Revision as of 09:33, 21 November 2012 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
The 1,500+ entries of the 4 Enoch Index give access to more than 15,000 pages, authored by international specialists, related to the study of Second Temple Judaism (Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins). The Encyclopedia includes scholarly research as well as fictional interpretation of the period, from the mid-15th century to the present.
- New Testament Studies -- Historical Jesus Studies / Pauline Studies / Petrine Studies / Johannine Studies
The 4 Enoch Index can be sorted out according to the following sub-categories:
- (a) People, Deities, Literary characters (492+)
- (b) Places, Cities, Regions (130+)
- (c) Artifacts, Monuments, Relics (50+)
- (e) Topics (150+)
- (f) Texts (240+)
- (g) Sources (210+)
- (c) Genres
- (d) Languages
- (e) Countries
- (a) Scholars
- (b) Authors
- (c) Expertise
- (d) Identities
- (e) Countries
[NOTES: 4 Enoch is a work in process; some pages may exist only in a draft form.]
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Pages in category "Index"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,285 total.
(previous page) (next page)3
- Aaron
- Aaron (arts)
- Aaronites
- Abel
- Abel (arts)
- Abel (sources)
- Abiathar
- Abiathar (sources)
- Abigail
- Abigail (arts)
- Abijam
- Abilene
- Abraham
- Abraham (arts)
- Abraham (research)
- Abraham (sources)
- Abraham, Apocalypse of
- Abraham, Testament of
- Absalom
- Absalom (arts)
- Acco (sources)
- Acco / Ptolemais
- Achaia
- Actors
- Acts of the Apostles
- Acts of Thomas
- Adam
- Adam (arts)
- Adam (sources)
- Adam and Eve, Life of
- Adam, Apocalypse of
- Adelaide, Australia
- Adiabene
- Adoration of the Magi
- Adoration of the Shepherds
- Adultery
- Adversus Judaeos Literature
- African
- African-American
- African-American Art
- African-American Artists
- African-American Fiction
- African-American Novelists
- African-American Poets
- African-American Scholars
- Afrikaans language
- Agabus
- Agabus (arts)
- Agabus (sources)
- Against Apion
- Agony in the Garden
- Agriculture
- Agrigento, Italy
- Agrippa I
- Agrippa I (arts)
- Agrippa I (sources)
- Agrippa II
- Agrippa II (arts)
- Agrippa II (sources)
- Agrippias / Anthedon
- Ahaz
- Ahaziah
- Ahimelech
- Ahiqar
- Ahiqar, Book of
- Ahiqar, Story of
- Akiba
- Akiba (arts)
- Akiba (research)
- Albania / Shqipëria
- Albanian
- Albanian Authors
- Albanian Fiction
- Albanian language
- Albanian Music
- Albanian Playwrights
- Albanian Scholars
- Albanian Scholarship
- Albanian Theatre
- Albinus
- Albinus (sources)
- Alcimus
- Alcimus (research)
- Alcimus (sources)
- Alexander Balas
- Alexander Balas (arts)
- Alexander Jannaeus
- Alexander Jannaeus (arts)
- Alexander Jannaeus (sources)
- Alexander of Judea
- Alexander Polyhistor
- Alexander Polyhistor (research)
- Alexander Severus
- Alexander the Alabarch
- Alexander the Great
- Alexander the Great (arts)
- Alexander the Great (research)
- Alexandra Salome
- Alexandra the Hasmonean
- Alexandria of Egypt
- Alexandrian Library
- Alexandrium
- Alexandros
- Alien Jesus
- Allegory
- Allenstein, Germany (=Olsztyn, Poland)
- Altar of Peter
- Amadour
- Amahl
- Amaziah
- Ambivulus
- Ambivulus (sources)
- Amel-Marduk
- American
- American Art
- American Artists
- American Composers
- American Fiction
- American Film Directors
- American Literature
- American Music
- American Novelists
- American Playwrights
- American Poets
- American Scholars
- American Scholars on Josephus
- American Scholarship
- American Theatre
- Amman / Philadelphia
- Amon
- Amos
- Amos (arts)
- Amram, Visions of
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Ananel
- Ananias & Sapphira
- Ananias ben Nebedaeus
- Ananus ben Ananus
- Ananus ben Ananus (research)
- Ananus ben Ananus (sources)
- Ananus ben Seth
- Ancha Icon of the Savior
- Ancient Israel
- Ancient Israel & Second Temple History
- Ancient Israel Fiction
- Ancient Israel History
- Ancient Israel Studies
- Ancient Judaism
- Ancona, Italy
- Andrew
- Andrew (arts)
- Andrew (research)
- Andrew's Tomb
- Angels & Demons
- Animations
- Ann Arbor, MI
- Annas
- Annas (arts)
- Anne
- Anne (arts)
- Annunciation to Anne and Joachim
- Annunciation to Joseph
- Annunciation to Mary
- Annunciation to the Shepherds
- Annunciation to Zacharias
- Anointing of Jesus
- Anthedon / Agrippias
- Anti-Judaism
- Antichrist
- Antigonus
- Antigonus (sources)
- Antioch of Pisidia
- Antioch of Syria
- Antiochus III the Great
- Antiochus III the Great (sources)
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes
- Antiochus IV Epiphanes (sources)
- Antiochus V Eupator
- Antipas
- Antipater
- Antipater II
- Antipater II (arts)
- Antipatris
- Antipatris (sources)
- Antisemitism
- Antonia Fortress
- Antoninus Pius
- Aphek
- Aphrodisias
- Apocalypse of Abraham
- Apocalypse of Abraham (research)
- Apocalypse of Adam
- Apocalypse of Daniel
- Apocalypse of Paul
- Apocalypse of Peter
- Apocalypse of Sedrach
- Apocalypse of Zephaniah