Category:Persian Kings (subject)

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Persian Kings reigned from the 6th to the 4th century over Judea.

List of Persian Kings, and years in office

< Babylonian Kings >

  • Cyrus the Great, 559 - 530 BCE
    • Conquered Babylon (and Judah) in 539 BCE.
    • Returned the vessels of the Jerusalem Temple to the Davidic King Sheshbazzar, and allowed him to go back to Jerusalem.

  • Cambyses II, 530 - 522 BCE
    • Added Egypt to the Persian Empire in 525 BCE.

  • Darius I, 522 BCE - 486 BCE
    • Consolidate the Persian Empire by dividing it into semi-autonomous provinces.
    • Led the first unsuccessful invasion of Greece, which ended with the defeat at Marathon in 490 BCE.
    • Granted the construction of the Second Temple under the dual laeadership of the Davidic Zerubbabel and the Zadokite Joshua.

< Alexander the Great>

Persian Kings in ancient sources

Persian Kings in Scholarship

Persian Kings in Fiction

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