Bernard Jonap (M / Germany, 1932), Holocaust survivor

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Edith Jonap (F / Germany, 1927), Holocaust victim

Gerda Jonap (F / Germany, 1929), Holocaust victim

Bernard Jonap (M / Germany, 1932), Holocaust survivor


Edith Jonap (10 Jan 1927), Gerda Jonap (28 Mar 1929), and Bernard Jonap (24 May 1932) were born in Düsseldorf, Germany, to Hershey Jonap and Fanny Berger (a Jewish Hungarian family). The children were refugees in the Netherlands and then in France.

In 1941 Bernard was among the unaccompanied children aboard the SS Mouzinho (August 1941), reaching the United States.

Edith and Gerda were internet at Nexon and in August 1942 deported to Auschwitz, where they perished.

Bernard died 10 Jan 1981 in Washington, DC.


  • AJPN: Enfant ayant séjourné à la Maison d'enfants pour fillettes Le Couret (OSE) à Saint-Laurent-les-Églises
  • SS Mouzinho Passenger List

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