Category:Second Temple Studies--1920s
![]() Second Temple Studies in the 1920s
![]() Noticeable works of the 1920s
![]() Noticeable authors of the period
English -- French -- German -- Italian -- Spanish -/- Afrikaans -- Albanian -- Armenian -- Bulgarian -- Catalan -- Chinese -- Croatian -- Czech -- Danish -- Dutch -- Greek -- Hebrew -- Hungarian -- Japanese -- Korean -- :Latin -- Norwegian -- Polish -- Portuguese -- Romanian -- Russian -- Swedish -- Yiddish |
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Pages in category "Second Temple Studies--1920s"
The following 90 pages are in this category, out of 90 total.
- Oeuvres complètes de Flavius Josephus (1900-32 Reinach), book
- Giuditta e Oloferne (1920 Damerini), play
- Das erste Buch der Machabäer (1920 Gutberlet), book
- Was verdankt die Welt den Pharisäern? (1920 Herford), book (German ed.)
- The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament (1920 James), book
- Das Geschichtliche Melchisedech-Bild und seine Bedeutung im Hebräerbriefe (1920 Jérôme), book
- Giuditta e Oloferne (Judith and Holophernes / 1920 Molinari), feature film
- Salomé, vierge folle (Salome, Mad Virgin / 1920 Raphaël), opera
- The Wandering Jew (1920 Thurston), play
- Princess Salome (1921 Jenkins, Hoskins), novel
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1921 Gaubert / @1881 Massenet), Paris production (opera)
- Christian Writers on Judaism (1921 Moore), essay
- Die hellenistisch-jüdische Literatur (1921 Stählin), book
- Der ewige Jude (1921 Vermeylen / Kippenberg / Masereel), novel & art (German ed.)
- Yerusholaim un Roym: historisher roman oys der tsayt fon bais-sheni = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1921 @1880 Wallace / Rejzen), novel (Yiddish ed.)
- Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 1921 Weber), book
- Judith (1922 Bernstein), play
- Salome (1922 Bryant), feature film
- Types of Jewish-Palestinian Piety from 70 B.C.E. to 70 C.E.: The Ancient Pious Men (1922 Büchler), book
- Eine unbekannte jüdische Sekte (An Unknown Jewish Sect / 1922 Ginzberg), book
- Pistis (1922 Gyllenberg), book
- Judith (1922 Le Borne), music
- Berenice (1922 Masefield), play
- Евреи в древности в Средние века = Jews in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages (1922 Tiumenev), book
- Salome, English ed. (1922 @1893 Wilde / Eric), Broadway production (play)
- The Wandering Jew (1923 Elvey), feature film
- Júdith (1923 Hofmeister), novel
- Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu (Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus / 1923-1937 Jeremias), book
- Toldot bet-Hordos (1923 Klausner), book
- בימי בית שני (At the Time of the Second Temple / 1923 Klausner), book
- The Roots of Hebrew Prophecy and Jewish Apocalyptic (1923 Peake), book
- Salome (1923 Strauss), film
- The Teaching of Jesus and the Jewish Teaching of His Age (1923 Walker), book
- Salome, English ed. (1923 @1893 Wilde), Broadway production (play)
- Theatre Music to Roche's Belshazzar (1924 Achron), music
- Salome (1924 Coates, Ljungberg / @1905 Strauss), sound recording (opera)
- The Pharisees (1924 Herford), book
- The Plan of Caiaphas (1924 Lee), book
- The Gnostic John the Baptizer (1924 Mead), book
- Saggi di storia e letteratura giudeo-ellenistica (1924 Motzo), book
- Belsazar, das Ende Babylons (1924 Welten), novel
- La storia del popolo ebraico dal 500 prima dell’e.v. al 500 dopo l’e.v. (1924 Zolli), book
- Stranger than Fiction: A Short History of the Jews (1925 Browne), book
- Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte, 2nd ed. (History of New Testament Times / 1925 Felten), book
- Die Aufgaben der Wissenschaft des nachbiblischen Judentums (1925 Gressmann), book
- פרקי אבות / Pirke Aboth (1925 Herford), book
- Judith (1925 Honegger / Morax), opera
- Jewish Sects and Parties in the Time of Jesus (1925 Lightley), book
- The Jewish Background of the Christian Liturgy (1925 Oesterley), book
- Dějiny novozákonní doby (History of New Testament Times / 1925 Žilka), book
- The Hidden Centuries: Malachi to Matthew (1926 Annett), book
- Die Religion des Judentums im späthellenistischen Zeitalter (1926 Bousset, Gressmann), book (revised ed.)
- Titus and Berenice (1926 Boyle), play
- 舊新約間之宗敎 (1926 Charles / Throop, Huang) = Religious Development between the Old and the New Testaments (1914 Charles), book (Chinese ed.)
- The New Testament World (1926 Dana), book
- Die Probleme des palästinischen Spätjudentums und das Urchristentum (1926 Kittel), book
- Helenismo y Judaísmo (1926 Navarro Monzó), book
- In the Palace of Amuhia (1926 Pickard), novel
- Divine Forgiveness in First Century Judaism (1926 Shaffer), thesis
- (++) Josephus (1926-1981 Thackeray/et al.), book
- John (1927 Barry), play
- Metzadah (1927 Lamdan), poetry
- Hellenizm a judaizm (1927 Zielinski), book
- Men & Manners in the Days of Christ (1928 Arendzen), non-fiction
- Sibyls and Seers (1928 Bevan), book
- Hérodiade (Herodias / 1928 Cloëz / @1881 Massenet), sound recording (opera)
- Rome et la Judée (1928 Ginsburg), book
- Au seuil de l'évangile: Jean-Baptiste (1928 Goguel), book
- Die Darstellung der jüdischen Religion bei Flavius Josephus (1928 Guttmann), book
- Belshazzar (1928 Haggard), novel
- A History of the Interbiblical Period as a Background of the New Testament (1928 Hurt), thesis
- Menigheden af den mye pagt i Damascus (The Congregation of the New Covenant in Damascus / 1928 Hvidberg), book
- Die Doper; of, Die Herodes-Treurspel (The Baptist; or, The Herod-Tragedy / 1928 Müller), play (Afrikaans)
- En idealist (1928 Munk), play
- (++) Altjudisches Schriftum ausserhalb der Bibel (OT Pseudepigrapha / 1928 Riessler), book
- The Bridge Between the Testaments (1929 Booth), book
- Les dispersés d'Israël (1929 Causse), book
- The Flaming Hand (1929 Correll), novel
- (+) The Origins of the Synagogue and the Church (1929 Kohler/Enelow), book
- Judith (1929 Goossens / @1919 Bennett), opera (music & libretto)
- Queen Mariamne and King Herod (1929 Kranzthor), play
- Spartacus (1929 Kranzthor), play
- The Pharisees and Their Teachings (1929 Lauterbach), book
- From Babylon to Bethlehem: A Survey of Interbiblical History (1929 McGinty), book
- Giuditta e Oloferne (Judith and Holophernes / 1929 Negroni), feature film
- 初代基督教之背景 (Background of Early Christianity / 1929 Outerbridge & Kawashima), book
- Juden und Phönizier (1929 Rosen, Bertram), book
- Judaizm a Hellenizm: z powodu ksiazki Prof. Tadeusza Zielinskogo p.t. "Hellenizm a Judaizm" (1929 Stein), book
Media in category "Second Temple Studies--1920s"
The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
- 1925 Dwan (film).jpg 183 × 275; 9 KB
- 1925 * Niblo (film).jpg 406 × 599; 81 KB
- 1926 Luitz-Morat (film).jpg 148 × 216; 13 KB
- 1927 * Moore.jpg 332 × 500; 44 KB
- 1928 * Hurst.jpg 667 × 1,000; 35 KB
- 1928 * Herford.jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB