Category:Apocalyptic Studies--2010s
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Pages in category "Apocalyptic Studies--2010s"
The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.
- ~~ ~~ 2010 ~~ ~~ ~~
- City of Ruins: Mourning the Destruction of Jerusalem through Jewish Apocalypse (2010 Daschke), book
- L'Apocalypse de Jean. Révélation pour le temps de la violence et du désir (2010 Delorme, Donegani), book
- The Apocalypse: A Brief History (2010 Himmelfarb), book
- Revolt of the Scribes: Resistance and Apocalyptic Origins (2010 Horsley), book
- Revelation (2014 Koester), book
- 3 Baruch (2010 Kulik), book
- 666: Ο Αριθμός του Βιβλίου (2010 Kyrtatas), book
- The Real History of the End of the World (2010 Newman), non-fiction
- Gesù di Nazareth nell'Apocalisse di Giovanni (2010 Tripaldi), book
- ~~ ~~ 2011 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Quest for the Historical Satan (2011 De La Torre, Hernández), book
- Jewish Apocalypticism in Late First Century Israel: Reading 2 Baruch in Context (2011 Henze), book
- Jesus and the Powers: Conflict, Covenant, and the Hope of the Poor (2011 Horsley), book
- Jewish Reactions to the Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 (2011 Jones), book
- The Concept of the Messiah in the Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity (2011 Lucass), book
- Creation, Nature and Hope in 4 Ezra (2011 Moo), book
- Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology (2011 Orlov), book
- The People's Jesus: Trajectories in Early Christianity (2011 Scroggs), book
- The Development of Christology during the First Hundred Years (2011 Talbert), book
- Demons and the Devil in Ancient and Medieval Christianity (2011 Vos, Otten), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2012 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Il male: storia di un'idea nell'ebraismo dalla Bibbia alla Qabbalah (The Concept of Evil in Judaism, from the Bible to the Qabbalah / 2012 Capelli), book
- The Subversion of the Apocalypses in the Book of Jubilees (2012 Hanneken), book
- Apocalypticism in the Bible and Its World (2012 Murphy), book
- Persepolis and Jerusalem: Iranian Influence on the Apocalyptic Hermeneutic (2012 Silverman), book
- ~~ ~~ 2013 ~~ ~~ ~~
- El pensamiento de la apocalíptica judía : ensayo filosófico-teológico (2013 Blanco), book
- David Remembered: Kingship and National identity in Ancient Israel (2013 Blenkinsopp), book
- Aux origines des messianismes juifs (2013 Hamidovic), edited volume
- Between Temple and Torah: Essays on Priests, Scribes, and Visionaries in the Second Temple Period and Beyond (2013 Himmelfarb), book
- Evil and the Devil (2013 Fröhlich, Koskenniemi), edited volume
- Riches, Poverty, and the Faithful: Perspectives on Wealth in the Second Temple Period and the Apocalypse of John (2013 Mathews), book
- Apocalyptic Interpretation of the Bible: Apocalypticism and Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism, the Apostle Paul, the Historical Jesus, and their Reception History (2013 Oegema), book
- Heavenly Priesthood in the Apocalypse of Abraham (2013 Orlov), book
- ~~ ~~ 2014 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition: A Comparative Perspective (2014 Bardakjian, La Porta), edited volume
- Second Temple Pseudepigraphy: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Apocalyptic Texts and Related Jewish Literature (2014 Dobroruka), book
- Zadokite Propaganda in the Late Second Temple Period: A Turning Point in Jewish History (2014 Kim), book
- ~~ ~~ 2015 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Psalms of Solomon: Language, History, Theology (2015 Bons, Pouchelle), edited volume
- Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Pseudepigraphy: On Jewish Apocalyptic Literature (2015 Collins), book
- ~~ ~~ 2016 ~~ ~~ ~~
- The Psalms of Solomon and the Messianic Ethics of Paul (2016 Ábel), book
- Apocalyptic Literature in the New Testament (2016 Carey), book
- The Name of God in Jewish Thought: A Philosophical Analysis of Mystical Traditions from Apocalyptic to Kabbalah (2016 Miller), book
- The Atoning Dyad: The Two Goats of Yom Kippur in the Apocalypse of Abraham (2016 Orlov), book
- Paul and the Apocalyptic Triumph: An Investigation of the Usage of Jewish and Greco-Roman Imagery in 1 Thess. 4:13-18 (2016 Peach), book
- Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity (2016 Stuckenbruck, Keith), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2017 ~~ ~~ ~~
- E Gesù diventò Dio: L’esaltazione di un predicatore ebreo della Galilea (2017 Ehrman), book (Italian ed.)
- Jesus in John’s Gospel: Structure and Issues in Johannine Christology (2017 Loader), book
- The Greatest Mirror: Heavenly Counterparts in the Jewish Pseudepigrapha (2017 Orlov), book
- Yahoel and Metatron: Aural Apocalypticism and the Origins of Early Jewish Mysticism (2017 Orlov), book
- The Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and the Shaping of New Testament Thought (2017 Reynolds, Stuckenbruck), edited volume
- ~~ ~~ 2018 ~~ ~~ ~~
- Psalmi Salomonis (Psalms of Solomon / 2018 Albrecht), book
- ~~ ~~ 2019 ~~ ~~ ~~
Media in category "Apocalyptic Studies--2010s"
The following 33 files are in this category, out of 33 total.
- 2011 * Waddell.jpg 333 × 499; 12 KB
- 2011 Bronner.jpg 400 × 597; 33 KB
- 2011 * Portier-Young.jpg 335 × 499; 31 KB
- 2012 * Nickelsburg VanderKam.jpg 421 × 500; 21 KB
- 2012 Arcari.jpg 333 × 499; 16 KB
- 2012 Novenson.jpg 333 × 499; 38 KB
- 2012 * Pagels.jpg 332 × 500; 50 KB
- 2013 Ellens.jpg 331 × 500; 26 KB
- 2013 Gaventa.jpg 331 × 499; 23 KB
- 2013-E Henze Boccaccini.jpg 330 × 499; 15 KB
- 2014-E Boccaccini Zurawski.jpg 334 × 499; 20 KB
- 2014-E * Collins.jpg 344 × 499; 47 KB
- 2014 * Ehrman.jpg 332 × 499; 31 KB
- 2014-E * Harkins Bautch Endres.jpg 333 × 499; 44 KB
- 2014 Stuckenbruck.jpg 338 × 499; 27 KB
- 2014-E Bock Charlesworth.jpg 314 × 499; 15 KB
- 2015 Yli-Karjanmaa.jpg 333 × 499; 19 KB
- 2016 * Davies.jpg 338 × 499; 20 KB
- 2016 Blackwell.jpg 332 × 499; 50 KB
- 2016 * Collins.jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 2016 Finney.jpg 333 × 499; 20 KB
- 2016-E Grabbe Boccaccini.jpg 338 × 499; 29 KB
- 2017 Bernstein.jpg 400 × 576; 198 KB
- 2017 Loke.jpg 304 × 499; 14 KB
- 2017 Novenson.jpg 333 × 499; 32 KB
- 2018-E * Reynolds Boccaccini.jpg 300 × 458; 24 KB
- 2019-E Blackwell Goodrich Maston.jpg 333 × 499; 44 KB
- 2019 Botner.jpg 304 × 499; 17 KB
- 2019 Cho.jpg 333 × 499; 24 KB
- 2019 McCaulley.jpg 333 × 500; 21 KB
- 2019 Sigvartsen.jpg 333 × 499; 15 KB
- 2019 Stokes.jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB
- 2019b Sigvartsen.jpg 333 × 499; 14 KB