Hugo Zulawski (M / Austria, 1926-2003), Holocaust survivor

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Hugo Zulawski (M / Austria, 1926), Holocaust survivor


Hugo Zulawski was born on January 28, 1926 in Vienna, Austria, to Sigmund and Paula (née Walkowitz) Zulawski. In May 1939, Hugo sailed for the United States as part of a transport of "50 children" organized by Gilbert and Eleanor Kraus. After spending the summer at the Brith Sholomville camp, Hugo went to live with a cousin in Brooklyn, NY. Sigmund and Paula were able to immigrate, first to England and then to the United States in 1940. Sigmund went to work for a printing firm. In 1944, Hugo was inducted in the United States Army, trained at Camp Ritchie, and worked in intelligence. He later earned a degree in civil engineering and worked on construction projects in the New York City area. He passed away on September 30, 2003.

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