Preston M. Sprinkle (1976-), scholar

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Preston M. Sprinkle is an American scholar at Eternity Bible College (Simi Valley, CA), USA.

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Born in 1976 in California. PhD (2007) at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Assistant Professor (2007-2009) of Biblical Studies at Cedarville University (Cedarville, OH). Associate Professor (2009-) of Biblical Studies at Eternity Bible College

Works on Second Temple Judaism


  • Law and Life: The Use of Leviticus 18:5 in Early Judaism and in Paul (WUNT II.241; Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2008)

Articles in edited volumes

  • The Afterlife in Romans: Understanding Paul’s Glory Motif in Light of the Apocalypse of Moses and 2 Baruch / Preston M. Sprinkle / Manfred Lang and Michael Labhan (eds.), Lebendige Hoffnung – ewiger Tod?! Jenseitsvorstellungen im Hellenismus, Judentum und Christentum (Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte, 24; Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt: 2007), 201-33
  • Covenantal Nomism Revisited: The Soteriological Framework of Pseudo-Philo / Preston M. Sprinkle / Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts (eds.), Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism: Literary and Social Contexts for the New Testament (The New Testament in its Hellenistic Context; Leiden, Brill: 2009)

Articles in academic journals

External links