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Pages in category "1930"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- Das Buch der Jubiläen und die Halacha (1930 Albeck), book
- Studies in Matthew (1930 Bacon), book
- A History of the Hebrew People: From the Earliest Times to the Year 70 AD (1930 Barton), book
- The Hope of a World to Come (1930 Bevan), book
- Das Leben Muhammeds = Muhammeds Liv (The Life of Muhammad / 1930 @1903 Buhl / Schaeder), book (German ed.)
- Précis d'introduction à la lecture et à l'étude des Saintes Écritures (1930 Cheminant), book
- The Green Pastures (1930 Connelly), play
- The Life of Mahomet = La vie de Mahomet (1930 Dermenghem / Yorke), book (English ed.)
- The Ethics of Paul (1930 Enslin), book
- Le piétisme juif dans les Testaments des douze Patriarches (1930 Eppel), book
- Josephus and the Jews (1930 Foakes-Jackson), book
- Le Féminisme de la Bible: Tome I (Feminism of the Bible: vol. I / 1930 Gadala, Pettier), book
- Égypte - Palestine: du Sphinx à la Croix (1930 Gadala), book
- Intimate Life of the Queen of Sheba (1930 Hill), novel
- Syrus Sinaiticus (1930 Hjelt), book
- Angels in the Book of Enoch (1930 Kaplan), essay
- The Pharisaic Character and the Date of the Book of Enoch (1930 Kaplan), essay
- Waar Jezus leefde: een reis door Egypte, Palestina en Syrië (1930 Keulers), book
- L'Evangelo di Gesù Cristo = L'Évangile de Jésus-Christ (The Gospel of Jesus Christ / 1930 @1929 Lagrange / Gramatica), book (Italian ed.)
- Die Schätzung des Quirinius bei Flavius Josephus (1930 Lodder), book
- From Orpheus to Paul: A History of Orphism = Orfismo e Paolinismo (1930 @1922 Macchioro), book (English ed.)
- The Gospel of Luke (1930 Manson), book
- Prime linee di storia della tradizione maccabaica (1930 Momigliano), book
- According to Thomas (1930 Nazhivin / Burns), novel (English ed.)
- La mistica giovannea (1930 Omodeo), book
- Paul the Christian (1930 Phillimore), novel
- The Meaning of the Glorious Koran (1930 Pickthall), book
- Agada und Exegese bei Flavius Josephus (1930 Rappaport), book
- A History of the Jews (1930 Sachar), book
- Ha-Yehudim veha-Yevanim ba-tekufah ha-Helenistit (Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews / 1930 Tcherikover), book
- A Lexicon to Josephus (1930 Thackeray), book
- The Last Supper (1930 Thiman), cantata
- Yosefus Flavius fun Yerusholayim (1930 Trunk), novel
- L'Évangile de Pierre (Gospel of Peter / 1930 Vaganay), book
- Salome, the Wandering Jewess (1930 Viereck/Eldridge), novel
- Nero, the Singing Emperor of Rome (1930 Weigall), book
- Justin Martyr: The Dialogue with Trypho (1930 Williams), book
Media in category "1930"
The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
- 1930 * Schweitzer.jpg 456 × 692; 34 KB
- 1930 Montefiore.jpg 194 × 259; 5 KB