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*[[Richard Bauckham]]. ''A Note on a Problem in the Greek Version of 1 Enoch 1.9''. In [[Journal of Theological Studies]] 32.1 (1981) 136-138.
*[[Richard Bauckham]]. '''A Note on a Problem in the Greek Version of 1 Enoch 1.9'''. [[Journal of Theological Studies]] 32.1 (1981) 136-138.

* [[Roger T. Beckwith]]. '' The Earliest Enoch Literature and Its Calendar: Marks of Their Origin, Date and Motivation''. In [[Revue de Qumran]] 10.3 (1981) 365-403.
* [[Roger T. Beckwith]]. '''The Earliest Enoch Literature and Its Calendar: Marks of Their Origin, Date and Motivation'''. [[Revue de Qumran]] 10.3 (1981) 365-403.

* [[Joseph Coppens]]. '''Le Fils d'homme dans les traditions juives postbibliques hormis le "Livre des Paraboles" de l'Hénoch éthiopien'''. [[Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses]] 57.1 (1981) 58-82 <French>.
* [[Joseph Coppens]]. '''Le Fils d'homme dans les traditions juives postbibliques hormis le "Livre des Paraboles" de l'Hénoch éthiopien'''. [[Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses]] 57.1 (1981) 58-82 <French>.

*[[George W.E. Nickelsburg]]. ''The Books of Enoch in Recent Research''. In [[Religious Studies Review]] 7.3 (1981) 210-217.
* [[Florentino García Martínez]]. '''4Q Mes. Aram. y el libro de Noé'''. [[Escritos de Biblia y Oriente (1981)]] 195-232.
* [[Ferdinando Luciani]]. '''La giustizia di Enoch in Sir. 44,16b secondo la versione greca'''. [[Bibbia e Oriente]] 23.3 <129> (1981) 185-192 <Italian>.
*[[George W.E. Nickelsburg]]. ''The Books of Enoch in Recent Research''. [[Religious Studies Review]] 7.3 (1981) 210-217.
*[[George W.E. Nickelsburg]]. '''Enoch, Levi, and Peter: Recipients of Revelation in Upper Galilee'''. [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 100.4 (1981) 575-600.
*[[George W.E. Nickelsburg]]. '''[On] Michael A. Knibb, "The Ethiopic Book of Enoch; a New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments", 2 vols. (1978)'''. [[Catholic Biblical Quarterly]] 43.1 (1981) 133-135.
* [[David W. Suter]]. '''"Mašal" in the Similitudes of Enoch'''. [[Journal of Biblical Literature]] 100.2 (1981) 193-212.
* [[James C. VanderKam]]. '''[On] Michael A. Knibb, "The Ethiopic Book of Enoch; a New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments", 2 vols. (1978).''' [[Journal of the American Oriental Society]] 101.3 (1981) 412-414.


Revision as of 10:43, 8 September 2018

Enoch Blake.jpg

History of research (1980s)
History of research (1980s)

In the 1980s numerous new translations (Fusella 1981 [Italian]; Corrente/Piñero 1982 [Spanish]; Isaac 1983 [English]; Knibb (1984) [English]; Uhlig 1984 [German]; Black (1985) [English]; Caquot (1987) [French]) laid the foundation for a reevaluation of the importance of 1 Enoch within Second Temple Jewish literature.


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Cognate Fields (1980s)
Cognate Fields (1980s)

Selected Articles and Reviews (1980s)


  • André Caquot. [On] Michael A. Knibb, "The Ethiopic Book of Enoch; a New Edition in the Light of the Aramaic Dead Sea Fragments", 2 vols. (1978). Journal of Semitic Studies 25.2 (1980) 275-278 <French>.





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