David Galant (M / France, 1927), Holocaust survivor

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David Galant (M / France, 1927), Holocaust survivor


"David Galant, figlio di Jehuda Galant e Rosa Bryl, è nato in Francia a Parigi il 18 marzo 1927. Arrestato a Borgo San Dalmazzo (Cuneo). Deportato nel campo di sterminio di Auschwitz, via Drancy. È sopravvissuto alla Shoah."--CDEC

"David Galant was born in Paris, France. Towards the end of 1941, Mr. Galant and his family fled Paris for Nimes, France where they remained until 1943. While trying to escape approaching Nazi occupation, the Galant family was trapped and captured. The family was sent first to Drancy concentration camp, and then to Auschwitz, where Mr. Galant was separated from all family members except his brother. Mr. Galant worked at the sub-camp Monowitz (Buna) in a factory until January 1945, when he was sent on a death march to Dora concentration camp. He was then transferred to Nordhausen, where he was liberated by American and Belgian troops in April 1945. In June 1946, Mr. Galant immigrated to the United States, joining family members who lived in Oakland, California. Mr. Galant continues to live in the San Francisco Bay area."--USHMM

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