L'homme du livre (Muhammad / 1994 Chraïbi), novel
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L'homme du livre <French> / Muhammad (1994) is a novel by Driss Chraïbi.
An account of the two days that preceded the Revelation.
Published in Casablanca [Morocco]: EDDIF, 1994; and Paris [France]: Balland, 1995.
External links
- 1994
- Fiction
- Literature
- Novels
- Moroccan Fiction
- Moroccan Literature
- French language
- Made in the 1990s
- Early Islamic Studies
- Early Islamic Studies--Fiction
- Early Islamic Studies--French
- Early Islamic Studies--French language
- Early Islamic Studies--Morocco
- Muhammad (subject)
- Muhammad--fiction (subject)
- Muhammad--literature (subject)
- Top 1990s
- Fiction--Top 1990s
- French language--Top 1990s
- Early islamic Studies--Top 1990s