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'''Carlos A. Segovia''' (b.1970) is a British-born Spanish scholar. He is currently associate professor in religious studies at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid, Spain.  
'''Carlos A. Segovia''' (b.1970) is a British-born Spanish scholar. He is currently lecturer in Biblical and Quranic and studies in the Humanities Division at Saint Louis University in Spain, and lecturer in moral philosophy at Loyola University Maryland in Spain.  

E-mail address: [mailto:segoviamail@gmail.com segoviamail@gmail.com]
E-mail address: [mailto:segoviaca@slu.edu segoviaca@slu.edu]


Carlos A. Segovia was born in London, England, on May 22, 1970. He earned his BPhil (1995) and his PhD in Philosophy and Religious Studies (2004) from the Universitas Complutensis of Madrid (UCM), Spain.
Carlos A. Segovia was born in London, England, on May 22, 1970. In 2004 he earned his PhD in Philosophy and Religious Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).
He was Visiting Professor in Islamic Studies at the National University of Distant Education (UNED) and the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) in Madrid, Spain, from 2007 to 2011, and Research Associate in Comparative Religious Studies at the University of Seville from 2008 to 2011. He is now Associate Professor in Religious Studies at the Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) in Madrid, Spain.
From 2007 to 2011 he was Visiting Professor in Islamic Studies at the National University of Distant Education and the Camilo José Cela University, Research Associate in Comparative Religious Studies at the University of Seville from 2008 to 2011, and Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the Camilo José Cela University from 2011 to 2014. He is now lecturer in Biblical and Quranic Studies in the Humanities Division at Saint Louis University in Madrid and lecturer in Moral Philosophy at Loyola University Maryland in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
In 2009 he was appointed Associate Editor in charge for Spanish scholarship of '''4 Enoch''' and he became member of the Book Reviews Commission of the journal ''[[Henoch]]''. In 2011 he joyned the Board of Directors of the [[Enoch Seminar]]. He is currently Vice-Director of '''4 Enoch'''.
In 2009 he was appointed Associate Editor in charge for Spanish scholarship on Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins on '''4 Enoch'''. From 2009 to 2012 he joined Book Reviews Commission of the journal ''[[Henoch]]'', and in 2011 the Board of Directors of the [[Enoch Seminar]]. In 2012 he launched the Camilo José Cela University International Research Seminar [http://sites.google.com/site/origenesdelcristianismo Rethinking the Making of a Difference: Jewish-Christian Boundary Drawing in Late Antiquity] with [[Pamela Michelle Eisenbaum]] (2013), [[Daniel Boyarin]] (2014), and [[Gabriele Boccaccini]] (2015); the seminar is co-sponsored by, and hosted at, the Xavier Zubiri Foundation in Madrid. He is also Associate Editor in charge for [[Early Islamic Studies]] on '''4 Enoch'''.
A former scholar in Religious Studies, Contemporary Philosophy and Hermeneutics, and Islamic Thought (he has translated into Spanish and commented inter alia the works of Abu l-Hasan al-Ash'ari, Avicenna, and Mulla Sadra Shirazi), since 2008 he has almost entirely devoted his research to the study of early Judaism and Christianity (including the Judaeo-Christian setting of formative Islam) and its methodological requisites.
He chiefly works on early Islam in its Jewish-Christian setting and has recently launched with [[Guillaume Dye]] (Free University of Brussels [ULB]), [[Emilio González Ferrín]] (University of Seville), [[Manfred Kropp]] (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), and [[Tommaso Tesei]] (University of Notre Dame) the [http://www.4enoch.org/wiki2/index.php?title=Early_Islamic_Studies_Seminar_(2013-),_learned_society#Members Early Islamic Studies Seminar: International Scholarship on the Qur'an and Islamic Origins], an academic group of international specialists associated to the [[Enoch Seminar]] who aim at exploring afresh different issues on the early history of Islam with the tools of Biblical criticism and the new methods put forth in the study of Second Temple Judaism, Christian and Rabbinic origins, and thereby contribute to the renewed study of formative Islam as part and parcel in the complex process of religious identity formation in late antiquity in close dialogue with scholars working in this latter field of research.

==Works on Second Temple Judaism==
*[[The Qur'an and the Bible (Spring 2015 Segovia), course]]
*[[The Qur'an and the Bible (Fall 2015 Segovia), course]]
*[[Jesus in the Qur'an (Spring 2016 Segovia), course]]
==Works on Second Temple Judaism, Christian, and Islamic Origins==

*''Guía para entender a Pablo: ¿Un caso de marketing religioso en el marco plural del judaísmo del siglo I?'' <A Guide to Understanding Paul: The Apostle's Strategies of Marketing Religion in Light of 1st-Century Judaisms> [provisional title], with [[Antonio Piñero Sáenz]]. Madrid: Trotta (forthcoming in 2013).
*''Re-Imagining Islam in the Late 7th Century.'' With Guillaume Dye. In Progress.
*''Israel y los gentiles: El mensaje original de Pablo de Tarso en su contexto judío'' <Israel and the Gentiles: The Original Message of Paul of Tarsus in Its Jewish Setting> (forthcoming).
*''The Quranic Noah and the Making of the Islamic Prophet: A Study of Intertextuality and Religious Identity Formation in Late Antiquity.'' JCIT 4. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter. Forthcoming in October 2015.
*''Apocalypticism and Intertextuality: Studies in the Literature of Second Temple Judaism, Early Christianity, and Formative Islam'' (forthcoming).
*[[Pablo de Tarso, ¿judío o cristiano? (Paul of Tarsus: Jew or Christian? / 2013 Segovia), book]].
*[[Por una interpretación no cristiana de Pablo de Tarso: El redescubrimiento contemporáneo de un judío mesiánico (Rereading Paul as a Messianic Jew / 2013 Segovia), book]].
*[[The Quranic Jesus: A New Interpretation (2019 Segovia), book]]
====Miscellaneous Volumes====
*''Liminalia: Studies on Early Islamic Texts and Ideas and Their Jewish and Christian Subtexts and Sources.'' In progress.

====Edited Volumes====
*[[Religious Identity and Transversality in Nascent Christianity, Early Rabbinic Judaism, and Formative Islam (2011 Assefa/González Ferrín/Lourie/Piñero/Segovia), course]]
*[[Religious Identity and Transversality in Nascent Christianity, Early Rabbinic Judaism, and Formative Islam (2012 Assefa/González Ferrín/Lourie/Piñero/Segovia), course]]
*[[The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? (2012 Segovia, Lourié), edited volume]]
*[[Paul the Jew: Rereading the Apostle as a Figure of Second Temple Judaism (2016 Boccaccini, Segovia), edited volume]]


*[[Fronteras: La invención del cristianismo y del judaísmo como dos religiones en la antigüedad tardía (2012 Boyarin / Segovia), book (Spanish ed.)]] (forthcoming).
*[[Espacios fronterizos: Judaísmo y cristianismo en la Antigüedad tardía = Border Lines: The Partition of Judaeo-Christianity (2013 Boyarin / Segovia), book (Spanish ed.)]]
*[[El Corán: Religión, hombre y sociedad. Antología temática (The Qur'ān: A Thematic Antology / 2007 Segovia), book]].

====Book Chapters====
====Book Chapters====
*"Thematic and Structural Affinities between [[1 Enoch]] and the Qur'an: A Contribution to the Study of the Judaeo-Christian Apocalyptic Setting of the Early Islamic Faith." / In: ''The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom?Studies on the Rise of Islam and Other Various Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough''. Edited by [[Basil Lourié]] and Carlos A. Segovia. Orientalia Judaica Christiana 3, 231-67. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press (forthcoming in 2011).
*"Friends, Enemies, or Merely Rulers: Reassessing the Early Jewish Sources Mentioning the Arab Conquest and the Rise of Islam." In ''Jews and Judaism in Northern Arabia'', edited by Haggai Mazuz. The Brill Reference Library of Judaism. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017,
*"Identity Politics and Scholarship in the Study of Islamic Origins: The Inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock as a Test Case." In ''Identity, Politics, and Scholarship: The Study of Islam and the Study of Religions'', edited by Matt Sheedy. Culture on the Edge. Sheffield, UK, and Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing, 2016.
*"Discussing/Subverting Paul: Polemical Rereadings and Competing Supersessionist Misreadings of Pauline Inclusivism in Late Antiquity: A Case Study on the Apocalypse of Abraham, Justin Martyr, and the Qur'ān" / In: [[Paul the Jew: A Conversation between Pauline and Second Temple Specialists (2015 Segovia, Boccaccini), edited volume]].
*"John Wansbrough and the Problem of Islamic Origins in Recent Scholarship: A Farewell to the Traditional Account." / In: [[The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough (2012 Segovia/Lourié), edited volume]], xix-xviii.
*"Thematic and Structural Affinities between 1 Enoch and the Qur'an: A Contribution to the Study of the Judaeo-Christian Apocalyptic Setting of the Early Islamic Faith." / In: [[The Coming of the Comforter: When, Where, and to Whom? Studies on the Rise of Islam and Various Other Topics in Memory of John Wansbrough (2012 Segovia/Lourié), edited volume]], 231-67.

*"Pablo de Tarso, Israel y los gentiles: El nuevo enfoque radical sobre Pablo y el caríz judío de su mensaje" <[[Paul of Tarsus]], Israel, and the Gentiles: The Radical New Perspective on Paul and Its Contribution to the Study of Paul's Message in Its Jewish Setting> (forthcoming).
*"Mythopoiesis at Work: Ibn Isḥāq’s/Ibn Hišām’s Legend about ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib’s Digging of the Zamzam Well in Mecca and the Sealing of Salvation History." In progress.
*"1 Henoc y el estudio contemporáneo de la apocalíptica judía: Una conversación con Gabriele Boccaccini" <1 Enoch and the Contemporary Study of Jewish Apocalypticism: A Conversation with [[Gabriele Boccaccini]]>. / In: ''EPIMELEIA'' 35-36 (2009) 7-28.
*"What Did it Mean to Be an Arab-Christian and an Arab-Muslim in the Late-Antique Near East? Some Symptomatic Reflections on Qur'an 2:124 and Cyril of Scythopolis's ''Vita Euthymii'' 10." In progress.
*"El judeo-cristianismo: Una nueva hipótesis; seguido de un resumen de la ''Demostración'' 17 de Afraates (sobre la divinidad de Cristo" <Jewish-Christianity: A New Hypothesis; Followed by a Summary of Aphrahat's 17th ''Demonstration'' (on the Divinity of Christ)>. / In: ''Isidorianum'' 37 (2010) 83-108.
*"Rḥmnn w-Msḥ-hw in CIH 541, DAI 2002-20, and Ry 506: A Brief Reassessment of Alfred Beeston’s, Irfan Shadid’s, Iwona Gajda’s, and Jonn Block’s interpretations of Abraha’s Christological Formula (with a note on the latter’s relevance for the study of Islam’s origins).” / In: ''Oriens Christianum''. Forthcoming.
*"Noah as Eschatological Mediator Transposed: From [[2 Enoch]] 71-72 to the Christological Echoes of [[1 Enoch]] 106:3 in the Qur'an." / In: ''[[Henoch]]'' 33 (1/2011) 134-45.
*"En torno a Mahoma como mesías: una nueva mirada a las raíces cristianas del islam" <Muḥammad and the Messiah Son of Man: A New Look at the Christian Roots of Islam>. / In: ''Erebea'' 5. Forthcoming.
*"'Those on the Right' and 'Those on the Left': Rereading Qur'ān 56.1-56 (and the Founding Myth of Islam) in Light of Apocalypse of Abraham 21-2." / In: ''Studia Islamica''. Forthcoming.
*"Del simulacro al laberinto: Los orígenes del Corán" <The Scholarly Labyrinth beyond the Pseudo-Scholarly Simulacrum: A New Look at the Origins of the Qur'ān> / In: ''Revista de Libros'' 193 (2014). [http://www.revistadelibros.com/articulos/del-simulacro-al-laberintolos-origenes-del-coran]
*"Pablo de Tarso, Israel y los gentiles: El nuevo enfoque radical sobre Pablo y el caríz judío de su mensaje" <Reassessing Paul's Jewishness: Israel, the Nations, and the Radical New Perspective on Paul> / In: ''Bandue'' 7. Forthcoming in 2013.
*"El judeocristianismo: Una nueva hipótesis; seguido de un resumen de la ''Demostración'' 17 de Afraates (sobre la divinidad de Cristo" <Jewish-Christianity: A New Hypothesis; Followed by a Summary of Aphrahat's 17th ''Demonstration'' (on the Divinity of Christ)>. / In: ''Isidorianum'' 37 (2010) 83-108.
*"Noah as Eschatological Mediator Transposed: From 2 Enoch 71-72 to the Christological Echoes of 1 Enoch 106:3 in the Qur'ān." / In: ''[[Henoch]]'' 33 (1/2011) 134-45.
*"La biblioteca de Qumrán y los esenios" <The Library from Qumran and the Essenes>. / In: ''Historia National Geographic'' 88 (2011) 40-48.
*"La biblioteca de Qumrán y los esenios" <The Library from Qumran and the Essenes>. / In: ''Historia National Geographic'' 88 (2011) 40-48.

====Congress Papers====
*"Judaísmos del Segundo Templo y religiones del Libro: Evolución y reelaboración de dos teologías en litigio" <Conflicting Theologies in [[Second Temple Judaism]](s) and Beyond:Book Religions: Christian and Islamic Developments> / Círculo de Estudios Espirituales Comparados / Arenas de San Pedro [Spain] / December 6, 2008.
*"A Messianic Controversy behind the Making of Muḥammad as the Last Prophet?" To be presented at the 4th Nangeroni Meeting / 1st EISS Conference of the Enoch Seminar (Milan, 2015): "Early Islam: The Sectarian Milieu of Late Antiquity?"
*"El legado de la apocalíptica judía en la cristiandad etiópica" <Jewish Apocalypticism and Its Legacy in Ethiopic Christianity> / University of Seville / Seville [Spain] / February 13, 2009.
*"Discussing/Subverting Paul: Polemical Rereadings and Competing Supersessionist Misreadings of Pauline Inclusivism in Late Antiquity: A Case Study on the Apocalypse of Abraham, Justin Martyr, and the Qur'ān." Presented to the 3rd Nangeroni Meeting of the Enoch Seminar (Rome, 2014): "Rereading Paul as a Second-Temple Jewish Author." [http://www.enochseminar.org Enoch Seminar Online]
*"1 Henoc y los orígenes del cristianismo" <[[1 Enoch]] and [[Christian Origins]]> / Seminario de Hermenéutica Comparada / University of Seville / Seville [Spain] / January 15, 2010.
*"'Those on the Right' and 'Those on the Left': Rereading Qur'ān 56.1-56 (and the Founding Myth of Islam) in Light of Apocalypse of Abraham 21-2." Presented to the symposium "Apocalyptique et figures du mal," Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, 2013).
*"Los esenios y los orígenes del cristianismo en los manuscritos del mar Muerto" <The [[Essenes]] and [[Christian Origins]] in Light of the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]]> / Huete Town Hall & Museum / Huete [Spain] / August 9-11, 2010.
*"Which Theologies in Conflict? Some Suggestions for a Symptomatic Rereading of 4 Ezra in Light of P. Sacchi's and E.P. Sanders' Contribution to the Study of Early Judaism, with a Final Note on the Hodayot from Qumran and Paul." Presented to the 6th Enoch Seminar (Milan, 2011): "2 Baruch - 4 Ezra: 1st Century Jewish Apocalypticism." [http://www.enochseminar.org/drupal/milan-2011---papers Enoch Seminar Online]
*"La contraposición luz/tinieblas en la admonición escatológica final del Henoc etiópico (1 Henoc 108): Su significado en el contexto de la apocalíptica judía y su influencia en el Nuevo Testamento" <Light and Darkness in the Final Eschatological Admonition of Ethiopic Enoch ([[1 Enoch]] 108): Its Meaning within Jewish Apocalypticism and Its Influence upon the [[New Testament]]> / Ateneo de Madrid / Madrid [Spain] / December 14, 2010.
*"Noah as Eschatological Mediator Transposed: From 2 Enoch 71-72 to the Christological Echoes of 1 Enoch 106:3 in the Qur'ān." Presented to the 5th Enoch Seminar (Naples, 2009): "Enoch, Adam, Melchizedek: Mediatorial Figures in 2 Enoch and Second Temple Judaism." [http://www.enochseminar.org/drupal/naples-2009---papers Enoch Seminar Online]
*"Identidad, alteridad y polidoxia en la literatura apocalíptica judía del siglo I: Una nueva lectura de 4 Esdras" <Religious Identity/Alterity and the Notion of Polydoxa in 1st-Century Jewish Apocalyptic Literature: Towards a New Reading of [[4 Ezra]]> / Seminario de Hermenéutica Comparada / University of Seville / Seville [Spain] / January 21, 2011.
*"Los manuscritos del mar Muerto, el judaísmo henóquico y los orígenes del cristianismo" <[[Dead Sea Scrolls]], [[Enochic Judaism]], and [[Christian Origins]]> / Aula Abierta / National University of Distant Education (UNED) / Cuenca [Spain] / February 14, 2011.
====Dictionary Entries====
*"El Corán como palimpsesto: Sobre la influencia de la apocalíptica judía y cristiana en la formación del corpus coránico" <Reading the Qur'an as a Palimsest: Some Reflections on the Influence of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic Literature in the Formation of the Quranic Corpus> / Master en Religiones y Sociedades / Pablo de Olavide University / Seville [Spain] / June 20, 2011.
*"[[Life of Adam and Eve]]." / In: ''Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions''. Edited by L. Fried, J. W. Knust, E. Orlin and M. Satlow. London and New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.  
*"¿Fue Pablo cristiano? El judaísmo mesiánico de Pablo de Tarso a la luz de la investigación actual" <Was Paul Christian? [[Paul of Tarsus]]' Jewish Messianism in Contemporary Scholarship> / Una Nueva Mirada a Pablo de Tarso / Huete Town Hall & Museum / Huete [Spain] / August 8, 2011.
*"[[Psalms of Solomon]]." / In: ''Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions''. Edited by L. Fried, J. W. Knust, E. Orlin and M. Satlow. London and New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.
*"[[Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs]]." / In: ''Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions''. Edited by L. Fried, J. W. Knust, E. Orlin and M. Satlow. London and New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.
* "Repensando la identidad de judíos, cristianos y musulmanes: Entrevista con [[Daniel Boyarin]]" <Thinking Jews, Christians, and Muslims Differently: A Short Interview with [[Daniel Boyarin]]>. / In: [http://www.trotta.es/blog/ Editorial Trotta. Blog]. 05/24/2013.
* "Paul the Jew." A forum/collective interview with [[Gabriele Boccaccini]], [[William S. Campbell]], [[James H. Charlesworth]], [[Kathy Ehrensperger]], [[Paula Fredriksen]], [[Larry W. Hurtado]], [[Mark D. Nanos]], [[Isaac D. Oliver]], [[Anders Klostegaard Petersen]] and [[Antonio Piñero Sáenz]]. / In: [http://www.enochseminar.org Enoch Seminar Online].
*"1 Henoc y el estudio contemporáneo de la apocalíptica judía: Una conversación con [[Gabriele Boccaccini]]" <1 Enoch and the Study of Jewish [[Apocalypticism]]: A Conversation with [[Gabriele Boccaccini]]>. / In: ''ΕΠΙΜΕΛΕΙΑ'' 35-36 (2009) 7-28.
==Academic Projects==
*[[Early Islamic Studies Seminar (2013-), learned society]] (EISS)
*[http://www.4enoch.org/wiki3/index.php?title=Early_Islamic_Studies_Seminar_(2013-),_learned_society#DISCURSIVE_STRATEGIES_AND_IDENTITY_MAKING_IN_THE_QUR.27.C4.80N_AND_THE_EARLY_ISLAMIC_SOURCES Discursive Strategies and Identity Making in the Qur'ān and the Early Islamic Sources (EISS Workshop)]
*[[Re-Reading Paul as a Second-Temple Jewish Author / Third Nangeroni Meeting (2014 Rome), conference]]
*[[Rethinking the Making of a Difference: Jewish-Christian Boundary Drawing in Late Antiquity (2013- Madrid), conference]]

==Original contributions to 4 Enoch==
==Original contributions to 4 Enoch==

*[[Early Islamic Studies]] (in collaboration with [[Guillaume Dye]], [[Tommaso Tesei]] and [[Emilio González Ferrín]])
*[[Spanish Scholarship]]
*[[Spanish Scholarship]]
*[[Spanish Scholars]]
*[[Spanish Scholars]]

==External links==
==External links==
*[https://slu.academia.edu/CarlosSegovia Academia.edu]
*[http://spain.slu.edu/fac/segoviaca.html Saint Louis University]
*[https://sites.google.com/site/origenesdelcristianismo International Research Seminar Rethinking the Making of a Difference: Jewish-Christian Boundary Drawing in Late Antiquity]
*[https://www.facebook.com/segoviaenroute Facebook]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Andrés_Segovia Wikipedia (English)]
*[http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Andrés_Segovia Wikipedia (Spanish)]

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[[Category:Born in the 1970s| 1970 Segovia]]
[[Category:Second Temple Scholars & Authors|1970 Segovia]]
[[Category:Second Temple Scholars & Authors--Spanish|1970 Segovia]]
[[Category:Pauline Scholars & Authors|1970 Segovia]]
[[Category:Pauline Scholars & Authors--Spanish|1970 Segovia]]
[[Category:Early Islamic Scholars & Authors|1970 Segovia]]
[[Category:Early Islamic Scholars & Authors--Spanish|1970 Segovia]]

Latest revision as of 11:09, 17 December 2021

Carlos A. Segovia (b.1970) is a British-born Spanish scholar. He is currently lecturer in Biblical and Quranic and studies in the Humanities Division at Saint Louis University in Spain, and lecturer in moral philosophy at Loyola University Maryland in Spain.

E-mail address: segoviaca@slu.edu


Carlos A. Segovia was born in London, England, on May 22, 1970. In 2004 he earned his PhD in Philosophy and Religious Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). From 2007 to 2011 he was Visiting Professor in Islamic Studies at the National University of Distant Education and the Camilo José Cela University, Research Associate in Comparative Religious Studies at the University of Seville from 2008 to 2011, and Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the Camilo José Cela University from 2011 to 2014. He is now lecturer in Biblical and Quranic Studies in the Humanities Division at Saint Louis University in Madrid and lecturer in Moral Philosophy at Loyola University Maryland in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). In 2009 he was appointed Associate Editor in charge for Spanish scholarship on Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins on 4 Enoch. From 2009 to 2012 he joined Book Reviews Commission of the journal Henoch, and in 2011 the Board of Directors of the Enoch Seminar. In 2012 he launched the Camilo José Cela University International Research Seminar Rethinking the Making of a Difference: Jewish-Christian Boundary Drawing in Late Antiquity with Pamela Michelle Eisenbaum (2013), Daniel Boyarin (2014), and Gabriele Boccaccini (2015); the seminar is co-sponsored by, and hosted at, the Xavier Zubiri Foundation in Madrid. He is also Associate Editor in charge for Early Islamic Studies on 4 Enoch. He chiefly works on early Islam in its Jewish-Christian setting and has recently launched with Guillaume Dye (Free University of Brussels [ULB]), Emilio González Ferrín (University of Seville), Manfred Kropp (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), and Tommaso Tesei (University of Notre Dame) the Early Islamic Studies Seminar: International Scholarship on the Qur'an and Islamic Origins, an academic group of international specialists associated to the Enoch Seminar who aim at exploring afresh different issues on the early history of Islam with the tools of Biblical criticism and the new methods put forth in the study of Second Temple Judaism, Christian and Rabbinic origins, and thereby contribute to the renewed study of formative Islam as part and parcel in the complex process of religious identity formation in late antiquity in close dialogue with scholars working in this latter field of research.


Works on Second Temple Judaism, Christian, and Islamic Origins


Miscellaneous Volumes

  • Liminalia: Studies on Early Islamic Texts and Ideas and Their Jewish and Christian Subtexts and Sources. In progress.

Edited Volumes


Book Chapters


  • "Mythopoiesis at Work: Ibn Isḥāq’s/Ibn Hišām’s Legend about ‘Abd al-Muṭṭalib’s Digging of the Zamzam Well in Mecca and the Sealing of Salvation History." In progress.
  • "What Did it Mean to Be an Arab-Christian and an Arab-Muslim in the Late-Antique Near East? Some Symptomatic Reflections on Qur'an 2:124 and Cyril of Scythopolis's Vita Euthymii 10." In progress.
  • "Rḥmnn w-Msḥ-hw in CIH 541, DAI 2002-20, and Ry 506: A Brief Reassessment of Alfred Beeston’s, Irfan Shadid’s, Iwona Gajda’s, and Jonn Block’s interpretations of Abraha’s Christological Formula (with a note on the latter’s relevance for the study of Islam’s origins).” / In: Oriens Christianum. Forthcoming.
  • "En torno a Mahoma como mesías: una nueva mirada a las raíces cristianas del islam" <Muḥammad and the Messiah Son of Man: A New Look at the Christian Roots of Islam>. / In: Erebea 5. Forthcoming.
  • "'Those on the Right' and 'Those on the Left': Rereading Qur'ān 56.1-56 (and the Founding Myth of Islam) in Light of Apocalypse of Abraham 21-2." / In: Studia Islamica. Forthcoming.
  • "Del simulacro al laberinto: Los orígenes del Corán" <The Scholarly Labyrinth beyond the Pseudo-Scholarly Simulacrum: A New Look at the Origins of the Qur'ān> / In: Revista de Libros 193 (2014). [1]
  • "Pablo de Tarso, Israel y los gentiles: El nuevo enfoque radical sobre Pablo y el caríz judío de su mensaje" <Reassessing Paul's Jewishness: Israel, the Nations, and the Radical New Perspective on Paul> / In: Bandue 7. Forthcoming in 2013.
  • "El judeocristianismo: Una nueva hipótesis; seguido de un resumen de la Demostración 17 de Afraates (sobre la divinidad de Cristo" <Jewish-Christianity: A New Hypothesis; Followed by a Summary of Aphrahat's 17th Demonstration (on the Divinity of Christ)>. / In: Isidorianum 37 (2010) 83-108.
  • "Noah as Eschatological Mediator Transposed: From 2 Enoch 71-72 to the Christological Echoes of 1 Enoch 106:3 in the Qur'ān." / In: Henoch 33 (1/2011) 134-45.
  • "La biblioteca de Qumrán y los esenios" <The Library from Qumran and the Essenes>. / In: Historia National Geographic 88 (2011) 40-48.

Congress Papers

  • "A Messianic Controversy behind the Making of Muḥammad as the Last Prophet?" To be presented at the 4th Nangeroni Meeting / 1st EISS Conference of the Enoch Seminar (Milan, 2015): "Early Islam: The Sectarian Milieu of Late Antiquity?"
  • "Discussing/Subverting Paul: Polemical Rereadings and Competing Supersessionist Misreadings of Pauline Inclusivism in Late Antiquity: A Case Study on the Apocalypse of Abraham, Justin Martyr, and the Qur'ān." Presented to the 3rd Nangeroni Meeting of the Enoch Seminar (Rome, 2014): "Rereading Paul as a Second-Temple Jewish Author." Enoch Seminar Online
  • "'Those on the Right' and 'Those on the Left': Rereading Qur'ān 56.1-56 (and the Founding Myth of Islam) in Light of Apocalypse of Abraham 21-2." Presented to the symposium "Apocalyptique et figures du mal," Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels, 2013).
  • "Which Theologies in Conflict? Some Suggestions for a Symptomatic Rereading of 4 Ezra in Light of P. Sacchi's and E.P. Sanders' Contribution to the Study of Early Judaism, with a Final Note on the Hodayot from Qumran and Paul." Presented to the 6th Enoch Seminar (Milan, 2011): "2 Baruch - 4 Ezra: 1st Century Jewish Apocalypticism." Enoch Seminar Online
  • "Noah as Eschatological Mediator Transposed: From 2 Enoch 71-72 to the Christological Echoes of 1 Enoch 106:3 in the Qur'ān." Presented to the 5th Enoch Seminar (Naples, 2009): "Enoch, Adam, Melchizedek: Mediatorial Figures in 2 Enoch and Second Temple Judaism." Enoch Seminar Online

Dictionary Entries

  • "Life of Adam and Eve." / In: Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. Edited by L. Fried, J. W. Knust, E. Orlin and M. Satlow. London and New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.
  • "Psalms of Solomon." / In: Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. Edited by L. Fried, J. W. Knust, E. Orlin and M. Satlow. London and New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.
  • "Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs." / In: Routledge Dictionary of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. Edited by L. Fried, J. W. Knust, E. Orlin and M. Satlow. London and New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.


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