Mietek Eichel

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Mietek Eichel (M / Poland, 1931), Holocaust survivor.

  • MEMOIRS : The Children Accuse (1946), 3-7 -- The Root and the Bough (1949), 284-293


Mietek (Mieczyslav) Eichel (Ejchel) was born 1931 in Warsaw, Poland; the son of Chaim Eichel and Regina Majerowicz. Under Nazi occupation, the family was forced to live in the Warsaw Ghetto. "To buy food ... every day my brother and I left the ghetto ... Every day I had to fight with Polish boys who tried to take what I had from me."

On July 25 1942 his entire family was sent to Treblinka. "Only [my friend] Heniek Bursztyn and my brother and I were left." In January 1943 they survived another Aktion. They took refuge on the Aryan side two weeks before the uprising.

"Robbery and confiscation of Jewish property. Men round-up for forced labor. Establishing a ghetto in Warsaw. Description of life in the ghetto. Liquidation actions in July and August 1942 and January 1943. At the beginning of April 1943, the author and his brother moved to the so-called Aryan side. The outbreak and fall of the ghetto uprising. Hiding places in various places in Warsaw. Help from Poles. Cases of denouncing Jews in hiding. After the fall of the Warsaw Uprising, the author and a group of Jews stayed in the bunker in Okęcie."

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