Sonia Epelsztejn (F / Poland, 1937), Holocaust survivor

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Sonia Epelsztejn (F / Poland, 1937), Holocaust survivor


Sonia Epelsztejn was born Jul 12, 1937 in Siedliszcze, Poland. She survived in the Wlodawa Ghetto and in hiding with his parents, until they joined the partisans.

"The author lived with her parents in Siedliszcze, during the occupation, she hid with her father in a forest near Łęczna for some time, then ended up with her parents in the ghetto in Włodawa. After the liquidation of the ghetto, she and her mother were in hiding in the village of Grabniak, her father was in the partisans, after a year and eight months he took them with him, and in the forest she was liberated."

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