Revision as of 08:27, 23 May 2011 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Non-fiction''' Category:Subjects")
Pages in category "Non-Fiction"
The following 49 pages are in this category, out of 49 total.
- An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism (1671 Stubbe), ms.
- (+) The Life and Death of Mahumed, the Author of the Turkish Religion (1679 Addison), non-fiction
- Histoire de la vie de Mahomet (History of the Life of Muhammad / 1773-79 Turpin), non-fiction
- Historie de l'Alcoran (History of the Qur'an / 1775 Turpin), book
- Mahomet and His Successors (1849 Irving), non-fiction
- La clef des grands mystères, suivant Hénoch, Abraham, Hermès Trismégiste, et Salomon (The Key to the Great Mysteries after Enoch, Abraham, Hermes Trismegistus, and Solomon / 1861 Constant), non-fiction
- Brief Summary of Material and Chronological Facts, to Connect the Old with the New Testament (1862 Perceval), non-fiction
- The Men of the Pauline Circle (1914 Seekings), non-fiction
- (+) Mohammed (1926 Dibble), non-fiction
- Иисус Неизвестный (Jesus the Unknown / 1932 Merezhkovsky), non-fiction
- The Life of Jesus (1937 Noel), non-fiction
- And Pilate Said: A New Study of the Roman Procurator (1939 Morison), non-fiction
- Jesus the Heretic (1939 Noel), non-fiction
- The Human Life of Jesus (1945 Erskine), nonfiction book
- Il processo di Gesù, "re dei Giudei" (The Trial of Jesus, "King of the Jews" / 1948 Nardi), non-fiction
- (+) The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1956 Davies), non-fiction
- Die Höhle am Toten Meer (1961 Stoll), non-fiction
- (+) The Black Messiah (1968 Cleage), book
- The Messenger: The Life of Mohammed (1969 Bodley), non-fiction (reprint)
- (+) The Life and Times of Muhammad (1970 Glupp), non-fiction
- イエスの生涯 (A Life of Jesus / 1973 Endo), non-fiction
- Viata si învatatura Mantuitorului Iisus (The Life and Teaching of the Savior Jesus Christ / 1977 Copacianu), non-fiction
- San Paolo (Saint Paul / 1977 Pasolini), non-fiction
- Jesus: The Evidence (1984 Wilson), non-fiction
- The Other Twelve (1988 Flynn), non-fiction
- Gesù ebreo (Jesus the Jew / 1990 Calimani), non-fiction
- Iisus din Nazaret (Jesus of Nazareth / 1990 Copacianu), non-fiction
- Fiul lui Dumnezeu (The Son of God / 1991 Copacianu), non-fiction
- Myten om Jesus (1992 Ellegård), non-fiction
- Just as I Am: A Practical Guide to Being Out, Proud, and Christian (1992 Williams), non-fiction
- Ponzio Pilato: storia e leggenda (Pontius Pilate: History and Legend / 1994 Centini), non-fiction
- Il processo di Gesù (The Trial of Jesus / 1994 Pajardi), non-fiction
- The Hidden Jesus: A New Life (1998 Spoto), book
- Decoding the Bible Code (1998 Weldon), non-fiction book
- War Jesus Caesar? (Was Jesus Caesar? / 1999 Carotta), non-fiction
- I manoscritti del Mar Morto (1999 Nangeroni), non-fiction
- Pontius Pilate (1999 Wroe), non-fiction
- Maomé = Muhammad (2002 @1991 Armstrong / Guerini, Fernandes, Costa), non-fiction (Portuguese ed.)
- The Truth behind the Da Vinci Code (2004 Abanes), non-fiction
- Maometto = Muhammad (2004 @1991 Armstrong / Pastore), non-fiction (Italian ed.)
- God against the Gods: The History of the War between Monotheism and Polytheism (2004 Kirsch), non-fiction
- 聖經隱藏的歷史 : 破解達・文西密碼 (The Concealed History of the Bible: To Decode Da Vinci / 2005 Fang), non-fiction
- A History of the End of the World (2006 Kirsch), non-fiction
- Perché non possiamo essere cristiani (e meno che mai cattolici) (2007 Odifreddi), non-fiction
- Beloved Disciple: The Misunderstood Legacy of Mary Magdalene (2008 Griffith-Jones), non-fiction
- Paul and Phoebe: Early Christianity in the Peloponnese (2008 Rees), non-fiction
- The Real History of the End of the World (2010 Newman), non-fiction
- Los rollos del mar muerto y las raíces secretas del cristianismo (2011 Dulitzky), non-fiction
- Jesus von Nazareth: 2. Vom Einzug in Jerusalem bis zur Auferstehung (2011 Ratzinger), non-fiction
Media in category "Non-Fiction"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
- 1948 Nardi.jpg 375 × 500; 34 KB
- 1949 Pavia.jpg 328 × 500; 24 KB
- 1955 * Wilson.jpg 396 × 500; 44 KB
- 1957 Howlett.jpg 1,018 × 1,500; 279 KB
- 1960 * Aron.jpg 300 × 400; 22 KB
- 1999 Calimani.jpg 336 × 500; 30 KB
- 2006 * Augias Pesce.jpg 320 × 500; 22 KB