Category:English language--1920s
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Pages in category "English language--1920s"
The following 183 pages are in this category, out of 183 total.
- The Women of the Bible: A Portrait Gallery (1911 Sangster), book
- Four Hitherto Unpublished Gospels (1920 Barton), novel
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1920 Burton), book
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John (1920 Charles), book
- If Jesus Did Not Die upon the Cross (1920 Docker), arch-fi
- A Jewish View of Jesus (1920 Enelow), book
- The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament (1920 James), book
- St Paul: His Life, Letters, and Christian Doctrine (1920 McNeile), book
- A Short Survey of the Literature of Rabbinical and Mediæval Judaism (1920 Oesterley, Box), book
- To the Romans: A Commentary (1920 Pallis), book
- Barnabas, Hermas and the Didache (1920 Robinson), book
- The Autobiography of Judas Iscariot (1920 Sheppard), novel
- The Wandering Jew (1920 Thurston), play
- St Mark Passion (1920 Wood), cantata
- The Coming of the King (1921 Babcock), novel
- Hellenism and Christianity (1921 Bevan), book
- The Date and Place of Writing of the Slavonic Enoch (1921 Charles), essay
- Revelation (1921 Deamer), novel
- The Queen of Sheba (1921 Edwards), feature film
- The Easter Calendar and the Slavonic Enoch (1921 Fotheringham), essay
- Princess Salome (1921 Jenkins, Hoskins), novel
- The Origin of Paul's Religion (1921 Machen), book
- Christian Writers on Judaism (1921 Moore), essay
- The Two Recensions of Slavonic Enoch (1921 Schmidt), essay
- The Twice Born Woman (1921 Strauss), short film
- Jesus of Nazareth: A Biography (1922 Barton), book
- The Acts of the Apostles (1922 Blunt), book
- Salome (1922 Bryant), feature film
- The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel (1922 Burney), book
- Types of Jewish-Palestinian Piety from 70 B.C.E. to 70 C.E.: The Ancient Pious Men (1922 Büchler), book
- Samson and Delilah (1922 Collins), film
- The Street of the Gazelle (1922 Deamer), novel
- Nero (1922 Edwards), feature film
- The Beloved Disciple (1922 Garvie), book
- Enoch and 2 Corinthians (1922 Harris), essay
- Berenice (1922 Masefield), play
- St. Luke (1922 Ragg), book
- Traces of Early Acquaintance in Europe with the Book of Enoch (1922 Schmidt), essay
- The Parable of Dives and Lazarus, and Enoch 22 (1922 Standen), essay
- Onesimus (1922 Tupper), play
- Salome, English ed. (1922 @1893 Wilde / Eric), Broadway production (play)
- The Social Origins of Christianity (1923 Case), book
- The Dream of the Magi (1923 Cunninghame Graham), novel
- Friends of Jesus (1923 Deseo), play
- The Shepherd King (1923 Edwards), film
- The Wandering Jew (1923 Elvey), feature film
- The Theology of Justin Martyr (1923 Goodenough), book
- The New Testament: An American Translation (1923 Goodspeed), book
- Paul, son of Kish (1923 Henry), novel
- The Date of the Slavonic Enoch (1923 Lake), essay
- New Testament Greek for Beginners (1923 Machen), book
- Women of the Bible: Their Services in Home and State (1923 Marble), book
- Judas (1923 Moore), poetry
- The Roots of Hebrew Prophecy and Jewish Apocalyptic (1923 Peake), book
- Simon of Cyrene (1923 Shastid), novel
- Salome (1923 Strauss), film
- Judas Iscariot (1923 Thurston), play
- The Teaching of Jesus and the Jewish Teaching of His Age (1923 Walker), book
- Salome, English ed. (1923 @1893 Wilde), Broadway production (play)
- Rex amoris--The King of Love (1923 Wind), novel
- Theatre Music to Roche's Belshazzar (1924 Achron), music
- The Literature of the Old Testament (1924 Bewer), book
- Pilate’s Wife (1924 Doolittle), novel
- Jesus and the Greeks; or, Early Christianity in the Tideway of Hellenism (1924 Fairweather), book
- The Traditions of Islam: An Introduction to the Study of the Hadith Literature (1924 Guillaume), book
- The Pharisees (1924 Herford), book
- The Apocryphal New Testament (1924 James), book
- The Character of Paul (1924 Jefferson), non-fiction
- The Plan of Caiaphas (1924 Lee), book
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles (1924 Lock), book
- The Relations Between Arabs and Israelites Prior to the Rise of Islam (1924 Margoliouth), book
- The Gnostic John the Baptizer (1924 Mead), book
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews (1924 Moffatt), book
- David (1924 Southwell), feature film
- Men Who Met Jesus (1924 Williams), novel
- The Gospel of Mark: Its composition and date (1925 Bacon), book
- The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians (1925 Blunt), book
- Stranger than Fiction: A Short History of the Jews (1925 Browne), book
- The Man Nobody Knows (1925 Burton), nonfiction book
- Judas Iscariot (1925 Cullen), poetry
- (+) The History and Literature of the New Testament (1925 Fowler), book
- The Samaritans: Their History, Doctrines and Literature (1925 Gaster), book
- (+) Paul of Tarsus (1925 Glover), book
- The Making of the English New Testament (1925 Goodspeed), book
- פרקי אבות / Pirke Aboth (1925 Herford), book
- Foundations of Christianity = Der Ursprung des Christentums (1925 @1908 Kautsky / Mins), book (English ed.)
- The Man Nobody Knows (1925 Kenepp), film
- St. Paul and the Church of Jerusalem (1925 Knox), book
- Jewish Sects and Parties in the Time of Jesus (1925 Lightley), book
- The Trial of Jesus (1925 Masefield), play
- Androcles and the Lion (1925 Moeller / @1912 Shaw), New York (Broadway) production (play)
- Jonah (1925 Nathan), novel
- The Jewish Background of the Christian Liturgy (1925 Oesterley), book
- St. Mark (1925 Rawlinson), book
- The Social Laws of the Quran: Considered and Compassed with Those of the Hebrew and Other Ancient Codes (1925 Roberts), book
- What Jesus Read: His Dependence and Independence (1925 Walker), book
- Through Human Eyes (1925 Williams), novel
- The Master and His friends (1925 Wilson), novel
- The Hidden Centuries: Malachi to Matthew (1926 Annett), book
- Titus and Berenice (1926 Boyle), play
- A Short Introduction to the Gospels (1926 Burton / Willoughby), book
- The New Testament World (1926 Dana), book
- (+) Mohammed (1926 Dibble), non-fiction
- The Enochic Pentateuch (1926 Dix), essay
- Jesus the Nazarene: Myth or History? (1926 Goguel / Stephens), book (English ed.)
- The Formation of the New Testament (1926 Goodspeed), book
- Notes on St. John and the Apocalypse (1926 Pallis), book
- Judas; or, The Betrayal (1926, Pepler), play
- In the Palace of Amuhia (1926 Pickard), novel
- The Theology of Saint Paul = La théologie de Saint Paul (1926-27 Prat / Stoddard), book (English ed.)
- The Apocalypse of Noah and the Parables of Enoch (1926 Schmidt), essay
- Divine Forgiveness in First Century Judaism (1926 Shaffer), thesis
- Bible Dramas in the Pulpit (1926 Stackhouse), play
- The Tragedy of Judas Iscariot (1926 Tavani), play
- (++) Josephus (1926-1981 Thackeray/et al.), book
- John (1927 Barry), play
- The Testament of Abraham (1927 Box), book
- Jesus: A New Biography (1927 Case), book
- (+) Peter: Prince of Apostles (1927 Foakes-Jackson), book
- The Life of Saint Paul: the Man and the Apostle (1926 Foakes-Jackson), book
- New Solutions of New Testament Problems (1927 Goodspeed), book
- The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1927 Goudge), book
- An Introduction to the Study of the New Testament (1927 McNeile), book
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel (1927 Montgomery), book
- Samson and Delilah (1927 Parkinson), film
- Paul the Jew (1927 Phillimore), novel
- The Epistle of St. James and Judaic Christianity (1927 Rendall), book
- The Gospel according to St. Matthew (Greek Text) (1927 Smith), book
- A Handbook of Early Muhammadan Tradition (1927 Wensinck), book
- Men & Manners in the Days of Christ (1928 Arendzen), non-fiction
- (+) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John (1928 Bernard, McNeile), book
- Sibyls and Seers (1928 Bevan), book
- Ol' Man Adam an' His Chillun (1928 Bradford), novel
- Studies in Early Christianity (1928 Case), edited volume
- Jesus of Nazareth (1928 Conover), feature film
- A Gift from the East (1928 Correll), novel
- The Promise Everlasting (1928 Correll), novel
- The Scripts of Cleophas (1928 Cummins), vision
- Noah's Ark (1928 Curtiz), film
- Giant Killer (1928 Davis), novel
- (++) Jesus, the Son of Man (1928 Gibran), poetry
- Belshazzar (1928 Haggard), novel
- The Coming of Christ (1928 Holst), theatre music
- A History of the Interbiblical Period as a Background of the New Testament (1928 Hurt), thesis
- The Rich Young Man (1928 Knox), novel
- (+) The Escaped Cock (1928 Lawrence), novel
- St. Paul in Jewish Thought (1928 Levertoff), book
- The Son of Man: The Story of Jesus = Der Menschensohn: Geschichte eines Propheten (1928 Ludwig / Paul), non-fiction (English ed.)
- The Gospel of John (1928 Macgregor), book
- The Coming of Christ (1928 Masefield), play
- 3 Enoch; or, The Hebrew Book of Enoch (1928 Odeberg), book
- Notes on St. Luke and the Acts (1928 Pallis), book
- III Maccabees and Pseudo-Aristeas: A Study (1928 Tracy), book
- The Wife of Pontius Pilate (1928 Turnbull), novel
- Moses (1928 Untermeyer), novel
- My First Two Thousand Years (1928 Viereck/Eldridge), novel
- Paul among the Jews = Paulus unter den Juden (1928 Werfel / Levertoff), play (English ed.)
- The Gospel According to Judas Iscariot (1929 Bates), novel
- The Bridge Between the Testaments (1929 Booth), book
- A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel (1929 Charles), book
- The Flaming Hand (1929 Correll), novel
- The Black Christ (1929 Cullen), poetry
- Jesus-Jeshua (1929 Dalman / Levertoff), book (English ed.)
- Nabonidus and Belshazzar (1929 Dougherty), book
- (+) The Origins of the Synagogue and the Church (1929 Kohler/Enelow), book
- The Five Books of Mr. Moses (1929 Goller), novel
- Judith (1929 Goossens / @1919 Bennett), opera (music & libretto)
- Queen Mariamne and King Herod (1929 Kranzthor), play
- Spartacus (1929 Kranzthor), play
- The Pharisees and Their Teachings (1929 Lauterbach), book
- The Epistle to the Ephesians (1929 Lock), book
- Jesus according to St Mark: An Interpretation of St Mark's Gospel (1929 Lowrie), book
- From Babylon to Bethlehem: A Survey of Interbiblical History (1929 McGinty), book
- Barter (1929 Nagle), play
- Paul and the Jewish Christians (1929 Peake), book
- Iscariot: The Story of Judas (1929 Roth), novel
- From Locke to Reitzenstein: The Historical Investigation of the Origins of Christianity (1929 Salvatorelli), essay
- Josephus: The Man and the Historian (1929 Thackeray), book
- Slings and Sandals (1929 Whitehead), novel
- The Bible through the Centuries (1929 Willett), book
Media in category "English language--1920s"
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.
- 1921 Bennet (film).jpg 214 × 317; 16 KB
- 1921 Oesterley.jpg 234 × 350; 21 KB
- 1923 DeMille (film).jpg 244 × 399; 69 KB
- 1925 * Klausner en.jpg 309 × 500; 19 KB
- 1925 Dwan (film).jpg 183 × 275; 9 KB
- 1925 * Niblo (film).jpg 406 × 599; 81 KB
- 1926 * Byrne (novel).jpg 297 × 474; 16 KB
- 1927 * Moore.jpg 332 × 500; 44 KB
- 1927 DeMille (film).jpg 348 × 490; 76 KB
- 1928 * Hurst.jpg 667 × 1,000; 35 KB
- 1928 Curtiz (film).jpg 440 × 688; 134 KB
- 1928 * Herford.jpg 333 × 499; 25 KB
- 1929 * Colson.jpg 329 × 499; 23 KB
- 1929-E * Eiselen Lewis Downey.jpg 1,020 × 1,346; 110 KB
- 1929 Robson.jpg 178 × 284; 3 KB