Elena Benjamin (F / Libya, 1935), Holocaust survivor

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Elena Benjamin (F / Libya, 1935), Holocaust survivor

Vittorio Benjamin (M / Libya, 1931), Holocaust survivor

Perla Benjamin (F / Libya, 1934), Holocaust survivor

Giorgio Benjamin (M / Libya, 1937), Holocaust survivor

Samuele Benjamin (M / Libya, 1941), Holocaust survivor

Morris Benjamin (M / Libya / Italy, 1943), Holocaust survivor


Vittorio Benjamin (Bengasi, Libya, 1931), Perla Benjamin (Tripoli, Libya, 1934), Elena Benjamin (Tripoli, Libya, 1935), Giorgio Benjamin (Tripoli, Libya, 1937), Isacco Benjamin (Tripoli, Libya, 1931), and Morris Benjamin (Bazzano, Italy, 8 July 1943) were the children of Isacco Benjamin and Zecchia Misellati. In March 1942 the family was interned in Italy at Civitella del Tronto (near Teramo) and later, at Bazzano (near Bologna), where Morris was born. They were arrested on Sep 29, 1943 and deported to Reichenau (Austria) in January 1944. In April 1944 they were transferred to Vettel (France), where they remained until liberation.


Elena Benjamin, figlia di Isacco Benjamin e Zecchia Misellati è nata in Libia a Tripoli l' 8 ottobre 1935. Arrestata a Bazzano (Bologna). Deportata nel campo di concentramento di Reichenau. È sopravvissuta alla Shoah.

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