The Biblical Antiquities of Philo (1917 James), book

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The Biblical Antiquities of Philo (1917) is a book by Montague Rhodes James.


Introduction and English translation.

Editions and translations

Published in London [England]: SPCK, 1917. Reissued with a prolegomenon by Louis H. Feldman in New York, NY: 1971:

Table of contents

  • 1. General
  • 2. History of the Book
    • a. The Edito Princeps and after
    • b. Earlier history
  • 3. Authorities for the Text
    • a. The printed edition
    • b. MSS. of the text
    • c. Subsidiary authorities
    • d. Geographical distribution
    • e. Community of origin
    • f. Grouping of authorities, illustrated by specimen passages
  • 4. Title, and Attribution to Philo
  • 5. Original Language
  • 6. Date
  • 7. Form
  • 8. Purpose and Teaching
  • 9. Unity, Contents
  • 10. Relation to Other Literature, especially-
    • a. Enoch
    • b. Jubilees
    • c. Apocalypse of Baruch
    • d. Fourth Book of Esdras
    • e. New Testament Writings
  • 11. Extent of the Complete Book: the Lost Conclusion Discussed
  • 12. Conclusion. Character of the Present Edition
  • 13. Synopsis of the Contents: Division of the Book
  • Text and Notes
  • Appendices

External links