Studia Biblica Athanasiana (1998-), journal

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Studia Biblica Athanasiana (1998-) is a Hungarian academic journal, founded by Géza G. Xeravits.


The journal publishes articles from the area of Old and New Testament studies, and from Early Judaism. The Review of Books section is the main media for informing Hungarian speaking public about the recent international scholarly publications. Chief editor: Géza G. Xeravits. Editorial board: József Zsengellér, György Fodor, Györgyi Szatmári, Xavér Szabó, Viktor Kókai Nagy. The periodical is published yearly.


Vol. 1. (1998): György Benyik, "Ungarische Bibelübersetzungen" -- Ferenc Gál, "Die neuesten Erlassungen des kirchlichen Lehramtes über die Erklärung der Heiligen Schrift" -- Imre Kocsis, "Das Thema des (neuen) Bundes in den Abendmahlstexten" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "L’hymne christologique de la Lettre de St. Paul aux Philippiens (2,6-11)" -- Monika Zsuppán, "Jesus als die gesuchte Person in der markianischen Passionerzählung"

Vol. 2. (1999): György Fodor, "The Concept of the Eschatology in the Old Testament" -- Előd Takáts, "The Book of Obadiah and the Role of Edom in Judah’s Destruction" -- Csongor Kovács, "The Book of Jonah. An Exception among the Books of the Prophets" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "Le midraš Amos-Nombres dans le Document de Damas" -- József Zsengellér, "Jesus and his Followers Seen by the Samaritans" -- Martin Meiser, "Tendenzen der neueren Jesusforschung" -- István Czachesz, "Exegetische Fragmenten zur Bergpredigt" -- Viktor Kókay Nagy, "Wohin führen die ‘Zwei Wege’ Matthäus?" -- László Muzsnay, "Bible-study. The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians. A Commentary"

Vol. 3. (2000): Dezső Karasszon, "Heiliger Ort – Heilungsort?" -- Johan Lust, "Le messianisme et la Septante d’Ezéchiel" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "The Early History of Qumran’s Messianic Expectations" -- István Czachesz, "Metaphore, Rhetorics, Myth and Narrative in the Bible" -- László Gyürki, "Paul’s Shipwreck in Malta?" -- Gergely Bakos OSB, "Meister Eckhart as an Exegete" -- István Ivancsó, "La tipologia delle letture del Vespro del Grande Sabato nella Chiesa bizantina" -- László Obbágy, "Katechetische Strukturen der Heiligen Schrift"

Vol. 4. (2001): Rainer Albertz, "The Prevented Restoration" -- Herbert Niehr, "The Changed Status of the Dead in Yehud" -- Wolter H. Rose, "Messianic Expectations in the Early Post-exilic Period" -- Margreet Steiner, "The Archeology of Ancient Jerusalem" -- Eszter Andorka, "‘He Will Call Me «Abba» and «Eloi»’ – Mk 15,34 in Multiple Intertextual Reading" -- István Ivancsó, "L’Apostilario nella Chiesa greco-cattolica ungherese" -- Péter Losonczi, "Descartes and the Bible"

Vol. 5. (2002): Miklós Kőszeghy, "Die Ortsnamen der David-Erzählungen" -- József Zsengellér, "Samuel and the Theory of Limited Monarchy" -- Előd Hodossy-Takács, "The Sixth Century BC: Crisis and Challenge" -- József Zsengellér, "Theory of Kingship in the Anti-Royalistic Samaritan Tradition" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "Some Evidence Relating the View of the Qumran Community on the Hasmonaeans" -- János Székely, "Le speranze di un re ideale e le Beatitudini" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "Bibliographical Aid to the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls"

Vol. 6. (2003): István Karasszon, "Form Criticism and Reconstruction of Content. Psalm 141" -- Zoltán Kustár, "Die Entstehung und die Lehre des Buches Ezechiel 28,11-19. Versuch einer Skizze eines Komplexen Überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Prozesses" -- László Simon OSB, "Torah and Messiah. Psalm 19 and the Perspectives of the Canonical Interpretation of Psalms" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "Poetic Passages in the Aramaic part of the Book of Daniel" -- Miklós P. Németh, "Investigations on the Origin and Theology of the Hymn Phil. 2,6-11" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "On the Transcription of the Hebrew Alephbeth: Directives of the Hungarian Society of Hebraists"

Vol. 7. (2004): Zoltán Hamar, "Scripture in the Scripture: Job’s Influence on Deutero-Isaiah" -- Imre Kocsis, "«Aufgeschrieben zu unserer Mahnung». Ein christlicher Midrasch in 1 Kor 10,1-13" -- László Simon OSB, "The Image of Scripture and ‘Writing’ in the Fourth Gospel" -- Géza G. Xeravits, "The Book of Isaiah in the Eschatological Literature of the Qumran Community" -- József Zsengellér, "Why Bala‘am had to Die? Num 31,8 as (one of) the Rewritings of the Bala’am Story" -- István Ivancsó, "L’Evangeliario della Chiesa Greco-cattolica ungherese"

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