Category:Danish language
Danish language -- History of research -- Notes
The first Danish scholars in the 1500s and 1600s, such as Niels Hemmingsen (1513-1600) and Thomas Bangius (1600-1661), wrote in Latin.
Danish Scholarship emerged in the 1700s with Ludvig Holberg and Christian Bastholm, who were among the first to write comprehensive histories of the Jews "from creation to the present." Bastholm's work was also translated into German.
The play Ahasverus (1847) by Hans Christian Andersen marked the rise of a tradition of fictional works in Danish in the field.
At the turn of the 19th century scholar Frants Buhl was the leading figure with his studies in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins.
The fictional works of playwright Kaj Munk and film director Carl Theodor Dreyer earned international acclaim.
- Stjarnans son (1953 Borchsenius), book (Swedish ed.)
- The Son of a Star (1957 Borchsenius), book (English ed.)
- Der Sternensohn (1958 Borchsenius), book (German ed.)
Danish Authorship
- Commentarius in utramque epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Corinthios (1564 Hemmingsen), book (Latin)
- Commentarii in Epistolas Pauli ad Timotheum duas, ad Titum unam, ad Philemonem unam (1566 Hemmingsen), book (Latin)
- Commentarius in Epistolam apostolicam ad Hebraeos (1568 Hemmingsen), book (Latin)
- Caelum Orientis et prisei mundi (1657 Bangius), book (Latin)
- Daniel (1937 Bentzen), book (English)
- Messias, Moses redivivus, Menschensohn (1948 Bentzen), book (German)
- Philosophie und Christentum: Eine Interpretation der Einleitung zum Dialog Justins (1966 Hyldahl), book (German)
- The Acts of the Apostles (1967 Munck/Albright/Mann), book (English)
- The Rider and His Horse (1968 Haugaard/Dillon), children's novel (English)
- Spätjudentum und Heilsgeschichte (1971 Noack), book (German)
- Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World (1977 Crone, Cook), book (English)
- Salome (1978 Davies / Flindt), ballet (English)
- Slaves on Horses: The Evolution of the Islamic Polity (1980 Crone), book (English)
- Der Ausdruck "Menschensohn" in den Evangelien (1984 Müller), book (German)
- God's Caliph: Religious Authority in the Fisrt Centuries of Islam (1986 Crone, Hinds), book (English)
- Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam (1987 Crone), book (English)
- Roman, Provincial, and Islamic Law: The Origins of the islamic Patronate (1987 Crone), book (English)
- Flavius Josephus between Jerusalem and Rome (1988 Bilde), book (English)
- The First Bible of the Church: A Plea for the Septuagint (1996 Müller), book (English)
- Paul and the Stoics (2000 Engberg-Pedersen), book (English)
- Tobit and Judith (2002 Otzen), book (English)
- A Priest for All Generations: An Investigation into the Use of the Melchizedek Figure from Genesis to the Cave of Treasures (2013 Dalgaard), book (English)
Danish Fiction
- Ahasverus (1847 Andersen), play
- Blade af Satans bog (Leaves from Satan's Book / 1920 Dreyer), film
- En idealist (1928 Munk), play
- Profeten Jonas privat (1937 Tandrup), novel
- Judith (1940 Abell), play
- Den brændende tornebusk (1956 Hoffmann), novel
- Kobberslangen (1958 Hoffmann), novel
- Jesus, min søn (2003 Larsen), film
Pages in category "Danish language"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- Den Jødiske historie (History of the Jews / 1777-1782 Bastholm), book (Danish)
- Ahasverus (1847 Andersen), play
- Jerusalem paa Kristi og Apostlenes Tid (1886 Buhl), book
- Ben Hur: En Fortælling fra Kristi Tid = Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1888 @1880 Wallace / Møller), novel (Danish ed.)
- Det israelitiske Folks Historie (1893 Buhl), book
- Muhammeds Liv (The Life of Muhammad / 1903 Buhl), book
- Essæismen et bidrag senjødedommens religionshistorie (1916 Mosbech), book
- Fortællingerne om Tobit og Judith (1919 Buhl), book
- Sagnet om Jesus (The Legend of Jesus / 1925 Brandes), book
- Menigheden af den mye pagt i Damascus (The Congregation of the New Covenant in Damascus / 1928 Hvidberg), book
- En idealist (1928 Munk), play
- Studier over det zadokidikse praesteskabs historie (1931 Bentzen), book
- Profeten Jonas privat (1937 Tandrup), novel
- Fortolkning til de Gammeltestamentlige Salmer (1939 Bentzen), book
- Judith (1940 Abell), play
- De herrer dommere (Gentlemen of the Jury / 1942 Munk), play
- Amos (1946 Hammershaimb), book
- Stefan, drengen fra bjerget = Stephen, Boy of the Mountain (1948 @1947 Lillie & Walker / Mehrn), children's novel (Danish ed.)
- Stejernesønnen (1952 Borchsenius), book
- De gammeltestamentlige pseudepigrafer i oversaettelse (The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha in Translation / 1953-76 Hammershaimb), edited volume
- Den brændende tornebusk (1956 Hoffmann), novel
- Håndskriftfundene i Juda ørken: Dødehavsteksterne (The Manuscript Findings in the Desert of Judah: The Dead Sea Scrolls / 1956 Nielsen), book
- Skriftrullerne fra Det døde Hav = The Scrolls from the Dead Sea (1956 Wilson), non-fiction (Danish ed.)
- Den evige ild (1957 Hoffmann), novel
- Kobberslangen (1958 Hoffmann), novel
- Dødehavsteksterne (Dead Sea Scrolls / 1959 Nielsen, Otzen), book
- Apostlenes gerninger (1964 Munck/Pedersen), book
- Moses (1965 Koppel), oratorio
- Skriftrullerne fra Det døde Hav = The Dead Sea Scrolls (1966 Allegro / Haderslev), book (Danish ed.)
- Jesus fra Nazaret = Jesus of Nazareth (1968 Bornkamm / Graabæk), book (Danish ed.)
- Messias og "menneskesøn." I Daniels Bog, Første Enoksbog og Fjerde Ezrabog (1972 Müller), book
- Jesus i nutidig historisk forskning (1975 Aulén / Brix), book (Danish ed.)
- Jesus Ananiassøn og Jesus fra Nasaret (Jesus ben Ananias and Jesus of Nazareth / 1975 Noack), book (Danish)
- Die Psalmen Salomos (1977 Holm-Nielsen), book
- Josefus som historieskriver = Josephus as a Historian (1983 Bilde), book
- Den antike jødedom: politisk udvikling og religiøse strømninger fra Aleksander den Store til Kejser Hadrian (1984 Otzen), book
- Den tilslørede frihed: kvindehistorie og kvindehistorier i det Nye testamente (1984 Plum), book
- Paulus og Jesus = Paulus en Jezus (Paul and Jesus / 1984 @1952 Ridderbos / Jacobsen), book (Danish ed.)
- Bedrageriet med Dødehavsrullerne = The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1993 @1991 Baigent, Leigh / Jørgensen), arch-fi (Danish ed.)
- Dødehavsteksterne, essæeerne og det Nye Testamente (1994 Müller), book
- Jødedommen og hellenismen (1995 Bilde), book
- Dødehavsrullerne = The Dead Sea Scrolls Today (1995 VanderKam / Jordt), book (Danish ed.)
- Samaritanerne og den antikke jødedom (The Samaritans and Early Judaism / 1996 Hjelm), book
- Den jødiske krig (The Jewish War / 1997 Harsberg), book
- Dødehavsskrifterne og Det ny Testamente (Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament / 1997 Pilgaard), book
- Jesus: en revolutionær biografi = Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography (1999 Crossan / Have), book (Danish ed.)
- == == 2000s == == ==
- Koranen: en meget kort introduktion = The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2003 Cook / Hecquet), book (Danish ed.)
- Jesus, min søn (Jesus, My Son / 2003 Larsen), feature film
- Den historiske Jesus (The Historical Jesus / 2008 Bilde), book
- Medinas juvel = The Jewel of Medina (2008 Jones / Nørregaard), novel (Danish ed.)
- Dødehavsrullerne: indhold, historie og betydning (Dead Sea Scrolls: Content, History and Meaning (2009 Ejrnæs), book
- == == 2010s == == ==
- Ludvig Holberg (M / Norway, Denmark, 1684-1754), scholar
- Hans Christian Andersen (M / Denmark, 1805-1875), playwright
- Georg Brandes (M / Denmark, 1842-1927), nonfiction writer
- Frants Buhl (M / Denmark, 1850-1932), scholar
- Harald Tandrup (M / Denmark, 1874-1964), novelist
- Kaj Munk (M / Denmark, 1898-1944), playwright
Media in category "Danish language"
This category contains only the following file.
- 1920 Dreyer (film) 2.jpg 192 × 256; 12 KB