Ruth Posner

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Ruth Posner / Ruth Wajsberg (F / Poland, 1929), Holocaust survivor

  • KEYWORDS : <[Warsaw Ghetto]]> <Hidden Children>


Born April 20, 1929 in Warsaw, Poland and an only child, her father was a non-observant Polish Jew who had been a local government official before World War II during which she and her parents were sent to the Warsaw Ghetto. In 1942 her father arranged for his 9-year-old daughter and her aunt to go to work at a Jewish-owned leather factory outside the ghetto walls, and from here they both escaped. Posner survived the remainder of the war by pretending to be a young Polish Catholic girl called Irena Slabowska. She was aided in this deception by the fact that she and her parents had always spoken Polish together rather than Yiddish. It is believed that her parents were killed in Treblinka.

She became a famous dancer and actress.

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