Category:Early Islamic History (subject)
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Early Islamic History
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Pages in category "Early Islamic History (subject)"
The following 84 pages are in this category, out of 84 total.
- (++) Machumetis, Saracenorvm principis, eiusque successorum vitae, ac doctrina, ipseque Alcoran (1543 Bibliander), book (ed. princeps)
- Historia orientalis (1651 Hottinger), book
- The History of the Saracens (1708-18 Ockley), book
- Muhammedanische Studien (Muslim Studies / 1889-1890 Goldziher), book
- (+) Das arabische Reich und sein Sturz (The Arab Kingdom and Its Fall / 1902 Wellhausen), book
- Annali dell'Islam (Annals of Islam / 1905-1926 Caetani), book
- The Early Development of Mohammedanism (1914 Margoliouth), book
- The Social Laws of the Quran: Considered and Compassed with Those of the Hebrew and Other Ancient Codes (1925 Roberts), book
- (+) Mohammed (1926 Dibble), non-fiction
- (+) The Messenger: The Life of Mohammed (1946 Bodley), non-fiction
- The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence (1950 Schacht), book
- (+) Muhammad at Mecca (1953 Watt), book
- Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts through the Ages (1955 Goiten), book
- Muhammad at Medina (1956 Watt), book
- (++) Mahomet (Muhammad / 1961 Rodinson), book
- (+) Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman (1961 Watt), book
- Introduction to Islamic Law (1964 Schacht), book
- Mohamed élete (Life of Muhammad / 1966 Román), non-fiction
- (++) Maometto e le grandi conquiste arabe (Muhammad and the Conquests of Islam / 1967 Gabrieli), book
- (++) Early Islam (1967 Stewart), non-fiction
- Muhammad and the Conquests of Islam = Maometto e le grandi conquiste arabe (1968 Gabrieli / Luling, Linell), book (English ed.)
- The Messenger: The Life of Mohammed (1969 Bodley), non-fiction (reprint)
- (+) The Life and Times of Muhammad (1970 Glupp), non-fiction
- The Abbasid Revolution (1970 Shaban), book
- The Termination of Hostilities in the Early Arab Conquest (1971 Hill), book
- Islamic History AD 600-750 (AH 132): A New Interpretation (1971 Shaban), book
- Quellenkritische Studien zu Themen, Formen und Tendenzen frühislamischer Geschichtsüberlieferung (The Early Muslim Historical Tradition: A Source-Critical Study / 1973 Noth), book
- The Formative Period of Islamic Thought (1973 Watt), book
- The Collection of the Qur'an (1977 Burton), book
- The Sectarian Milieu: Content and Composition of Islamic Salvation History (1978 Wansbrough), book
- Slaves on Horses: The Evolution of the Islamic Polity (1980 Crone), book
- The Early Islamic Conquests (1981 Donner), book
- Studies in Arabian History and Civilization (1981 Serjeant), book
- (+) Muhammad (1983 Cook), book
- God's Caliph: Religious Authority in the Fisrt Centuries of Islam (1986 Crone, Hinds), book
- The First Dynasty of Islam: The Umayyad Caliphate AD 661-750 (1986 Hawting), book
- Roman, Provincial, and Islamic Law: The Origins of the islamic Patronate (1987 Crone), book
- Mahomet (Muhammad / 1987 Delcambre), book
- Authority in Islam: From the Rise of Muhammad to the Establishment of the Umayyads (1989 Dabashi), book
- Muslims: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices 1 (1990 Rippin), book
- Early Islam: Collected Articles (1990 Watt), book
- Die Anfänge der islamischen Jurisprudenz (The Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence / 1991 Motzki), book
- The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East (1992 Cameron, Conrad, King), edited volume
- Anti-Christian Polemic in Early Islam: Abu 'Isa Al-Warraq's 'Against the Trinity' (1992 Thomas), book
- Arabic Grammar and Qur'anic Exegesis in Early Islam (1993 Versteegh), book
- Between Muslim and Jew: The Problem of Symbiosis in Early Islam (1995 Wasserstrom), book
- Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible: From Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm (1996 Adang), book
- Studies on the Origins and Uses of Islamic Hadith (1996 Juynboll), book
- Arabs and Others in Early Islam (1997 Bashear), book
- Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam (1997 Hoyland), book
- The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate (1997 Madelung), book
- Religion and Politics under the Early 'Abbasids: The Emergence of the Proto-Sunni Elite (1997 Zaman), book
- Narratives of Islamic Origins: The Beginnings of Islamic Historical Writing (1998 Donner), book
- Scripture and Exegesis in Early Imami Shiism (1999 Bar-Asher), book
- Jihad: The Origin of Holy War in Islam (1999 Firestone), book
- The Development of Exegesis in Early Islam: The Authenticity of Muslim Literature from the Formative Period (2000 Berg), book
- Judaism and Islam: Boundaries, Communication, and Interaction (2000 Hary, Hayes, Astren), edited volume
- Bayt al-Maqdis: Jerusalem and Early Islam (2000 Johns), book
- Syrian Christians under Islam: The First Thousand Years (2001 Thomas), edited volume
- Studies in Muslim Apocalyptic (2002 Cook), book
- Les foundations de l'islam (The Foundations of Islam / 2002 Prémare), book
- The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad's Life and the Beginnings of Islam (2002 Shoemaker), book
- The Revolution which Toppled the Umayyads: Neither Arab Nor 'Abbasid (2003 Agha), book
- The Formation of Islam: Religion and Society in the Near East, 600-1800 (2003 Berkey), book
- Classical Islam: A Sourcebook of Religious Literature (2003 Calder, Mojaddedi, Rippin), book
- The Arabs in Antiquity: Their History from the Assyrians to the Umayyads (2003 Retsö), book
- Empire and Elites after the Muslim Conquest: The Transformation of Northern Mesopotamia (2004 Robinson), book
- Islamic Historiography (2003 Robinson), book
- Studies in Early Islamic Tradition (2004 Bashear), book
- Arab-Byzantine Relations in Early Islamic Times (2004 Bonner), book
- Studies in the Origins of Islamic Culture and Tradition (2004 Cook), book
- The Development of Islamic Ritual (2004 Hawting), book
- Poetics of Islamic Historiography: Deconstructing Tabari's History (2004 Shoshan), book
- The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam (2006 Grypeou, Swanson, Thomas), edited volume
- Defending the People of Truth in the Early Islamic Times: The Apologies of Abu Ra'itah (2006 Keating), book
- The Charismatic Community: Shi'ite Identity in Early Islam (2007 Dakake), book
- From Arabian Tribes to Islamic Empire: Army, State, and Society in the Near East, c. 600-850 (2008 Crone), book
- Rituals of Islamic Monarchy: Accession and Succession in the First Muslim Empire (2009 Marsham), book
- The Legend of Sergius Bahira: Eastern Christian Apologetics and Apocalyptic in Response to Islam (2009 Roggema), book
- Messianic Beliefs and Imperial Politics in Medieval Islam: The 'Abbasid Caliphate in the Early Ninth Century (2009 Yücesoy), book
- The Transmission and Dynamics of the Textual Sources of Islam (2011 Boekhoff-Van der Voort/Vesteegh/Wagemakers), edited volume
- Non-Muslims in the Early Islamic Empire: From Surrender to Coexistence (2011 Levy-Rubin), book
- The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? (2012 Segovia, Lourié), edited volume
- Eastern Rome and the Rise of Islam: History and Prophecy (2016 Heilo), book