Judy Freeman

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Judy Beitscher / Judy Freeman (F / Czechia, 1929), Holocaust survivor


Judy Freeman (née Beitscher), born March 2, 1929, discusses her childhood in Uzhorzad, Czechoslovakia (Uzhhorod, Ukraine); her deportation to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen; her experiences while imprisoned in the camps; her fear of rape upon entering the camps; various forms of humiliation inflicted on women in the camps; effects on her menstruation while imprisoned; daily life in labor camps; her experiences with crematoriums; her interactions with Dr. Mengele; her memories of a death march in 1944, during which two friends helped her survive; the liberation of Bergen-Belsen; moving to the United States with her husband, a fellow survivor; and her public speaking and journalism about her wartime experiences.

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