Sasi Benjamin (M / Libya / Italy, 1943), Holocaust survivor

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Sasi Benjamin (M / Libya / Italy, 1943), Holocaust survivor

Buba Benjamin (F / Libya, 1939), Holocaust survivor

Abramo Benjamin (M / Libya, 1941), Holocaust survivor


Buba Benjamin (Bengasi, Lybia, Oct 1939), Abramo Benjamin (Bengasi, Lybia, 1941), and Sasi Benjamin (Bazzano, Italy, 9 Mar 1943) were the children of Isacco Benjamin and Fortunata Arbib. In April 1942 the family was interned in Italy at Bazzano (near Bologna) where Sasi was born. They were arrested on Sep 29, 1943 and deported to Reichenau (Austria) in January 1944. In April 1944 they were transferred to Vettel (France), where they remained until liberation.


Sasi Benjamin, figlio di Isacco Benjamin e Fortunata Arbib è nato in Italia a Bazzano il 9 marzo 1943. Arrestato a Bazzano (Bologna). Deportato nel campo di concentramento di Reichenau. È sopravvissuto alla Shoah.

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