Category:Spanish Scholarship

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Spanish Scholarship includes works authored, edited or translated by Spanish Scholars.

See also: Spain -- Spanish -/- Spanish language -/- Spanish Fiction -- Spanish Authors


Spanish scholarship on Second Temple Judaism, Christian, Rabbinic, and Islamic origins includes contributions such as Alejandro Díez Macho's editio princeps of Targum Neophyti 1 and Florentino García Martínez's translations of, and studies on, the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The beginnings: from the mid-15th to the mid-20th century

In 1478, Daniel Vives published a Catalan translation of the Bible which stands as the third known printed translation of the Bible in a modern language, after the German edition by Johannes Mentelin in 1466, and the Italian edition by Niccolò Malermi in 1471. It was also based upon the Latin text of the Vulgata. There followed Juan Martín Cordero’s Spanish translation of JosephusJewish War, which was published in the 1550s; Benito Arias Montano’s (perhaps the first relevant Spanish Hebraist) Antewerp Polyglot or Biblia regia, which was in turn published between 1568 and 1573 and the first to include, alongside the Hebrew, Greek, and Latin versions of the Bible, the Syriac New Testament and several additional Targumic texts; Arias Montano’s Spanish translation of JosephusAntiquities of the Jews, which was published in the 1570s; an edition of Paul’s epistles with commentary by Francisco de Ribera and José de Acosta published in the 1590s; and Joseph Semah Arias’s translation of JosephusContra Apionem in the 1680s. Yet no significant volumes were produced between the late 17th and the mid-20th century.

Looking back at the 20th century: chief developments and achievements from the 1950s to the 1990s

Spanish research on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins was virtually inexistent, and hence absent from the international scholarly scene, until the 1950s. Nor had there been prior to that time a sustained editorial policy regarding the Spanish edition of studies originally published in other European languages. Antonio González Lamadrid’s 1956 volume on the Dead Sea discoveries and the Spanish edition in the late 1940s of the second volume of Giuseppe Ricciotti’s Storia d’Israele (which was curiously made possible through the efforts of Xavier Zubiri, a very influent Spanish philosopher who had studied in his youth with Husserl and Heidegger) must be by and large considered, therefore, as the point of departure of this particular field of study in contemporary Spain.

Spanish scholarship has since mainly focused upon five general topics: (a) the Dead Sea Scrolls, (b) the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, (c) the Greek versions of the Bible (including the Septuagint), (d) the Targum, and (e) Christian Origins.

Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls were broadly explored, especially in the 1990s. One should mention here, amidst other works, Jesús Cantera Ortiz de Urbina’s Spanish translation of the Habakuk Pesher from Qumran; the studies on the Greek papyri from Qumran Cave 7 by José O’Callaghan Martínez, whose suggestions concerning the possible presence of some New Testament fragments amongst the Qumran scrolls have been widely disputed on both philological and statistic grounds; Luis Vegas Montaner’s critical edition of the Minor Prophets according to the Qumran textual witnesses; José María Casciaro Rodríguez’s comparative essays on the Qumran literature and the New Testament; Santiago Ausín Olmos’ studies on the ethical language of the sectarian writings from the Qumran community; the proceedings of the Madrid Qumran Congress, which was organised in 1991 by Luis Vegas Montaner and Julio Trebolle Barrera; Jaime Vázquez Allegue’s studies on the Rule of the Community. Yet the foremost contribution to the study of the Qumran Yahad and its literature was made by Florentino García Martínez, who, as Gabriele Boccaccini rightly observes, has helped contemporary research on late Second Temple sectarianism to move “out of Josephus precious yet so cumbersome testimony”, and whose well-known hypothesis on the intra-Essene schismatic origins of the Qumran Yahad, first made public in English in 1988, was already suggested by him in a Spanish as early as 1985.

In the early 1980s, Alejandro Díez Macho began to prepare a collective Spanish translation of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha of which six out of the seven planed volumes have been already published. Díez Macho was deeply influenced by the work of Paolo Sacchi, on whose views he often relied. This notwithstanding, his general introduction to the Spanish edition of the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (vol. 1) deserves being mentioned as perhaps the most insightful Spanish contribution to their modern study ever published. He worked in close collaboration with María Ángeles Navarro, Alfonso de la Fuente, Miguel Pérez Fernández, and Antonio Piñero Sáenz, who codirected the first four volumes of the collection and has been responsible of the edition of its two last published volumes.

A few studies on the Septuagint and the Greek versions of the Bible were also published in the 1970s and the 1990s, both in Spanish and English, by Natalio Fernández Marcos and Ángel Sáenz-Badillos Pérez.

As for the Targum, mention must be made of Alejandro Díez Macho's editio princeps and Spanish translation of Targum Neophyti 1, whose sole extant manuscript he had discovered in 1956 at the Vatican Library. This very remarkable contribution to the study of the Jewish literature from the 1st century CE appeared in 6 vols. between 1968 and 1979, with appended French and English translations by Roger le Déaut, Martin McNamara and Michael Maher, complementary studies by Emiliano Martínez Borobio, Pedro Esterlich and Miguel Pérez Fernández, and a comprehensive Index by Etan Levine. Additional studies on, and translations of, various other targumim were produced in the 1970s, the 1980s and the 1990s by Emiliano Martínez Borobio, Domingo Muñoz León, Miguel Pérez Fernández, and Josep Ribera Florit. These scholars worked initially under the guidance of Diez Macho, who is credited to have laid the foundation of the Spanish school of Targumic studies and whose work ought to be regarded, together with Florentino García Martínez’s, as the most outstanding Spanish contribution to the study of the Second Temple period and its literature.

Perspectives at the opening of the 21st century

Spanish Scholarship over the centuries

General Statistics

Leading Spanish institutions of higher education, centres for scholarly research, scholarly projects, learned societies, publishers, academic journals, and libriries in the field

Institutions of higher education

Centres for scholarly research

Scholarly projects and research seminars

Learned societies


Academic journals


Major manuscripts

In Depth

See also: Spain -- Spanish -- Spanish language -- Spanish Authors -- Spanish Fiction

Notes (Navigation Guidelines, and Scholarly Cooperation)

  • Brief Overviews of each period are given above (century-by-century overviews up to the 21st century plus decade-by-decade overviews from the 1900s onwards).
  • Partial Statistics Tables are also included after each century-by-century and decade-by-decade overview to show the subject rankigns of each period: they comprise (a) books by Spanish scholars originally published in Spanish, (b) books by non-Spanish scholars translated into Spanish, and (c) books by Spanish scholars originally published in other languages different from Spanish by number and subject; (d) the total number of books published in and outside Spain in each period is also provided.
  • A General Statistics Table which offers (a) a survey of all subjects dealt with and all books produced by century (from the mid-15th century to the 19th century) and decade (from the 1900s to the 2010s), and (b) subject rankings by scholars and publishers is provided separately, after the "Spanish Scholarship over the centuries" section.
  • Six different resource lists containing the names and websites of the leading Spanish institutions of higher education and the leading Spanish centres for scholarly research in Second Temple Judaism, Christian Origins and other related areas of specialization, as well as the names and websites of the main Spanish learned societies, the leading Spanish publishers and academic journals in the field, and the Spanish libraries relevant to the study of early Jewish and Christian documents, are then appended.
  • Major manuscripts preserved in Spain are also mentioned after these.
  • Related Categories such as Spanish language and Spanish Fiction are provided as well.
  • Periods with no apparent scholarly production (e.g. the 19th century or the 1920s) are intentionally left in blank.
  • Blue links correspond to now active entries; red links, to still non-active entries which will be, nonetheless, created and developed in the future.
  • Please kindly inform the editor ( of any missing references you may notice.

Pages in category "Spanish Scholarship"

The following 53 pages are in this category, out of 53 total.