Walter Ehrlich (M / Slovakia, 1930), Holocaust survivor

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The Ehrlich brothers at Ferramonti in October 1942 (@USHMM)

Walter Ehrlich (M / Slovakia, 1930), Holocaust survivor

Benito Ehrlich (M / Leros, 1942), Holocaust survivor


Walter Ehrlich was born January 13, 1930 in Trnava, Slovakia, to Alexander Ehrlich and Bella Ungar. They were among the passengers of the Pentcho Ship, arrived at Ferramonti from Rhodes on February 12, 1942. His brother Ernesto was born during the journey on the Leros Island. In March 1943 the family was sent to Monteroduni (near Campobasso). They remained in hiding until liberation. They emigrated to Palestine in May 1944.

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