescued from the troubles those who served her… brought the Israelites over the Red Sea… etc. etc.
The identification of Wisdom and Word (Philo of Alexandria)
The Word is God in the act of creating the universe… Like an architect, who is about to built a city, God first made an incorporeal model in His own mind like a “son”, and then built the universe according to this image… The universe was made in the image of the image of God… The image of God is His logos or Wisdom… The Logos is the instrument that God used to create the universe; is the heavenly High Priest…
Why is Jesus is called the Logos and not Sophia?
(a) Logos was not an ambiguous term: the Logos (unlike Wisdom, Sophia) was believed by everybody to be uncreated and divine.
The created Wisdom (Sirach and Baruch).
“Wisdom (sophia) was created before all things… came from the mouth of God… She found a dwelling place on earth… All this is the book of the covenant of the Most High” (Sir 24)
The heavenly Wisdom (1 Enoch)
“Wisdom could not find a place in which she could dwell… she found no dwelling place. So Wisdom returned to Heaven and Iniquity took her place on earth” (1 En 42). Wisdom will be revealed only at the end of time at the coming of the Messiah, the Son of Man.
(b) Logos is a masculine term, while Sophia is feminine.
Jesus, the divine Name of God: The title “I AM”
When you have lifted up the Son of Man [=the Angel of the Lord], then you will realize that I AM [Gr. ego eimi]… Very truly, I tell you, before Abraham was, I AM (John 8:28,58; see also 13:19; 18:5).
The Biblical Foundation: The Name of God revealed to Moses.
The Angel of the Lord appeared to [Moses] in a flame of fire out of a bush… [The Angel reveals to be GOD himself] “I am the God of your father, The God of Abraham”… Moses said to God: “What is [your] name?... “I AM… Thus you shall say to the Israelites: I AM (Gr. ego eimi) has sent me to you” (Exodus 3)
Jesus was called "Angel" not because he was an angel but because he was sent by God.
Everything in the Gospel of John is a revelation of the identity of the Son.
The problem of authority
The Gospel of the beloved disciple.
(a) The controversy with Thomas.
In the Gospel of John, Thomas is the disciple who never understands and is the last to believe.
The true “beloved disciple” is John, not Thomas.
(b) The controversy with the family of Jesus.
“For not even his brothers believed in him” (7:5). The beloved disciple is the adopted son of Mary. “Woman, here is your son. Then [Jesus] said to the disciple: Here is your mother” (19:25-27)
(c) The relationship with Peter.
The “younger” disciple is the first to reach the empty tomb but waits for Peter to enter and believe (20:1-8). John is “younger” and “smarter” than Peter, but recognizes the authority of Peter.
Peter was the one appointed by Jesus as the head of the community"
- John 21:15-17 (NRSV_ -- 15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs." 16 A second time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Tend my sheep." 17 He said to him the third time, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" And he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep.
John's message is not a "new" or a "secret" knowledge
How to explain a message that was never heard before? The answer is that it is neither a new revelation (cf. Acts 10-11) nor a secret knowledge given by Jesus to the beloved disciple alone (like in Thomas). It was a new understanding in the Holy Spirit by the community of the beloved disciple.
“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you” (Jn14:26). When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you things that are to come” (16:13).
“Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up”… After [Jesus] was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said so; and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken. (2:19-22)
The term “Son of Man,” like “Son of David”, from “title” becomes one of the “functions” of the Logos
“God has given the Son authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man” (5:27). Jesus is called the Son of Man because he is “the Judge” (cf. 9:35-38), exactly as he is called the Son of David because he is “the King.”
Jesus, however, is not identified with the Father. Jesus is as divine as the Father. Jesus may now be called theos (Jn 1:1; 20:28).
Love (not knowledge alone) is the way to salvation
Love is the most distinctive feature of the disciples in Christ:
John 3:16-17 -- For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. 17 "Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
John 13:34-35 (NRSV) -- 34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
21 They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them."
John 15 (NRSV) -- 9 As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. 11 I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete. 12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you.
The Gospel of John in Scholarship
The Gospel of John in Fiction
Chapter 1
- Prologue of John (1:1-18) // no parallel
- Preaching of John the Baptist (1:19-28)
- Baptism of Jesus (1:29-34)
- Call of the First Disciples (1:35-51) // Cf. Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11
Chapter 2
- Wedding at Cana (2:1-12) // no parallel
- Cleansing of the Temple (2:13-22) // Mark 11:15–19; Matthew 21:12-17; Luke 19:45-48
- Jesus Knows All Men // no parallel
Chapter 3
- Meeting with Nicodemus (3:1-12) // no parallel
Chapter 4
- Samaritan Woman at the Well (4:1-42)
- Royal Official's Son (4:43-54) // Cf. Matthew 8:5-13 // Luke 7:1-10
Chapter 5
- Paralytic at Bethesda (5:1-18) // no parallel
- Authority of the Son (5:19-30) // no parallel
- Witnesses to Jesus (5:31-47) // no parallel
Chapter 6
- Feeding the 5000 (6:1-15) // Mark 6:30–44; Matthew 14:13-21; Luke 9:10-17
- Walking on Water (6:16-21) // Mark 6:45–52; Matthew 14:22-33
- Bread of Life (6:22-59) // no parallel
- Words of Eternal Life (6:60-71) // no parallel
Chapter 7
- Unbelief of Jesus' Brothers (7:1-9) // no parallel
- Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (7:10-24) // no parallel
- Is This the Christ? (7:25-31) // no parallel
- Officers Sent to Arrest Jesus (7:32-36) // no parallel
- Rivers of Living Water (7:37-39) // no parallel
- Division among the People (7:40-44) // no parallel
- Unbelief of Those in Authority (7:45-52) // no parallel
Chapter 8
- Jesus and the Adulteress (7:53-8:11) // no parallel
- Light of the World (8:12-20) // no parallel
- Where I Am Going You Cannot Come (8:21-30) // no parallel
- Truth Will Make You Free (8:31-38) // no parallel
- Your Father the Devil (8:39-47) // no parallel
- Before Abraham Was, I Am (8:48-59) // no parallel
Chapter 9
- Blind at Birth (9:1-41) // no parallel
Chapter 10
- Sheepfold (10:1-6) // no parallel
- Good Shepherd (10:7-21)
- Rejection of Jesus (10:22-42)
Chapter 11
- Raising of Lazarus (11:1-44) // no parallel
- Plot to Kill Jesus (11:45-53) // Mark 14:1-2; Matthew 26:1-5; Luke 22:1-2
Chapter 12
- Anointing at Bethany (12:1-8) // Mark 14:3–9; Matthew 26:6-13
- Plot to Kill Lazarus (12:9-11) // no parallel
- Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (12:12-19) // Mark 11:1–11; Matthew 21:1-11; Luke 19:28-40
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
- Trial of Jesus before the High Priest (I) (18:12-14) //
- Peter's Denial (II) (18:15-18) // Mark 14:66-72); Matthew 26:69-75; Luke 22:56-62;
- Trial of Jesus before the High Priest (II) (18:19-24) //
- Peter's Denial (III) (18:25-27)
- Trial of Jesus before Pilate (18:28-19:16a)
Chapter 19
- Crucifixion of Jesus (19:16b-37)
- Burial of Jesus (19:38-42) // Mark 15:42–47; Matthew 27:57-61; Luke 23:50-56
Chapter 20
- Empty Tomb (20:1-10) // Mark 16:1-8; Matthew 28:1-8; Luke 24:1-12
- Appearances of Jesus (I) (20:11–29) // Cf. 1 Corinthians 15:3–9; Matthew 28:8–20; Luke 24:13–49; Acts 1:1–11; Mark 16:9-18
- First Conclusion (20:30-31)
Chapter 21
- Appearances of Jesus (II) & Miraculous Catch of Fish (21:1–19) // Cf. 1 Corinthians 15:3–9; Matthew 28:8–20; Luke 24:13–49; Acts 1:1–11; Mark 16:9-18
- Second Conclusion (21:20-25)
Related categories
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Pages in category "Gospel of John (text)"
The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 192 total.
- Chrysostom: Homiliae super Johannem (1470 Griffolini), book
- Augustine: Expositio evangelii secundum Johannem (1491 Amerbach), book (ed. princeps)
- Commentarii initiatorii in qvatvor Evangelia (1521 Lefèvre), book
- Paraphrasis in Euangelium secundum Ioannem (1523 Erasmus), book
- Analysis logica evangelii secundum Johannem (1591 Piscator), book
- A Brief Commentary or Exposition vpon the Gospel according to St John (1646 Trapp), book
- An Exposition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, according to John (1657 Hutcheson), book
- (++) Johannespassion (St. John Passion / 1724 Bach), oratorio
- Another Defence of the Unity, wherein St. John's Introduction to His Gospel, and His Account of the Word's Being Made Flesh, Are Considered (1766 Fleming), book
- Probabilia de evangelii et epistolarum Joannis, apostoli, indole et origine (1820 Bretschneider), book
- Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte des Johannes (1840 Bauer), book
- Das Evangelium nach Johannes (1860 Lange), book
- Commentaire sur l'Evangile de saint Jean (Commentary on the Gospel of John / 1864-65 Godet), book
- An Attempt to Ascertain the Character of the Fourth Gospel (1867 Tayler), book
- The Authorship and Historical Character of the Fourth Gospel (1872 Sanday), book
- The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel (1880 Abbot), book
- The Gospel according to St. John (1880 Plummer), book
- The Gospel according to St. John (Greek Text) (1882 Plummer), book
- L'introduzione del Vangelo secondo Giovanni commentata (1882 Rosmini), book
- Commentary on the Gospel of John (1885 Hovey), book
- L'Evangelio di S. Giovanni ed il commento di Antonio Rosmini: saggio esegetico (1894 Labanca), book
- Der Prolog des Vierten Evangeliums (1898 Baldensperger), book
- Commentarius in Evangelium secundum S. Ioannem (1898 Knabenbauer), book
- Le quatrième évangile (The Fourth Gospel / 1903 Loisy), book
- Il Santo Vangelo di N.S. Gesù Cristo e gli Atti degli Apostoli (1904 Clementi, Genocchi, Semeria), book
- San Juan: estudio crítico-exegético sobre el cuarto evangelio (St. John: Critical and Exegetical Study of the Fourth Gospel / 1908 Murillo), book
- Das Evangelium des Johannes (1908 Zahn), book
- The Fourth Gospel in Research and Debate (1910 Bacon), book
- Il quarto vangelo (1910 Mari), book
- Die Echtheit des Johannesevangeliums (1915 Appel), book
- The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel (1922 Burney), book
- The Beloved Disciple (1922 Garvie), book
- Évangile selon Saint Jean (Gospel of John / 1925 Lagrange), book
- Notes on St. John and the Apocalypse (1926 Pallis), book
- (+) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John (1928 Bernard, McNeile), book
- The Gospel of John (1928 Macgregor), book
- La mistica giovannea (1930 Omodeo), book
- Comentario sobre el Evangelio de Juan = Commentary on the Gospel of John (1937 @1885 Hovey / Hale), book (Spanish ed.)
- Das Evangelium des Johannes (The Gospel of John / 1941 Bultmann), book
- Gesù secondo san Giovanni (1943 Tondelli), book
- Ignatius von Antiochien und das Johannesevangelium (1949 Maurer), book
- Le Prologue de saint Jean (1953 Boismard), book
- The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1953 Dodd), book
- The Gospel according to St. John (1955 Barrett), book
- The Gospel of John (1956 Barclay), book
- St. John's Gospel (1956 Lightfoot / Evans), book
- The Gospel according to St. John (1960 Tasker), book
- Der Paraklet (1963 Betz), book
- Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel (1963 Dodd), book
- Bread from Heaven (1965 Borgen), book
- Vangelo secondo Giovanni (1965 Prete), book
- History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel (1968 Martyn), book
- Il Vangelo di Giovanni (1968 Peretto), book
- A Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John (1968 Sanders, Mastin), book
- Jésus et les dieux guérisseurs (1970 Duprez), book
- The Gospel of Signs: A Reconstruction of the Narrative Source Underlying the Fourth Gospel (1970 Fortna), book
- The Spirit-Paraclete in the Gospel of John (1970 Johnston), book
- Johannine Christology and the Early Church (1970 Pollard), book
- The Gospel of John = Das Evangelium des Johannes (1971 @1941 Bultmann / Beasley-Murray), book (English ed.)
- The Gospel according to John (1971 Morris), book
- I racconti pasquali del cap. 20 di Giovanni (1972 Ghiberti), book
- Juan = The Gospel of John (1973-74 @1956 Barclay), book (Spanish ed.)
- L'interpretazione del quarto Vangelo = The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1974 Dodd / Ornella), book (Italian ed.)
- El evangelio de Juan (The Gospel of John / 1974 @1916 Erdman), book (Spanish ed.)
- Il dialogo con Nicodemo (1974 Gaeta), book
- Studien zum alttestamentlichen Hintergrund des Johannesevangeliums (1974 Reim), book
- The Gospel of John, rev. ed. (1975 @1956 Barclay), book
- The Fourth Gospel and the Jews: A Study in R. Akiba, Esther, and the Gospel of John (1975 Bowman), book
- The Law in the Fourth Gospel: The Torah and the Gospel, Moses and Jesus, Judaism and Christianity According to John (1975 Pancaro), book
- Der johanneische Kreis (The Johannine Circle / 1975 Cullmann), book
- The Fourth Evangelist and His Gospel: An Examination of Contemporary Scholarship (1975 Kysar), book
- John, the Maverick Gospel (1976 Kysar), book
- The Johannine Son of Man (1976 Moloney), book
- Giovanni (1976 Segalla), book
- The Gospel according to St. John, 2nd ed. (1978 @1955 Barrett), book
- Interpretación del cuarto evangelio (1978 Dodd / Alonso, Herranz), book (Spanish ed.)
- The Gospel of John in Christian History (1978 Martyn), book
- El evangelio según Juan (1979-1999 Brown), book (Spanish ed.
- El evangelio de Juan (The Gospel of John / 1979 Mateos, Barreto), book
- Das Johannesevangelium: ein Kommentar (John: A Commentary / 1980 Haenchen, Busse), book
- La communauté du disciple bien-aimé = The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1983 Brown / Godefroid), book (French ed.)
- La comunidad del discípulo amado = The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1983 @1979 Brown / Martínez Goñi), book (Spanish ed.)
- Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel (1983 Culpepper), book
- La preghiera di Gesù al Padre (1983 Segalla), book
- Lo Spirito e Cristo nel Vangelo di Giovanni (1984 Ferraro), book
- Spirito e vita cristiana in Giovanni (1984 Ghiberti), book
- Yohanpokŭm e natʻanan Kŭrisŭdo ŭi sinsŏng (1986 Robertson / Choe), book (Korean ed.)
- John (1987 Beasley-Murray), book
- Tauta egeneto: Die Präzisierungssätze im Johannesevangelium (1987 Bjerkelund), book
- The Anointed Community: The Holy Spirit in the Johannine Tradition (1987 Burge), book
- Évangile de Jean (1987 Delebecque), book
- The Beloved Disciple: His Name, His Story, His Thought (1987 Eller), book
- Moïse ou Jésus. Essai de christologie johannique (1988 Boismard), book
- La gioia di Cristo nel quarto Vangelo (1988 Ferraro), book
- Der Jünger, den Jesus liebte (1988 Kügler), book
- Lecture de l'Évangile selon Jean (Reading the Gospel of John / 1988-96 Léon-Dufour), book
- John (1988 Sloyan), book
- Lectura del evangelio de Juan (1989-1998 Léon-Dufour / Ortiz), book (Spanish ed.)
- Peter and the Beloved Disciple (1989 Quast), book
- The Shepherd Discourse of John 10 and Its Context (1991 Beutler, Fortna), edited volume
- The Beloved Disciple: Witness against Anti-Semitism (1991 Kaufman), book
- Die letzten Tage Jesu: Markus und Johannes, ihre Traditionen und die historische Frage (1991-94 Myllykoski), book
- What Are They Saying about John? (1991 Sloyan), book
- The Secret Identity of the Beloved Disciple (1992 Grassi), book
- Johanneksen evankeliumi (1992 Schulz / Dunderberg), book (Finnish ed.)
- John as Storyteller: Narrative Criticism and the Fourth Gospel (1992 Stibbe), book
- Reading John (1992 Talbert), book
- The Gospel according to John (1993 Brodie), book
- Johannes und die Synoptiker: Studien zu Joh 1-9 (1994 Dunderberg), book
- John's Gospel (1994 Stibbe), book
- Escritos joánicos y cartas católicas (1995 Alegre Santamaría/Tuñi Vancells), book
- The Beloved Disciple (1995 Charlesworth), book
- Les juifs dans l'évangile selon Jean (1995 Grelot), book
- The Gospel according to John, rev. ed. (1995 @1971 Morris), book
- Resurrection Reconsidered: Thomas and John in Controversy (1995 Riley), book
- The Theology of the Gospel of John (1995 Smith), book
- Un Évangile pré-johannique, vol. 3 tome 1 (1996 Boismard), book
- The Story of Creation: Its Origin and Its Interpretation in Philo and the Fourth Gospel (1996 Carmichael), book
- Los escritos originales de la comunidad del discípulo "amigo" de Jesús (1997 Vidal García), book
- Critique textuelle ou critique littéraire? Jean 7,1-51 (1998 Boismard), book
- Social-Science Commentary on the Gospel of John (1998 Malina, Rohrbaugh), book
- The Gospel of John (1998 Moloney), book
- Patterns of Redemption in the Fourth Gospel (1998 Østenstad), book
- Juan (John / 1999 Blank), book
- According to John: The Witness of the Beloved Disciple (1999 O'Grady), book
- Come nasce una religione (2000 Destro/Pesce), book
- Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel (2001 Bieringer), edited volume
- Comment Luc a remanié l'évangile de Jean (2001 Boismard), book
- "Igaz tanúvallomás - Kommentár János evangéliumához (A True Testimony - A Commentary to the Gospel of John / 2001 Bolyki), book
- Voices of the Mystics: Early Christian Discourse in the Gospels of John and Thomas (2001 De Conick), book
- John's Apologetic Christology (2001 McGrath), book
- Befriending the Beloved Disciple (2001 Reinhartz), book
- John, Beloved Disciple (2001 Reymond), book
- János evangéliuma a görög tragédiák tükrében (The Gospel of John from the Perspective of Greek Tragedies / 2002 Bolyki), book
- The Raising of Lazarus and the Passion of Jesus in John 11 and 12 (2003 Burke), book
- Scripture Cannot Be Broken: The Social Function of the Use of Scripture in the Fourth Gospel (2003 Clark-Soles), book
- The Gospel according to John (2003 Kruse), book
- A Feminist Companion to John (2003 Levine, Blickenstaff), edited volume
- The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003 Saville), feature film
- Escritos de São João (2004 Neves), book
- La Chiesa nel quarto Vangelo (2005 Binni), book
- Johannine Sectarianism in Perspective: A Sociological, Historical, and Comparative Analysis of Temple and Social Relationships in the Gospel of John, Philo, and Qumran (2005 Fuglseth), book
- Identity Matters: John, the Jews, and Jewishness (2005 Hakola), book
- A Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John (2005 Lincoln), book
- Jesus, Messias e vivificador do mundo (2005 Malzoni), book
- Das Johannesevangelium (The Gospel of John / 2005 Thyen), book
- The Gospel of the Beloved Disciple (2005 Waetjen), book
- Judaism and the Jews in the Gospel of John (2006 Beutler), book
- L'Ebraismo e gli Ebrei nel vangelo di Giovanni (2006 Beutler), book (Italian ed.)
- John: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist (2006 Carter), book
- The Beloved Disciple in Conflict?: Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas (2006 Dunderberg), book
- The Jews and the World in the Fourth Gospel (2006 Kierspel), book
- The Judaean Poor and the Fourth Gospel (2006 Ling), book
- The Bridegroom Messiah and the People of God: Marriage in the Fourth Gospel (2006 McWhirter), book
- John (2006 O'Day / Hylen), book
- The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple (2007 Bauckham), book
- Peter in the Gospel of John (2007 Blaine), book
- The Sheep of the Fold: The Audience and Origin of the Gospel of John (2007 Klink), book
- The Gospel of John ~ NCBC (2007 Neyrey), book
- Hagyományok Dialógusban. Közelítések János evangéliumához (Approaches to the Gospel of John / 2007 Simon), book
- L'évangile selon saint Jean (The Gospel of John / 2007-14 Zumstein), book
- The Gospel of John and Christian Theology (2008 Bauckham / Mosser), edited volume
- John and Empire: Initial Explorations (2008 Carter), book
- Le signe du Sanctuaire (2008 Latour), book
- The Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John (2008 Reynolds), book
- The Fourth Gospel in Four Dimensions: Judaism and Jesus, the Gospels and Scripture (2008 Smith), book
- Essays on John and Hebrews (2010 Attridge), book
- It is the Spirit that Gives Life: A Stoic Understanding of Pneuma in John's Gospel (2010 Buch-Hansen), book
- The Son of Man in the Gospel of John (2010 Ellens), book
- The Gospel of John (2010 Michaels), book
- The Legacy of John: Second-Century Reception of the Fourth Gospel (2010 Rasimus), edited volume
- Четвертое Евангелие и его палестинский контекст = The Fourth Gospel and Its Palestinian Context (2010 Tarasenko), book
- El evangelio es Jesús: Pautas para una nueva comprensión del Evangelio según Juan (2010 Tuñi Vancells), book
- The Gospel and Letters of John ~ Eerdmans Critical Commentary (2010 Wahlde), book
- The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel: An Introduction to John (2011 Anderson), book
- Il Vangelo di Giovanni: commento papirologico al capitolo II (2011 Calzolaio), book
- Dining with John: Communal Meals and Identity Formation in the Fourth Gospel and Its Historical and Cultural Context (2011 Kobel), book
- Juan (John / 2011 Padilla), book
- ¡Vengan y vean!: Aproximación narrativa a los "primeros días" del Cuarto Evangelio (2012 Casas Ramiréz), book
- Experiencias religiosas y conflictos en el cuarto evangelio (Religious Experiences and Conflicts in the Fourth Gospel / 2012 García Huidobro), book
- Retelling Scripture: 'The Jews' and the Scriptural Citations in John 1:19-12:50 (2012 Sheridan), book
- The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic (2013 Spong), non-fiction
- The Gospel of John (2014 Batty), feature film
- The Gospel of John: More Light from Philo, Paul and Archaeology (2014 Borgen), book
- John: The Gospel of Wisdom (2014 Card), book
- Raymond Brown, 'The Jews,' and the Gospel of John: From Apologia to Apology (2015 Cronin), book
- The Role of Jewish Feasts in John's Gospel (2015 Wheaton), book
- Das Johannesevangelium = L'évangile selon saint Jean (The Gospel of John / 2016 @2007-14 Zumstein), book (German ed.)
- John and Judaism: A Contested Relationship in Context (2017 Culpepper, Anderson), edited volume
- Jesus in John’s Gospel: Structure and Issues in Johannine Christology (2017 Loader), book
- Theology and History in the Fourth Gospel: Tradition and Narration (2018 Frey), book
- To Cast the First Stone: The Transmission of a Gospel Story (2019 Knust, Wasserman), book
Media in category "Gospel of John (text)"
The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.
- 1965 Freed (book).jpg 943 × 1,500; 27 KB
- 1965 Hunter.jpg 313 × 499; 20 KB
- 1966 Brown.jpg 326 × 499; 33 KB
- 1970 Brown.jpg 316 × 474; 28 KB
- 1979 Brown.jpg 331 × 499; 23 KB
- 1984-T Haenchen Busse.jpg 400 × 451; 120 KB
- 2003 * Pagels.jpg 324 × 499; 41 KB
- 2008 Tukasi.jpg 400 × 604; 49 KB
- 2010 Mburu.jpg 339 × 499; 17 KB
- 2011 Coloe.jpg 333 × 499; 55 KB
- 2006-E * Rogerson - Lieu.jpg 400 × 581; 196 KB
- 2010-E * Lim Collins.jpg 348 × 499; 36 KB
- 2018 Lieu Boer.jpg 345 × 499; 49 KB
- 2018 Reinhartz.jpg 314 × 499; 29 KB
- 2018-E * Reynolds Boccaccini.jpg 300 × 458; 24 KB
- 2020 Blumhofer.jpg 304 × 499; 13 KB
- 2020 Reynolds.jpg 331 × 499; 39 KB
- 2021 * Cirafesi.jpg 328 × 499; 12 KB
- 2021 Becker Bond.jpg 400 × 600; 37 KB