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==Select Bibliography (articles)==
==Select Bibliography (articles)==



*[[Antonio Maria Ceriani]], "Apocalypsis Baruch, olim de graeco in syriacum, et nunc de syriaco in latinum translata" in Monumenta sacra et profana (Tomus I, fasc. 2; Mediolani, 1866), pp. i-iii, 73-95 - Latin translation
*[[Antonio Maria Ceriani]], "Apocalypsis Baruch, olim de graeco in syriacum, et nunc de syriaco in latinum translata" in Monumenta sacra et profana (Tomus I, fasc. 2; Mediolani, 1866), pp. i-iii, 73-95 - Latin translation


**[[Joseph Langen]], De Apocalypsi Baruch: anno superiori primum edita: commentatio quam pro aditu muneris professoris ordinarii (Friburgi in Brisgovia: In Libraria Herderiana, 1867)
*[[Joseph Langen]], De Apocalypsi Baruch: anno superiori primum edita: commentatio quam pro aditu muneris professoris ordinarii (Friburgi in Brisgovia: In Libraria Herderiana, 1867)


*[[Antonio Maria Ceriani]], "Apocalypsis Baruch Syriace," in Monumenta sacra et profana (Tomus V, fasc. 2; Mediolani, 1871), p.113-167 - Syriac text
*[[Antonio Maria Ceriani]], "Apocalypsis Baruch Syriace," in Monumenta sacra et profana (Tomus V, fasc. 2; Mediolani, 1871), p.113-167 - Syriac text



*''Translation and mistranslation in the Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Frank Zimmermann]] / In Studies and Essays in honor of Abraham A. Neuman (Leiden: Brill, 1962) 580-587  
*''Translation and mistranslation in the Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Frank Zimmermann]] / In Studies and Essays in honor of Abraham A. Neuman (Leiden: Brill, 1962) 580-587  


*''Neue Textzeugen der syrischen Baruchapokalypse'' / W. Baars / [[Vetus Testamentum]] 13.4 (1963) 476-478
*''Neue Textzeugen der syrischen Baruchapokalypse'' / W. Baars / [[Vetus Testamentum]] 13.4 (1963) 476-478


*''Jüdische Apokalyptik am Ende des ersten nachchristlichen jahrhunderts'' / [[Clemens Thoma]] / [[Kairos]] 11.2 (1969) 134-144
*''Jüdische Apokalyptik am Ende des ersten nachchristlichen jahrhunderts'' / [[Clemens Thoma]] / [[Kairos]] 11.2 (1969) 134-144



*''Le problème de l’Apocalypse syriaque de Baruch d’après un ouvrage récent'' / [[Jean Hadot]] / [[Semitica]] 20 (1970) 59-76
*''Le problème de l’Apocalypse syriaque de Baruch d’après un ouvrage récent'' / [[Jean Hadot]] / [[Semitica]] 20 (1970) 59-76
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*''The sources and the redaction of the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Albertus Frederik Johannes Klijn]] / [[Journal for the Study of Judaism]] 1 (1970) 65-76
*''The sources and the redaction of the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Albertus Frederik Johannes Klijn]] / [[Journal for the Study of Judaism]] 1 (1970) 65-76


*''Narrative traditions in the Paralipomena of Jeremiah and 2 Baruch'' / [[George W.E. Nickelsburg]] / [[Catholic Biblical Quarterly]] 35 (1973) 60-68
*''Narrative traditions in the Paralipomena of Jeremiah and 2 Baruch'' / [[George W.E. Nickelsburg]] / [[Catholic Biblical Quarterly]] 35 (1973) 60-68


*''The two eons and the messiah in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch'' / [[Arthur J. Ferch]] / [[Andrews University Seminary Studies]] 15.2 (1977) 135-152
*''The two eons and the messiah in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch'' / [[Arthur J. Ferch]] / [[Andrews University Seminary Studies]] 15.2 (1977) 135-152



*''Jérusalem chez les pseudépigraphes (II Esdras et II Baruch)'' / [[Pierre-Maurice Bogaert]] / in Armand Abecassis, et al. (eds.), Jerusalem dans les traditions juives et chrétiennes (Louvain: Peeters, 1982) 15-23
*''Jérusalem chez les pseudépigraphes (II Esdras et II Baruch)'' / [[Pierre-Maurice Bogaert]] / in Armand Abecassis, et al. (eds.), Jerusalem dans les traditions juives et chrétiennes (Louvain: Peeters, 1982) 15-23
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*''2 Baruch : a story of grief and consolation'' / [[Gwendolyn B. Sayler]] / [[Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers]] 21 (1982) 485-500
*''2 Baruch : a story of grief and consolation'' / [[Gwendolyn B. Sayler]] / [[Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers]] 21 (1982) 485-500


*''Tradiciones targúmicas en el Baruc Siríaco (II Baruc)'' / [[Domingo Muñoz León]] / in [[Natalio Fernández Marcos]], et al. (eds.), Simposio Bíblico Español. Salamanca, 1982 (Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1984) 523-552
*''Tradiciones targúmicas en el Baruc Siríaco (II Baruc)'' / [[Domingo Muñoz León]] / in [[Natalio Fernández Marcos]], et al. (eds.), Simposio Bíblico Español. Salamanca, 1982 (Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1984) 523-552


*''Law in 2 Baruch and 4 Ezra'' / [[Michel R. Desjardins]] / [[Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses]] 14.1 (1985) 25-37
*''Law in 2 Baruch and 4 Ezra'' / [[Michel R. Desjardins]] / [[Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses]] 14.1 (1985) 25-37

*''The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Albertus Frederik J. Klijn]] / in: [[Outside the Old Testament (1985 Jonge), edited volume]], 193-212.
*''The Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Albertus Frederik J. Klijn]] / in: [[Outside the Old Testament (1985 Jonge), edited volume]], 193-212.
*''La estructura del Apocalipsis de Juan : una aproximación a la luz de la composición del 4.o de Esdras y del 2.o de Baruc'' / [[Domingo Muñoz León]] / In: [[Estudios Bíblicos]] 43.1-2 (1985) 125-172

*''2 Baruch and the Romans'' / [[Frederick J. Murphy]] / [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 104 (1985) 663-669
*''2 Baruch and the Romans'' / [[Frederick J. Murphy]] / [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 104 (1985) 663-669


*''Sapiential elements in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Frederick J. Murphy]] / [[Jewish Quarterly Review]] 76.4 (1986) 311-327
*''Sapiential elements in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Frederick J. Murphy]] / [[Jewish Quarterly Review]] 76.4 (1986) 311-327


*''Jewish and Christian apocalyptic letters: 1 Peter, Revelation, and 2 Baruch 78-87'' / [[J. Ramsey Michaels]] / in Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers 26 (1987) 268-275
*''Jewish and Christian apocalyptic letters: 1 Peter, Revelation, and 2 Baruch 78-87'' / [[J. Ramsey Michaels]] / in Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers 26 (1987) 268-275
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*''The Temple in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Frederick J. Murphy]] / [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 106 (1987) 671-683
*''The Temple in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Frederick J. Murphy]] / [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 106 (1987) 671-683


*''Recent developments in the study of the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Albertus Frederik Johannes Klijn]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 4 (1989) 3-17
*''Recent developments in the study of the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Albertus Frederik Johannes Klijn]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 4 (1989) 3-17
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*''2 Apoc. Bar. 48:42-52:7 and the apocalyptic dimension of Colossians 3:1-6'' / [[John R. Levison]] / [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 108.1 (1989) 93-108
*''2 Apoc. Bar. 48:42-52:7 and the apocalyptic dimension of Colossians 3:1-6'' / [[John R. Levison]] / [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 108.1 (1989) 93-108



*''Miti di origine, miti di caduta e presenza del femminino nel 4 Esdra e nel 2 Baruch'' / [[Giovanni Deiana]] / [[Ricerche Storico Bibliche]] 6.1-2 (1994) 141-152
*''Miti di origine, miti di caduta e presenza del femminino nel 4 Esdra e nel 2 Baruch'' / [[Giovanni Deiana]] / [[Ricerche Storico Bibliche]] 6.1-2 (1994) 141-152
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*''Universalidad de la salvación en la apocalíptica (Daniel, 4 de Esdras y 2 de Baruc)'' / [[Domingo Muñoz León]] / [[Revista Bíblica]] 56.3 (1994) 129-148  
*''Universalidad de la salvación en la apocalíptica (Daniel, 4 de Esdras y 2 de Baruc)'' / [[Domingo Muñoz León]] / [[Revista Bíblica]] 56.3 (1994) 129-148  


*''The Messianic Interpretation of Isa. 10:34 in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2 Baruch and the Preaching of John the Baptist'' / [[Richard Bauckham]] / [[Dead Sea Discoveries]] 2.2 (1995) 202-216
*''The Messianic Interpretation of Isa. 10:34 in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2 Baruch and the Preaching of John the Baptist'' / [[Richard Bauckham]] / [[Dead Sea Discoveries]] 2.2 (1995) 202-216


*''Two Parts, Weeks of Seven Weeks: The End of the Age as terminus ad quem for 2 Baruch'' / [[Nicolae Roddy]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 14 (1996) 3-14  
*''Two Parts, Weeks of Seven Weeks: The End of the Age as terminus ad quem for 2 Baruch'' / [[Nicolae Roddy]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 14 (1996) 3-14  

*''2 Baruch 54:1-22'' / [[Frederick William Dobbs-Allsopp]] / In: [[Prayer from Alexander to Constantine (1997 Kiley), edited volume]], 79-85

*''The Social Setting of the Syriac Apocalpse of Baruch'' / [[J. Edward Wright]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 16 (1997) 81-96
*''The Social Setting of the Syriac Apocalpse of Baruch'' / [[J. Edward Wright]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 16 (1997) 81-96


*''The Summing Up of History in 2 Baruch'' / [[John F. Hobbins]] / [[Jewish Quarterly Review]] 89.1-2 (1998) 45-79
*''The Summing Up of History in 2 Baruch'' / [[John F. Hobbins]] / [[Jewish Quarterly Review]] 89.1-2 (1998) 45-79
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*''The Apocalypse of the Syriach Baruch and the Date of the End'' / [[Antti Laato]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 18 (1998) 39-46
*''The Apocalypse of the Syriach Baruch and the Date of the End'' / [[Antti Laato]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 18 (1998) 39-46


*''Some Notes on the Arabic Versions of IV Ezra and the Apocalypse of Baruch in MS Mt Sinai Arabic Codex 589'' / [[Adriana Drint]] / [[Parole de l'Orient]] 24 (1999) 165-177
*''Some Notes on the Arabic Versions of IV Ezra and the Apocalypse of Baruch in MS Mt Sinai Arabic Codex 589'' / [[Adriana Drint]] / [[Parole de l'Orient]] 24 (1999) 165-177



*''Life Redefined: Wisdom and Law in Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch'' / [[Shannon Burkes]] / [[Catholic Biblical Quarterly]] 63/1 (2001) 55-71
*''Life Redefined: Wisdom and Law in Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch'' / [[Shannon Burkes]] / [[Catholic Biblical Quarterly]] 63/1 (2001) 55-71
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*''Testament and Canon in the Letter of Second Baruch (2 Baruch 78-87)'' / [[Mark F. Whitters]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 12.2 (2001) 149-163  
*''Testament and Canon in the Letter of Second Baruch (2 Baruch 78-87)'' / [[Mark F. Whitters]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 12.2 (2001) 149-163  


*''Pecat i reconciliació en l’Apocalipsi siríac de Baruc'' / [[Joan Ferrer]] /  In [[Perdó i reconciliació en la tradició jueva (2002 Puig i Tàrrech), edited volume]], 223-232
*''Pecat i reconciliació en l’Apocalipsi siríac de Baruc'' / [[Joan Ferrer]] /  In [[Perdó i reconciliació en la tradició jueva (2002 Puig i Tàrrech), edited volume]], 223-232
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*''Afterlife Expectations in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch, and Their Implications for the New Testament'' / [[Daniel J. Harrington]] / in [[R. Bieringer]], et al. (eds.), Resurrection in the New Testament. Festschrift J. Lambrecht  (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 165; Leuven: Peeters, 2002), p.21-34
*''Afterlife Expectations in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch, and Their Implications for the New Testament'' / [[Daniel J. Harrington]] / in [[R. Bieringer]], et al. (eds.), Resurrection in the New Testament. Festschrift J. Lambrecht  (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 165; Leuven: Peeters, 2002), p.21-34


*''Sui rapporti tra 2Baruc e 4Ezra: per un’analisi dell’apocalittica "danielico-storica" del I sec. e.v. / [[Marcello Del Verme]] / [[Orpheus]] 24.1-2 (2003) 30-54
*''Sui rapporti tra 2Baruc e 4Ezra: per un’analisi dell’apocalittica "danielico-storica" del I sec. e.v. / [[Marcello Del Verme]] / [[Orpheus]] 24.1-2 (2003) 30-54
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*''The "Holy Land" in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch'' / [[Daniel J. Harrington]] / [[Emanuel (2003 Paul), edited volume]], 661-672
*''The "Holy Land" in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch'' / [[Daniel J. Harrington]] / [[Emanuel (2003 Paul), edited volume]], 661-672


*''Ort und Funktion der Wolkenvision und ihrer Deutung in der syrischen Baruchapokalypse. Eine These zu deren thematischer Entfaltung'' / [[Martin Leuenberger]] / [[Journal for the Study of Judaism]] 36.2 (2005) 206-246  
*''Ort und Funktion der Wolkenvision und ihrer Deutung in der syrischen Baruchapokalypse. Eine These zu deren thematischer Entfaltung'' / [[Martin Leuenberger]] / [[Journal for the Study of Judaism]] 36.2 (2005) 206-246  


*''From Jeremiah to Baruch: Pseudepigraphy in the Syriac Apocalypse'' / [[Matthias Henze]] / in [[Charlotte Hempel]] and  [[Judith M. Lieu]] (eds.), Biblical Traditions in Transmission. Essays in Honour of Michael A. Knibb ([[Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism]],  111; Leiden, [[Brill]], 2006), pp.157-177
*''From Jeremiah to Baruch: Pseudepigraphy in the Syriac Apocalypse'' / [[Matthias Henze]] / in [[Charlotte Hempel]] and  [[Judith M. Lieu]] (eds.), Biblical Traditions in Transmission. Essays in Honour of Michael A. Knibb ([[Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism]],  111; Leiden, [[Brill]], 2006), pp.157-177

*''"Renewed by blood": Sheol’s quest in 2 Baruch 56:6'' / [[Eugen J. Pentiuc]] / In: [[Revue Biblique]] 114.4 (2007) 535-564

*''The Afterlife in Romans: Understanding Paul's Glory Motif in Light of the Apocalypse of Moses and 2 Baruch'' / [[Preston M. Sprinkle]] / in [[Michael Labahn]] and [[Manfred Lang]] (eds.), Lebendige Hoffnung - ewiger Tod?! Jenseitsvorstellungen im Hellenismus, Judentum und Christentum  ([[Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte]], 24; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007), pp. 201-233
*''The Afterlife in Romans: Understanding Paul's Glory Motif in Light of the Apocalypse of Moses and 2 Baruch'' / [[Preston M. Sprinkle]] / in [[Michael Labahn]] and [[Manfred Lang]] (eds.), Lebendige Hoffnung - ewiger Tod?! Jenseitsvorstellungen im Hellenismus, Judentum und Christentum  ([[Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte]], 24; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2007), pp. 201-233


*''The "twenty-fifth year of Jeconiah" and the date of 2 Baruch'' / [[Daniel M. Gurtner]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 18.1 (2008) 23-32
*''The "twenty-fifth year of Jeconiah" and the date of 2 Baruch'' / [[Daniel M. Gurtner]] / [[Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha]] 18.1 (2008) 23-32
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*''Qoheleth and the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Matthias Henze]] / [[Vetus Testamentum]] 58.1 (2008) 28-43
*''Qoheleth and the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch'' / [[Matthias Henze]] / [[Vetus Testamentum]] 58.1 (2008) 28-43


*''Recognizing the righteous remnant?: Resurrection, recognition and eschatological reversals in 2 Baruch 47-52'' / [[Liv Ingeborg Lied]] / [[Metamorphoses (2009 Seim / Økland), edited volume]]
*''Recognizing the righteous remnant?: Resurrection, recognition and eschatological reversals in 2 Baruch 47-52'' / [[Liv Ingeborg Lied]] / [[Metamorphoses (2009 Seim / Økland), edited volume]]


*''Recent Scholarship on 2 Baruch: 2000-2009'' / [[Liv Ingeborg Lied]] / In: [[Currents in Biblical Research]] 9.2 (2011) 238-376
*''Recent Scholarship on 2 Baruch: 2000-2009'' / [[Liv Ingeborg Lied]] / In: [[Currents in Biblical Research]] 9.2 (2011) 238-376
[[Category:2 Baruch (text)| ]]

Latest revision as of 16:28, 22 April 2011



  • Raphael J. Bidawid, Apocalypse of Baruch (The Old Testament in Syriac, 4; Leiden: Brill, 1973)

Modern translations

  • Paolo Bettiolo, "Apocalisse siriaca di Baruc," in Paolo Sacchi (ed.), Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento, vol.2 (Turin: UTET, 1989), pp. 147 - 233 - Italian translation
  • Jean Hadot, "Apocalypse syriaque de Baruch," in André Dupont-Sommer and Marc Philonenko (eds.), La Bible. Écrits intertestamentaires (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 337; Paris: Gallimard, 1987), pp.1471-1557 - French translation
  • A.F.J. Klijn, "2 (Syriac Apocalypse of) Baruch," in James H. Charlesworth (ed.), The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (2 vols.; New York: Doubleday, 1983, 1985) - English translation


Select Bibliography (articles)



  • Antonio Maria Ceriani, "Apocalypsis Baruch, olim de graeco in syriacum, et nunc de syriaco in latinum translata" in Monumenta sacra et profana (Tomus I, fasc. 2; Mediolani, 1866), pp. i-iii, 73-95 - Latin translation


  • Joseph Langen, De Apocalypsi Baruch: anno superiori primum edita: commentatio quam pro aditu muneris professoris ordinarii (Friburgi in Brisgovia: In Libraria Herderiana, 1867)



  • Antonio Maria Ceriani, "Apocalypsis Baruch Syriace," in Monumenta sacra et profana (Tomus V, fasc. 2; Mediolani, 1871), p.113-167 - Syriac text



  • Translation and mistranslation in the Apocalypse of Baruch / Frank Zimmermann / In Studies and Essays in honor of Abraham A. Neuman (Leiden: Brill, 1962) 580-587


  • Neue Textzeugen der syrischen Baruchapokalypse / W. Baars / Vetus Testamentum 13.4 (1963) 476-478


  • Jüdische Apokalyptik am Ende des ersten nachchristlichen jahrhunderts / Clemens Thoma / Kairos 11.2 (1969) 134-144



  • Le problème de l’Apocalypse syriaque de Baruch d’après un ouvrage récent / Jean Hadot / Semitica 20 (1970) 59-76





  • Jérusalem chez les pseudépigraphes (II Esdras et II Baruch) / Pierre-Maurice Bogaert / in Armand Abecassis, et al. (eds.), Jerusalem dans les traditions juives et chrétiennes (Louvain: Peeters, 1982) 15-23
  • An Analysis of Baruch's Prayer (Syr. Bar. 21) / Jacob Licht / in Geza Vermes and Jacob Neusner (eds.), Essays in Honour of Yigael Yadin (Journal of Jewish Studies, 33; Oxford: Oxford Centre Postgr. Hebrew Studies, 1982) 327-331



  • La estructura del Apocalipsis de Juan : una aproximación a la luz de la composición del 4.o de Esdras y del 2.o de Baruc / Domingo Muñoz León / In: Estudios Bíblicos 43.1-2 (1985) 125-172



  • Jewish and Christian apocalyptic letters: 1 Peter, Revelation, and 2 Baruch 78-87 / J. Ramsey Michaels / in Society of Biblical Literature: Seminar Papers 26 (1987) 268-275









  • Some Notes on the Arabic Versions of IV Ezra and the Apocalypse of Baruch in MS Mt Sinai Arabic Codex 589 / Adriana Drint / Parole de l'Orient 24 (1999) 165-177




  • Afterlife Expectations in Pseudo-Philo, 4 Ezra, and 2 Baruch, and Their Implications for the New Testament / Daniel J. Harrington / in R. Bieringer, et al. (eds.), Resurrection in the New Testament. Festschrift J. Lambrecht (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 165; Leuven: Peeters, 2002), p.21-34


  • Sui rapporti tra 2Baruc e 4Ezra: per un’analisi dell’apocalittica "danielico-storica" del I sec. e.v. / Marcello Del Verme / Orpheus 24.1-2 (2003) 30-54





