Category:Pauline Studies--2000s
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2000 : Reinventing Paul , by John G. Gager
John G. Gager, Reinventing Paul (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
<Throughout the Christian era, Paul has stood at the center of controversy, accused of being the father of Christian anti-Semitism. But have we misunderstood the man and his teachings for nearly 2,000 years? In this highly accessible book, John Gager challenges this entrenched view of Paul, arguing persuasively that Paul's words have been taken out of their original context, distorted, and generally misconstrued. Gager takes us in search of the "real" Paul--using Paul's own writings. Through an exhaustive analysis of Paul's letters to the Galatians and the Romans, he provides illuminating answers to the key questions: Did Paul repudiate the Law of Moses? Did he believe that Jews had been rejected by God and replaced as His chosen people by Gentiles? Did he consider circumcision to be necessary for salvation? And did he expect Jews to find salvation through Jesus? To all these questions, John Gager answers no. First, he puts Paul's proselytizing in context. Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles, not the Jews. His most vehement arguments were directed not against Judaism but against competing apostles in the Jesus movement who demanded that Gentiles be circumcised and conform to Jewish law in order to be saved. Moreover, Paul relied on rhetorical devices that were familiar to his intended audience but opaque to later readers of the letters. As a result, his message has been misunderstood by all succeeding generations. Reinventing Paul brilliantly sets forth a controversial interpretation of Paul's teaching. This thought-provoking portrait is essential reading for theologians and lay people, historians and philosophers, Christians and Jews.>--Publisher description.
<Gager proposes a new paradigm for Pauline studies, following the lead of Stanley Stowers, A Rereading of Romans, and Lloyd Gaston, Paul and the Torah. Gager challenges the traditional viewpoint that Paul converted from Judaism to Christianity and then attacked his former Jewish compatriots for their rejection of Jesus and their obsolete view of Torah. Gager argues that when interpreting Pauline texts such as Galatians and Romans it is crucial to keep Paul’s Gentile audience in mind. Paul did not intend to teach that the law was no longer binding; he frequently speaks in praise of the law. But for Gentiles he preached freedom from the law. When Paul says that “circumcision is of no value” (Rom 3:1), he means that salvation for Gentiles is not based upon circumcision or obeying the Torah. Paul was primarily interested in proclaiming Christ as Savior for Gentiles. Paul does not reject Judaism; his theological opponents were followers of Jesus who wanted to compel Gentiles to live like Jews. Gager’s ultimate objective is to stem the tide of Christian anti-Semitism in contemporary society. Christians too often hijack Paul to support an anti-Semitic agenda. The reader will have to determine whether Gager has satisfactorily explained the seemingly conflicting Pauline references to the law. >--Ronald Ruark, University of Michigan
Preface -- Introduction -- 1. The Traditional View of Paul -- 2. New Views of Paul -- 3. The Letter to the Galatians -- 4. The Letter to the Romans -- 5. Loose Ends
Pages in category "Pauline Studies--2000s"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 228 total.
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- ~~ ~~ 2000 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Il tempo che resta: un commento alla Lettera ai Romani (The Time That Remains: A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans / 2000 Agamben), book
- (+) Saint Saul: A Skeleton Key to the Historical Jesus (2000 Akenson), book
- The Religion of Paul the Apostle (2000 Ashton), book
- The Letter to Philemon ~ Eerdmans Critical Commentary (2000 Barth, Blanke), book
- Gesù e Paolo, figli d'Israele = Jésus et Paul, fils d'Israël (Jesus and Paul, Children of Israel / 2000 @1988 Chouraqui / Mello), book (Italian ed.)
- The Timothy Diary (2000 Edwards), novel
- Paul and the Stoics (2000 Engberg-Pedersen), book
- Lettera ai Filippesi; Lettera a Filemone (2000 Fabris), book
- (+) The Letter to Philemon (2000 Fitzmyer), book
- Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon (2000 Gorday), book
- A Good Fight: Paul's Journal (2000 Gurney), novel
- Moisés e Israel en el desierto: el midrás paulino de 1Cor 10,1-13 (2000 Inostroza Lanas), book
- Integrating Theology and Ethics in Ephesians (2000 Jeal), book
- First Corinthians 1-4 in Light of Jewish Wisdom Traditions (2000 Lamp), book
- L'antipaulinisme sectaire au temps des pères de l'Eglise (2000 Légasse), book
- L'antipaulinisme sertaire au temps des Pères de l'Église (2000 Legasse), book
- Woman of Means (2000 Lemmons), novel
- L'Épître de Paul aux Galates (2000 Légasse), book
- The Letters to the Thessalonians (2000 Malherbe), book
- Philippians, Philemon (2000 Osiek), book
- The Reverse of the Curse: Paul, Wisdom, and the Law (2000 Pate), book
- Christ, Our Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Justification (2000 Seifrid), book
- The First Epistle to the Corinthians ~ NIGTC (2000 Thiselton), book
- Lettera ai Galati (2000 Vanhoye), book
- Leadership and Lifestyle: The Portrait of Paul in the Miletus Speech and 1 Thessalonians (2000 Walton), book
- Agape, Eros, Gender: Towards a Pauline Sexual Ethic (2000 Watson), book
- 末世與盼望 : 帖撒羅尼迦前、後書的現代詮釋 (Eschatology and Hope: 1 & 2 Thessalonians / 2000 Yeo), book
- San Paolo (St. Paul / 2000 Young), TV mini-series
- ~~ ~~ 2001 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Ensayo sobre los orígenes del cristianismo: De la religión política de Jesús a la religión doméstica de Pablo (2001 Aguirre Monasterio), book
- Paolo e il suo vangelo (Paul and His Gospel / 2001 Benzi), book
- 自由的眞理 : 保羅神學觀 = Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free (2001 Bruce / Fan, Zhang), book (Chinese ed.)
- Rhetoric, Law, and the Mystery of Salvation in Romans 7:1-6 (2001 Burton), book
- Justification and Variegated Nomism: 1. The Complexities of Second Temple Judaism (2001 Carson, O'Brien, Seifrid), edited volume
- Reading Galatians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonians (2001 Cousar), book
- Paul and the Crucified Christ in Antioch (2001 Cummins), book
- Paul and the Mosaic Law (2001 Dunn), edited volume
- The Priscilla Diary (2001 Edwards), novel
- What Are They Saying about the Pastoral Epistles? (2001 Harding), book
- Consolation in Philippians: Philosophical Sources and Rhetorical Strategy (2001 Holloway), book
- The First and Second Letters to Timothy (2001 Johnson), book
- Hebrews (2001 Koester), book
- What Are They Saying about Paul and the Law? (2001 Koperski), book
- L'Apôtre des nations? Paul et la stratégie missionnaire des Églises apostoliques (2001 Legrand), book
- Rhetoric and Exegesis in Augustine's Interpretation of Romans 7:24-25a (2001 Martin), book
- Philippians: From People to Letter (2001 Oakes), book
- Enquête sur Paul et Jésus (Investigation on Paul and Jesus / 2001 Persoz), book
- Lettera ai Romani (2001 Pitta), book
- San Pablo: su vida, sus cartas, su teologia (St. Paul: His Life, Letters, and Theology / 2001 Rivas), book
- Revisiting Paul's Doctrine of Justification (2001 Stuhlmacher), book
- ~~ ~~ 2002 ~~ ~~ ~~
- La religione dell'apostolo Paolo = The Religion of Paul the Apostle (2002 @2000 Ashton / Ianovitz), book (Italian ed.)
- Paul and the Power of Sin (2002 Carter), book
- The Gaius Diary (2002 Edwards), novel
- Para leer a San Pablo (2002 Fabris / Aimar), book (Spanish ed.)
- Where Is Boasting?: Early Jewish Soteriology and Paul's Response in Romans 1-5 (2002 Gathercole), book
- Paulus und Jakobus (Paul and James / 2002 Hengel), book
- New Creation in Paul's Letters and Thought (2002 Hubbard), book
- Reading Hebrews and James (2002 Isaacs), book
- Situating the Letter to the Hebrews in Early Christian History (2002 Isaak), book
- L'Épître de Paul aux Romains (2002 Légasse), book
- Seconda lettera ai Corinzi (2002 Manzi), book
- Rectification ('Justification') in Paul, in Historical Perspective, and in the English Bible (2002 Moore), book
- The Irony of Galatians: Paul’s Letter in First-Century Context (2002 Nanos), book
- Paulus: eine Einführung = Paul: A Very Short Introduction (2002 Sanders / Schöller), book (German ed.)
- The New Perspective on Paul (2002 Thompson), book
- 바울 : 예수의 추종자인가 기독교의 창시자인가 ? = Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity? (2002 @1995 Wenham / Pak), book (Korean ed.)
- El verdadero pensamiento de Pablo = What Saint Paul Really Said (2002 Wright / González), book (Spanish ed.)
- Chairman Mao Meets the Apostle Paul: Christianity, Communism, and the Hope of China (2002 Yeo), book
- ~~ ~~ 2003 ~~ ~~ ~~
- More than Conquerors (2003 Afarian), novel
- + Saint Paul: The Foundation of Universalism = Saint-Paul: la fondation de l'universalisme (2003 @1997 Badiou / Brassier), book (English ed.)
- Pablo, apostol del corazón liberado = Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free (2003 Bruce / Gómez), book (Spanish ed.)
- Paulo: o apóstolo da graça = Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free (2003 Bruce / Fuchs), book (Portuguese ed.)
- Épitres et lettres - Ier - IIe siècle. De Paul de Tarse à Polycarpe de Smyrne (2003 Burnet), book
- Slavery Metaphors in Early Judaism and Pauline Christianity (2003 Byron), book
- L'avorton de Dieu: une vie de saint Paul (Paul, Least of the Apostles / 2003 Decaux), non-fiction
- Pablo: Un hombre de dos mundos (2003 Den Heyer), book (Spanish ed.)
- 바울신학 = The Theology of Paul the Apostle (2003 Dunn / Pak), book (Korean ed.)
- Conflict and Identity in Romans (2003 Esler), book
- Une lecture de l'épître aux Hébreux (2003 Grelot), book
- Oriel's Travels (2003 Harrison), novel
- Leadership in 1 Corinthians: A Case Study in Paul's Ecclesiology (2003 Hiigel), book
- Paul: A Short Introduction (2003 Hooker), book
- A Feminist Companion to the Deutero-Pauline Epistles (2003 Levine, Blickenstaff), edited volume
- Der Brief an die Römer (2003 Lohse), book
- Anamorphotes tes oikoumenes: hoi Apostoloi Paulos kai Varnavas sten Kypro (2003 Maratheutes), novel
- Paul: A Jew on the Margins (2003 Roetzel), book
- Lettera agli Efesini (2003 Romanello), book
- Paul in the Greco-Roman World (2003 Sampley), edited volume
- Paul le converti: apôtre ou apostat (2003 Segal), book (French ed.)
- Roman Wives, Roman Widows: The Appearance of New Women and the Pauline Communities (2003 Winter), book
- The Formation of Christianity in Antioch (2003 Zetterholm), book
- ~~ ~~ 2004 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Il pensare dell'apostolo Paolo (The Thinking of the Apostle Paul / 2004 Barbaglio), book
- Justification and Variegated Nomism: 2. The Paradoxes of Paul (2004 Carson, O'Brien, Seifrid), edited volume
- 提摩太前書 (1 Timothy / 2004 Chen), book
- So You Think You're a New Testament Writer (2004 Coles), novel
- (+) In Search of Paul (2004 Crossan, Reed), book
- That We May Be Mutually Encouraged: Feminism and the New Perspective in Pauline Studies (2004 Ehrensperger), book
- 帖撒羅尼迦前書 (1 Thessalonians / 2004 Fung), book
- Irmãos de Fé (Brothers in Faith / 2004 Góes), feature film (Portuguese)
- (+) The Gospel according to Paul (2004 Griffith-Jones), non-fiction
- A Feminist Companion to Paul (2004 Levine, Blickenstaff), edited volume
- A Feminist Companion to the Catholic Epistles and Hebrews (2004 Levine, Robbins), edited volume
- Ancient Rhetoric and Paul's Apology: The Compositional Unity of 2 Corinthians (2004 Long), book
- (+) Paul: His Story (2004 Murphy-O'Connor), book
- From Hope to Despair in Thessalonica: Situating 1 and 2 Thessalonians (2004 Nicholl), book
- Lettera ai Romani (2004-2008 Penna), book
- The Pauline Canon (2004 Porter), edited volume
- Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul (2004 Waters), book
- Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith (2004 Watson), book
- Understanding Paul: The Early Christian Worldview of the Letter to the Romans (2004 Westerholm), book (revised ed.)
- Paul's Letter to the Romans: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (2004 Witherington, Hyatt), book
- Navigating Romans through Cultures (2004 Yeo), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2005 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Saint Paul Épître aux Philippiens (2005 Aletti), book
- Paul (2005 Brenton), play
- The Quest for Paul's Gospel (2005 Campbell), book
- (+) Apostle Paul (2005 Cannon), novel
- Cross-Cultural Paul (2005 Cosgrove, Weiss, Yeo), edited volume
- The New Perspective on Paul (2005 Dunn), book
- Junia: The First Woman Apostle (2005 Epp), novel
- Hebrews: Contemporary Methods - New Insights (2005 Gelardini), edited volume
- What Are They Saying about the Letter to the Hebrews? (2005 Harrington), book
- The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (2005 Harris), book
- Reconstructing Honor in Roman Philippi: Carmen Christi as cursus pudorum (2005 Hellerman), book
- Lettere a Timoteo; Lettera a Tito (2005 Iovino), book
- 1-2 Corinthians (2005 Keener), book
- Paulus der Jude: seine Stellung im christlich-jüdischen Dialog heute (2005 Lee-Linke), edited volume
- 提摩太後書 (2 Timothy / 2005 Lin), book
- Lettera agli Ebrei (2005 Marcheselli-Casale), book
- La tipologia adamica nella lettera agli Efesini (2005 Martin), book
- Theological Hermeneutics and 1 Thessalonians (2005 Paddison), book
- Paul and His Opponents (2005 Porter), edited volume
- Marks of an Apostle: Deconstruction, Philippians, and Problematizing Pauline Theology (2005 Smith), book
- Paul of Tarsus: A Visionary Life (2005 Stourton), non-fiction
- Paul and the Gentile Women: Reframing Galatians (2005 Wiley), book
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Colossians and Philemon (2005 Wilson), book
- (+) Paul: Fresh Perspectives (2005 Wright), book
- Jews, Gentiles, and Ethnic Reconciliation: Paul's Jewish Identity and Ephesians (2005 Yee), book
- ~~ ~~ 2006 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Gesù di Nazaret e Paolo di Tarso (Jesus of Nazareth and Paul of Tarsus / 2006 Barbaglio), book
- Divine and Human Agency in Paul and His Cultural Environment (2006 Barclay/Gathercole), edited volume
- The Begotten (2006 Bergren), novel
- En busca de Pablo = In Search of Paul (2006 Crossan, Reed), book (Spanish ed.)
- Invitation to Romans (2006 Eisenbaum), book
- Conflicto e identidad en la Carta a los Romanos (2006 Esler), book (Spanish ed.)
- Introduzione alla lettura di Paolo (Introduction to the Reading of Paul / 2006 Fabris, Romanello), book
- Ιωβηλαίο έτος, Μελχισεδέκ και η προς Εβραίους Επιστολή (2006 Goutzioudis), book
- The Corruption and Redemption of Creation: Nature in Romans 8:19-22 and Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2006 Hahne), book
- 腓立比書 (Philippians / 2006 Huang), book
- Christusbekenntnis und Jesusüberlieferung bei Paulus (Confession of Faith in Christ and Jesus Tradition in Paul / 2006 Häusser), book
- Hebrews (2006 Johnson), book
- The Lost Moonflower (2006 Karoor), novel
- Paul, the Stoics, and the Body of Christ (2006 Lee), book
- Social-Science Commentary on the Letters of Paul (2006 Malina, Pilch), book
- Justification in Perspective: Historical Developments and Contemporary Challenges (2006 McCormack), edited volumes
- The Lost Apostle: Searching for the Truth about Junia (2006 Pederson), book
- 帖撒羅尼迦後書 (2 Thessalonians / 2006 Sun), book
- El primer escrito cristiano: Texto bilingüe y comentario de 1 Tesalonicenses (2006 Vidal García), book
- El proyecto mesiánico de Pablo (Paul's Messianic Project / 2006 Vidal García), book
- Pablo de Tarso y las primeras cristianas gentiles (2006 Wiley / Martín), book (Spanish ed.)
- Lagen som evangelium?: den nya synen på Paulus och judendomen (The Law as Gospel?: The New Approach to Paul and Judaism / 2006 Zetterholm), book (Swedish)
- ~~ ~~ 2007 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Solving the Romans Debate (2007 Das), book
- Paul and the Dynamics of Power (2007 Ehrensperger), book
- Simón Pedro, Pablo de Tarso y María Magdalena = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2007 Ehrman / Noriega), book (Spanish ed.)
- Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study (2007 Fee), book
- The Cypriot (2007 Garriott), novel
- If Sons, Then Heirs: A Study of Kinship and Ethnicity in the Letters of Paul (2007 Hodge), book
- Paul kwa Roma Cheguk: Roma chegukchuŭi sahoe ŭi chonggyo wa kwŏllyŏk (2007 Horsley / Hong), edited volume (Korean ed.)
- The Demas Revelation (2007 Johnson), novel
- La seconda lettera ai Corinti (2007 Lorusso), book
- Der Mythenschmied: Paulus und die Erfindung des Christentums = The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity (2007 Maccoby / Hoevels), book (German ed.)
- Discerning the Spirits: Theological and Ethical Hermeneutics in Paul (2007 Munzinger), book
- Pál története = Paul: A Critical Life (2007 Murphy O'Connor), book (Hungarian ed.)
- The Scribe (2007 Rivers), novel
- Cosmology and Eschatology in Hebrews (2007 Schenck), book
- La sofferenza educatrice nella Lettera agli Ebrei (2007 Urso), book
- Pablo: De Tarso a Roma (2007 Vidal García), book
- Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles: Beyond the New Perspective (2007 Watson), book (rev. ed.)
- ~~ ~~ 2008 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Nordic Paul: Finnish Approaches to Pauline Theology (2008 Aejmelaeus, Mustakallio), edited volume
- Introducing Paul: The Man, His Mission and His Message (2008 Bird), book
- Jesus, Paul, and Early Christianity (2008 Buitenwerf, Hollander, Tromp), edited volume
- Recent Research on Paul and Slavery (2008 Byron), book
- The "Powers" of Personification: Rhetorical Purpose in the Book of Wisdom and the Letter to the Romans (2008 Dodson), book
- Pietro, Paolo e Maria Maddalena = Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene (2008 @2006 Ehrman / Valdré), book (Italian ed.)
- Paolo di Tarso (Paul of Tarsus / 2008 Fabris), book
- First Corinthians (2008 Fitzmyer), book
- 加拉太書註釋 = A Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (2008 Fung), book
- Meeting St. Paul Today (2008 Harrington), book
- Kowal mitu: Święty Paweł i wynalazek chrześcijaństwa = The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity (2008 Maccoby / Hoevels, Wysocki), book (Polish ed.)
- You Are a Priest Forever: Second Temple Jewish Messianism and the Priestly Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews (2008 Mason), book
- St Paul's Ephesus: Texts and Archaeology (2008 Murphy-O'Connor), book
Media in category "Pauline Studies--2000s"
The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.
- 2000 * Gager.jpg 328 × 499; 29 KB
- 2000 * Wangerin (novel).jpg 323 × 499; 38 KB
- 2000 Seifrid.jpg 400 × 619; 89 KB
- 2001 Das.jpg 324 × 499; 25 KB
- 2003 * Dunn (ed).jpg 400 × 599; 76 KB
- 2003 Das.jpg 333 × 499; 19 KB
- 2004 * Chilton.jpg 333 × 499; 34 KB
- 2004 Stanley (book).jpg 400 × 602; 52 KB
- 2004 * Westerholm.jpg 907 × 1,360; 76 KB
- 2006 * VanLandingham.jpg 332 × 499; 24 KB
- 2006 * Ehrman 2.jpg 907 × 1,360; 161 KB
- 2006 * Wills.jpg 326 × 499; 36 KB
- 2007 Jewett.jpg 500 × 500; 21 KB
- 2008 Reumann.jpg 500 × 755; 51 KB
- 2009 * Eisenbaum.jpg 336 × 499; 43 KB
- 2009 * Borg Crossan.jpg 400 × 604; 83 KB
- 2009 Campbell.jpg 330 × 499; 24 KB
- 2009 Lin.jpg 218 × 218; 6 KB
- 2009 Zetterholm.jpg 333 × 499; 30 KB