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Latest revision as of 19:15, 13 December 2019
Chinese language -- History of research -- Notes
The presence of Jews in China is documented as early as the 7th or 8th century CE. Small Christian groups (Nestorians and later, Catholics) also settled in China in various periods. Russian Orthodoxy was introduced in 1715 and Protestants began entering China in 1807.
Since the translation of the Bible in Chinese by Robert Morrison in 1823, the Bible has had a profound impact upon Chinese scholars, including non-Christians. Liang Qichao (1873-1929) is a prime example of a non-Christian Chinese scholar whose thought was deeply influenced by the Bible, especially the Old Testament.
In 1945 Father Gabriele Allegra (1907-1976) pioneered the Chinese translation of the Catholic Bible through the foundation of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Beijing (moved to Hong Kong in 1948). The complete Bible was published in 1968.
In 1985 the United Chinese Catholic Biblical Association (UCCBA) was created, and formally constituted in 1990, to "promote the biblical pastoral ministry in the Chinese-speaking world."
In 1989 the China Judaic Studies Association was founded by Professor Xu Xin, who in 1993 was the co-editor of the Chinese edition of the Encyclopedia Judaica.
In 1996 the Chuen King Memorial Lectures started in Hong Kong bringing some of the world most renowned biblical scholars to China.
In May 2004 the First International Congress of Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars was held in Hong Kong, jointly sponsored by the Ethnic Chinese Biblical Colloquium and the Theology Division, Chung Chi College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
A colloquium on Chinese biblical studies sponsored by the Center for the Study of Christianity in China, King’s College, London, was held January 17-21, 2009; see the report of the Global China Center by G. Wright Doyle.
Pages in category "Chinese language"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- 新遺詔書 (New Testament / 1813 Morrison), book
- 神天聖書 (Holy Bible / 1823 Morrison, Milne), book
- 聖經新遺詔全書 (New Testament / 1853 Goddard), book
- 第四博士傳 = The Story of the Other Wise Man (1903 Van Dyke / Fitch, Hang-Tong), novel (Chinese ed.)
- 评基督抹殺論 (1925 Sheng), book
- 舊新約間之宗敎 (1926 Charles / Throop, Huang) = Religious Development between the Old and the New Testaments (1914 Charles), book (Chinese ed.)
- 基督傳 (Jesus Christ / 1957 Luo), book
- 聖經考古學 = Biblical Archaeology (1967 Wright / Xia), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新舊約全書 (Old and New Testaments / 1968 Allegra, et al.), book
- 死海卷與基督敎信仰 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Faith (1969 LaSor / Shen), book (Chinese ed)
- 聖經 (The Bible / 1970 Lü), book
- 以色列史 = A History of Israel (1971 Bright / Xiao), book (Chinese ed.)
- 信證學與聖經中的基督 = Apologetics and the Biblical Christ (1972 @1963 Dulles / Huang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新約全書 : 給現代人的福音 (現代中文譯本) (Gospels for Modern Man: The New Testament in Today's Chinese / 1975 Bible Society), book
- 死海古卷與聖經 = The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (1978 Pfeiffer / Yuan Rong), book (Chinese ed.)
- 兩約中間史略 (Intertestamental History / 1978 Xie), book
- 聖經 : 現代中文譯本 (The Bible: Today's Chinese Version / 1979 Bible Society), book
- 耶穌 : 我們的夫子我們的主 = Jesus, Master and Lord (1979 @1953 Turner / Zhang, Gong), book (Chinese ed.)
- 恩賜與事奉 : 保羅神學点滴 (Ministry, Community and Spiritual Gifts: An Aspect in Paul's Theology / 1980 Fung), book (Chinese)
- Zhi hui pian shi yi (1981 Han), book
- 耶穌基督 : 史實與宣道 = Jesus Christus (Jesus Christ / 1981 @1953 Zimmermann / Yue), book (Chinese ed.)
- 古經之風俗及典章制度 = Les institutions de l’Ancien Testament (Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions / 1981 Vaux / Yang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 眞理與自由 : 加拉太書註釋 (Gospel Truth and Christian Liberty: A Commentary on Galatians / 1982 Fung), book
- 耶穌 = Jesus (1983 @1980 Carpenter / Tian), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新約背景 = New Testament Times (1985 Tenney / Liang, Li), book (Chinese ed.)
- 新約背景 (The New Testament Background / 1986 Chen), book
- 從巴比倫到伯利恆 = From Babylon to Bethlehem (1987 Ellison / Chen), book (Chinese ed.)
- 腓立比書 (Philippians / 1987 Fung), book
- 我信歷史上的耶穌 = I Believe in the Historical Jesus (1988 @1977 Marshall / Huang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 死海卷軸 = The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies, 2nd ed. (1989 @1961 Cross / Wu), book (Chinese ed.)
- 帖撒羅尼迦前書 (1 Thessalonians / 1989 Fung), book
- 兩約之間 = Between the Testaments (1989 Russell / Xuan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 帖撒羅尼迦後書 (2 Thessalonians / 1990 Fung), book
- 擘開生命之餅 : 路加五個獨有的比喻 (Perspective on Life: Five Lucan Parables / 1990 Fung), book
- 圣经百科辞典 (Encyclopedia of the Bible / 1990 Liang), book
- 猶太百科全書 = Encyclopedia Judaica (1993 Roth / Xu, Ling), book (Chinese ed.)
- 建道學刊 (1994- Alliance Bible Seminary), journal
- 希伯來書 (Hebrews / 1995 Fung), book (Chinese)
- 死海古卷 = The Dead Sea Scriptures (1995 @1976 Gaster / Wang, Cao, Mo), book (Chinese ed.)
- 耶稣传 : 一部革命性的传记 = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1997 Crossan / Gao, Duan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 創世紀 (Genesis / 1997-99 Kuang), book
- 羅馬書註釋 (Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans / 1999-2003 Fung), book
- 耶稣的一生 = Vie de Jésus (The Life of Jesus / 1999 Renan / Liang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 四福音與經外平行經文合參 (Synopsis of the Four Gospels / 2000 Wong), book
- 末世與盼望 : 帖撒羅尼迦前、後書的現代詮釋 (Eschatology and Hope: 1 & 2 Thessalonians / 2000 Yeo), book
- 自由的眞理 : 保羅神學觀 = Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free (2001 Bruce / Fan, Zhang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 沙塵中的榮耀 : 死海古卷與聖經 (Dust in Glory: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible / 2001 Zhuang), book
- 耶穌 : 天啓的末日先知 = Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium (2002 Ehrman / Chen), book (Chinese ed.)
- 圣经时代的犹太社会与民俗 (Social Life and Customs of the Jews in Biblical Times / 2002 Liang), book
- 希腊化世界中的犹太人 : 斐洛思想引论 = Jews in the Hellenistic World: Philo (2003 Williamson / Kailai, Qinghua), book (Chinese ed.)
- 達文西密碼 = The Da Vinci Code (2004 Brown / You), novel (Chinese ed.)
- 提摩太前書 (1 Timothy / 2004 Chen), book
- 帖撒羅尼迦前書 (1 Thessalonians / 2004 Fung), book
- 從伯利恆到全世界 : 神的兒子耶穌 (From Bethlehem to the World: Jesus the Son of God / 2004 Wang, Ruan), children's novel
- 密碼在說謊 : 揭開達文西密碼的眞相 = Breaking the Da Vinci Code (2005 Bock / Zhang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 聖經隱藏的歷史 : 破解達・文西密碼 (The Concealed History of the Bible: To Decode Da Vinci / 2005 Fang), non-fiction
- 創世記 (卷上) (2005 Kuang), book
- 西方圣经批评引论 (Introduction to Western Biblical Criticism / 2005 Liang), book
- 提摩太後書 (2 Timothy / 2005 Lin), book
- 達文西密碼大揭祕 = The Real History behind the Da Vinci Code (2005 Newman / Pan), book (Chinese ed.)
- 圖片兩約之間四百年 (400 Years of Intertestamental History in Pictures / 2005 Ta), book
- 古猶太教 = Das antike Judentum (Ancient Judaism / 2005 Weber / Kang, Jian), book (Chinese ed.)
- 傳道書 (Ecclesiastes / 2005 Xie), book
- 聖血與聖杯之謎 : 公審達文西密碼 = Secrets of the Code (2006 Burstein / Wang, Zhou), book (Chinese ed.)
- 腓立比書 (Philippians / 2006 Huang), book
- 破解達文西密碼 (Cracking the Da Vinci Code / 2006 Jiang), non-fiction
- 玩骨頭的女人 = Cross Bones (2006 Reichs / Tan), novel (Chinese ed.)
- 帖撒羅尼迦後書 (2 Thessalonians / 2006 Sun), book
- 耶穌新觀 = A New Perspective on Jesus (2007 Dunn / Zhou), book (Chinese ed.)
- 俄巴底亞書, 約拿書 (Obadiah, Jonah / 2007 Huang), book
- 圣经视阈中的东西方文学 (Oriental and Western Literature in the Horizon of the Bible / 2007 Liang), book
- 啟示錄 (Revelation of John / 2007 Sun), book
- 加拉太書註釋 = A Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (2008 Fung), book
- 路加的耶穌故事 = Conflict in Luke: Jesus, Authorities, Disciples (2008 Kingsbury / Ou), book (Chinese ed.)
- 摩尼教与古代西域史研究 (Manichaeism and Ancient Western History / 2008 Ma), book
- 《圣经》纵览 = The Bible: A Very Short Introduction (2008 Riches / Liang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 以弗所書 (Ephesians / 2009 Huang), book
- 移山之信 = Faith in Jesus and Paul (2009 Yeung / Shen), book (Chinese ed.)
- 製造耶穌 = Misquoting Jesus (2010 Ehrman), book (Chinese ed.)
- 彼得前書 (1 Peter / 2010 Lai), book
- 論盡羅馬 : 透析保羅寫羅馬書之目的 = Paul's Purpose in Writing Romans (2010 Lo / Wang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 孔子与保罗 (Confucius and Paul / 2010 Yeo), book
- 耶穌的另一面 = Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time (2011 Borg / Wang), book (Chinese ed.)
- 馬可福音 (The Gospel of Mark / 2011 Sun), book
- 布氏舊約導論 : 正典與基督教的想像 = An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination (2012 @2003 Brueggemann / Xu), book (Chinese ed.)