Category:Top 1960s
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Top Works in the 1960s provides a list of the most popular and influential works in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Origins appeared internationally in the 1960s (or from 1960 to 1969). The list does not imply any assessment on the scholarly, artistic or intellectual value of the works. For a complete list of works in the 1960s, see Made in the 1960s.
Pages in category "Top 1960s"
The following 146 pages are in this category, out of 146 total.
- 4 Enoch Main Page
- Timeline (Home Page)
- The Treasure of the Copper Scrolls (1960 Allegro), book
- The Letters of John and Jude (1960 Barclay), book
- Offenbarung und Schriftforschung in der Qumransekte (1960 Betz), book
- Jerusalem and Rome: The Writings of Josephus (1960 Glatzer), book
- The Secret Sayings of Jesus (1960 Grant), book
- Konkordanz zu den Qumrantexten (Concordance to the Qumran Texts / 1960 Kuhn), book
- Hebrew Origins, 3rd ed. (1960 Meek), book
- Ancient Israel, 2nd ed. (1960 Orlinsky), book
- Les interpolations chrétiennes des Testaments des Douze Patriarches et les manuscrits de Qoumrân (1960 Philonenko), book
- The Monks of Qumran as Depicted in the Dead Sea Scrolls (1960 Sutcliffe), book
- Studies in the Gospel of Thomas (1960 Wilson), book
- Paulus, die Pharisäer und das Neue Testament (1961 Baeck), book
- Les grottes de Murabba'ât (The Murabba'at Caves / DJD 2 / 1961 Benoit, Milik, Vaux), book
- The Gospel according to St. Mark (1961 Cole), book
- The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, 2nd ed. (1961 Cross), book
- (++) Le vie quotidienne en Palestine au temps de Jésus (1961 Daniel-Rops), book
- (+) The Essene Writings from Qumran = Les écrits esséniens découverts près de la mer Morte (1961 Dupont-Sommer / Vermès), book (English ed.)
- Theology of the Old Testament (1961-67 Eichrodt / Baker) = Theologie des Alten Testaments (1933-39 Eichrodt), book (English ed.)
- Paul and His Recent Interpreters (1961 Ellis), book
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: An Introduction (1961 Harrison), book
- Die Zeloten (1961 Hengel), book
- Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte (The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1961 Laperrousaz), book
- The Thanksgiving Hymns (1961 Mansoor), book
- Interpreting the New Testament (1961 Price), book
- (++) Mahomet (Muhammad / 1961 Rodinson), book
- The History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (1961 Schürer, Glatzer), book
- Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (1961 Vaux / McHugh), book (English ed.)
- Scripture and Tradition in Judaism: Haggadic Studies (1961 Vermès), book
- (+) Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman (1961 Watt), book
- Les "petites grottes" de Qumran (The Small Caves of Qumran / DJD 3 / 1962 Baillet, Milik, Vaux), book
- The Literature of the Old Testament, 3rd ed. (1962 Bewer, Kraeling), book
- (+) The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible (1962 Buttrick), edited volumes
- The Death of Jesus (1962 Carmichael), non-fiction
- Christ and the Teacher of Righteousness = Le Docteur de Justice et Jésus-Christ (1962 @1957 Carmignac / Pedley), book (English ed.)
- Daniel to Paul: Jews in Conflict with Graeco-Roman Civilization (1962 Cornfeld), book
- Daily Life in the Time of Jesus (1962 Daniel-Rops / O'Brian), book (English ed.)
- (+) Christian Origins and Judaism (1962 Davies), book
- Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1962 Hughes), book
- Die Lichtterminologie bei Philon von Alexandrien und in den hermetischen Schriften (1962 Klein), book
- (+) The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Early Church (1962 Mowry), book
- Thomas and the Evangelists (1962 Turner, Montefiore), book
- The Biblical Period from Abraham to Ezra, 3rd ed. (1963 Albright), book
- Der Paraklet (1963 Betz), book
- Israel and the Nations: from the Exodus to the Fall of the Second Temple (1963 Bruce), book
- The Epistle of Paul to the Romans (1963 Bruce), book
- Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (The Old Testament Apocrypha / 1963 Dimier), book
- A Historical Introduction to the New Testament (1963 Grant), book
- Dictionary of the Bible , rev. ed. (1963 Hastings, Grant, Rowley), edited volume
- The Hebrew Scriptures: An Introduction to Their Literature and Religious Ideas (1963 Sandmel), book
- Paulus und Jakobus (Paul and James / 1963 Schmithals), book
- (+) Jesus and Christian Origins: A Commentary on Modern Viewpoints (1964 Anderson), book
- The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ (1964 Braaten, Harrisville), edited volume
- The Old Testament Apocrypha = Ce que l'Ancien Testament ne dit pas (1964 Dimier / Tester), book (English ed.)
- Einleitung in das Alte Testament unter Einschluss der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, 3rd ed. (1964 Eissfeldt), book
- (++) From the Exile to Christ: A Historical Introduction to Palestinian Judaism = Das Judentum Palästinas zur Zeit Jesu und der Apostel (1964 @1959 Foerster / Harris), book (American ed.)
- Studien zur Geschichte Israels im persischen Zeitalter (1964 Galling), book
- Unknown Sayings of Jesus, 2nd ed. = Unbekannte Jesusworte, 3rd ed. (1964 @1963 @1948 Jeremias / Fuller), book (English ed.)
- The So-Called Historical Jesus and the Historic, Biblical Christ = Der sogenannte historische Jesus und der geschichtliche, biblische Christus (1964 @1892 Kähler / Braaten), book (English ed.)
- Interpreting the Old Testament (1964 Harrelson), book
- Was wissen wir von Jesus? (1965 Betz), book
- Bread from Heaven (1965 Borgen), book
- Paul: A Man Who Changed the World (1965 Buckmaster), novel
- (++) The Old Testament: An Introduction, Including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha = Einleitung in das Alte Testament unter Einschluss der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, 3rd ed. (1965 @1964 Eissfeldt / Ackroyd), book (English ed.)
- The Revelation of John (1965 Glasson), book
- Understanding the New Testament, 2nd ed. (1965 Kee, Young, Froehlich), book
- I Have Kept the Faith: The Life of the Apostle Paul (1965 Kraeling), book
- Daniel: A Commentary (1965 Porteous), book (English ed.)
- עליה לרגל בימי הבית השני (Pilgrimage at the Time of the Second Temple / 1965 Safrai), book
- The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11 (DJD 4 / 1965 Sanders), book
- Paul and James = Paulus und Jakobus (1965 @1963 Schmithals / Barton), book (English ed.)
- The First and the Second Letters of Paul to the Corinthians (1965 Thrall), book
- (+) The Untold Story of Qumran (1965 Trever), book
- Understanding the Old Testament, 2nd ed. (1966 Anderson), book
- A Commentary on the Revelation of St. John the Divine (1966 Caird), book
- (+) Invitation to the New Testament (1966 Davies), book
- Le Christ, sagesse de Dieu, d'après les épîtres pauliniennes (Christ, Wisdom of God, according to the Pauline Epistles / 1966 Feuillet), book
- Paul: Ontwerp van zijn theologie (Paul: An Outline of His Theology / 1966 Ridderbos), book (Dutch)
- (+) The Centurion (1966 Wibberley), novel
- Grundriss der Theologie des Neuen Testaments (An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament / 1967 Conzelmann), book
- Jüdische Lehre und Frömmigkeit in den Paralipomena Jeremiae (1967 Delling), book
- Les thèmes de connaissance dans le document de Damas (1967 Denis), book
- Pauline Theology: A Brief Sketch (1967 Fitzmyer), book
- (++) Maometto e le grandi conquiste arabe (Muhammad and the Conquests of Islam / 1967 Gabrieli), book
- The Letters of Paul to the Philippians and to the Thessalonians (1967 Grayston), book
- The Theme of Jewish Persecution of Christians in the Gospel according to St. Matthew (1967 Hare), book
- The Letter of Paul to the Galatians (1967 Neil), book
- The Letters of Paul to the Ephesians, to the Colossians, and to Philemon (1967 Thompson), book
- Fleisch und Geist: Paulus und die dualistische Weisheit (Flesh and Spirit: Paul and the Dualistic Wisdom / 1968 Brandenburger), book
- The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth (1968 Brandon), book
- Jesus in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten (1968 Flusser), book
- Die kosmologischen Vorstellungen bei Philo von Alexandrien (1968 Früchtel), book
- Theology and Ethics in Paul (1968 Furnish), book
- Muhammad and the Conquests of Islam = Maometto e le grandi conquiste arabe (1968 Gabrieli / Luling, Linell), book (English ed.)
- Die Doppelurkunden aus der Wüste Juda (1968 Koffmahn), book
- The World of the Restoration (1968 Myers), book
- Joseph et Aséneth (1968 Philonenko), book
- A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus (1968-83 Rengstorf), book
- Bibliographie zu Flavius Josephus (1968 Schreckenberg), book
- Le judaïsme et le christianisme antique: d'Antiochus Epiphane à Constantin (1968 Simon/Benoît), book
- Introduzione all’Antico Testamento (Introduction to the Old Testament / 1968 Soggin), book
- The Messenger: The Life of Mohammed (1969 Bodley), non-fiction (reprint)
- The Targums and Rabbinic Literature (1969 Bowker), book
- Religion in Ancient History (1969 Brandon), book
- Saint Paul: A Study of the Development of His Thought (1969 Buck, Taylor), book
- An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament = Grundriss der Theologie des Neuen Testaments (1969 @1967 Conzelmann / Bowden), book (English ed.)
- Geschichte des Urchristentums (History of Primitive Christianity / 1969 Conzelmann), book
- History of Primitive Christianity = Geschichte des Urchristentums (1973 Conzelmann / Steely), book (English ed.)
- Bibliographie zur jüdisch-hellenistischen und intertestamentarischen Literatur, 1900-1965 (1969 Delling), book
- Introduction to the Old Testament (1969 Harrison), book
- Judentum und Hellenismus (Judaism and Hellenism / 1969 Hengel), book
- (+) Paulinische Perspektiven (Perspectives on Paul / 1969 Käsemann), book
- (+) Die Theologie des Neuen Testaments nach seinen Hauptzeugen: Jesus, Paulus, Johannes (The Theology of the New Testament according to Its Major Witnesses: Jesus-Paul-John / 1969 Kümmel), book
- Gott und Belial: Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Dualismus in den Texten aus Qumran (1969 Osten-Sacken), book
- The Apostle: A Life of Paul (1969 Pollock), non-fiction
- ביבליוגרפיה נבחרת לתולדות ישראל בתקופת הבית השני (Selected Bibliography on the History of Israel during the Second Temple / 1969 Rappaport), book
- The Tendencies of the Synoptic Tradition (1969 Sanders), book
- Anatomy of the New Testament (1969 Spivey, Smith), book
- Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash = Einleitung in Talmud und Midras / 1969 Strack), book (new English ed.)
- El Comentario de Habacuc de Qumrán (1960 Cantera Ortiz de Urbina), book
- Early Christianity and Greek paideia (1961 Jaeger), book
- The New Bible Dictionary (1962 Douglas), edited volume
- The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of Their Faith, 3rd ed. (1962 Finkelstein), book
- The Life of Saint Paul (1962 Fosdick), non-fiction
- Concise History of Israel, from Abraham to the Bar Cochba Rebellion = Geschiedenis van Israël, van Abraham tot Bar Kochba (1963 Beek / Pomerans), book (English ed.)
- Unbekannte Jesusworte, 3rd ed. (Unknown Sayings of Jesus / 1963 @1951 @1948 Jeremias), book
- The Rise of the West: A History of the Human Community (1963 McNeill), book
- Introduction to the Old Testament = Einleitung in das Alte Testament (1968 @1965 Fohrer / Green), book (English ed.)
- The Gospel according to Mark ~ Cambridge Bible Commentary (1965 Moule), book
- Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition: Studies in Justin, Clement, and Origen (1966 Chadwick), book
- The Eschatology of Paul in the Light of Modern Scholarship (1966 Shires), book
- Justin Martyr: His Life and Thought (1967 Barnard), book
- A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1968 Barrett), book
- משפטו ומותו של ישו הנוצרי (The Trial and Death of Jesus / 1968 Cohn), nonfiction book
- History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel (1968 Martyn), book
- (+) Jesus Rediscovered (1969 Muggeridge), book
- The Crucible of Christianity: Judaism, Hellenism and the Historical Background to the Christian Faith (1969 Toynbee/Schalit), edited volume
Media in category "Top 1960s"
The following 44 files are in this category, out of 44 total.
- 1960-T * Bornkamm en.jpg 354 × 499; 33 KB
- 1960 * Simon.jpg 655 × 1,000; 149 KB
- 1960 * Toombs.jpg 658 × 1,000; 100 KB
- 1961 * Vaux.jpg 317 × 499; 19 KB
- 1962-T * Daniel-Rops en.jpg 334 × 499; 25 KB
- 1962 * Goodenough.jpg 360 × 579; 52 KB
- 1962 * Selby.jpg 467 × 648; 99 KB
- 1962 * Vermes.jpg 321 × 499; 37 KB
- 1962 * Zeitlin.jpg 335 × 499; 33 KB
- 1963-E * Greenslade.jpg 907 × 1,360; 378 KB
- 1964-T * Bonsirven en.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1964 * Gaster.png 856 × 1,416; 2.46 MB
- 1964 Pasolini (film).jpg 231 × 325; 16 KB
- 1964 * Williamson.jpg 571 × 800; 73 KB
- 1965 Hunter.jpg 313 × 499; 20 KB
- 1965 * Schonfield.jpg 247 × 403; 25 KB
- 1965 Stevens (film).jpg 288 × 416; 179 KB
- 1967 * Ben-Chorin.jpg 351 × 499; 18 KB
- 1967 Best.jpg 250 × 400; 21 KB
- 1967 * Slaughter (novel).jpg 375 × 499; 30 KB
- 1968 * Diez-Macho.jpg 540 × 719; 30 KB
- 1969-E * Lampe.jpg 907 × 1,360; 308 KB
- 1969 * Wilson.jpg 299 × 499; 28 KB
- 1961-T * Waltari (novel) en.jpg 353 × 500; 43 KB
- 1965 * Lofts (novel).jpg 324 × 499; 36 KB
- 1960 * Parkes.jpg 337 × 499; 22 KB
- 1960 * Russell.jpg 339 × 499; 39 KB
- 1961 * Black.jpg 232 × 350; 28 KB
- 1961 * Speare (novel).jpg 332 × 499; 41 KB
- 1961 Ray N (film).jpg 327 × 475; 46 KB
- 1961-T * Schoeps en.jpg 1,059 × 1,529; 235 KB
- 1962 * Bickerman.jpg 316 × 499; 31 KB
- 1963 Bruce.jpg 340 × 499; 24 KB
- 1963-T * Hennecke Wilson.jpg 335 × 499; 26 KB
- 1964 * Brownlee.jpg 334 × 499; 37 KB
- 1964 * Russell.jpg 337 × 499; 17 KB
- 1965 Flannery.jpg 296 × 445; 15 KB
- 1966 Brown.jpg 326 × 499; 33 KB
- 1967 * Anderson.jpg 346 × 500; 29 KB
- 1967 * Perrin.jpg 480 × 640; 22 KB
- 1967 * Russell.jpg 355 × 499; 25 KB
- 1968 * Yerby (novel).jpg 310 × 499; 37 KB
- 1969 * Bornkamm.jpg 313 × 500; 29 KB
- 1969 * Sandmel.jpg 331 × 499; 35 KB