Category:Second Temple Studies--Polish
Revision as of 08:03, 20 December 2019 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
The category: Second Temple Studies--Polish, includes (in chronological order) scholarly and fictional works in Polish language dealing with Second Temple Studies.
Pages in category "Second Temple Studies--Polish"
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.
- Brief Summary of Material and Chronological Facts, to Connect the Old with the New Testament (1862 Perceval), non-fiction
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1889 @1880 Wallace / Grabowska), novel (Polish ed.)
- Ben-Hur: opowiadanie historyczne z czasów Jezusa Chrytusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1901 @1880 Wallace / Stefanski), novel (Polish ed.)
- Literatura i religia u Żydów w czasach Chrystusa Pana = Jewish Religion and Literature at the Time of Christ the Lord (1911 Trzeciak), book
- Hellenizm a judaizm (1927 Zielinski), book
- Judaizm a Hellenizm: z powodu ksiazki Prof. Tadeusza Zielinskogo p.t. "Hellenizm a Judaizm" (1929 Stein), book
- Herod król Judei (1965 Krawczuk), book
- Tytus i Berenika (1972 Krawczuk), book
- Rzym i Jerozolima (1974 Krawczuk), book
- Wprowadzenie do literatury miedzytestamentalnej (Introduction to Intertestamental Literature / 1994 Medala), book
- Ben-Hur: opowiesc z czasów Chrystusa = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1998 @1880 Wallace / Appel), novel (Polish ed.)
- Jerozolima, Ateny, Aleksandria: greckie zródla pierwszych nurtów filozofii chrzescijanskiej (2000 Zielinski), book
- Miedzy Starym a Nowym Testamentem (2002 Maier), book (Polish ed.)
- Potop w tradycji biblijnej oraz literaturze judaizmu okresu Drugiej Swiatyni (2007 Zajac), book
- Flakkus: pierwszy pogrom Zydów w Aleksandrii (Flaccus: The First Pogrom Against Jews in Alexandria / 2012 Osek), book (Polish)