Abraham Cohen (1887-1957), scholar
Abraham Cohen (1887-1957) was a Jewish-British scholar.
Communal leader, educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge, and a minister of Birmingham Hebrew Congregation from 1933. Wrote popular manual of Rabbinic thought, Everyman’s Talmud (1932). Was editor of the Soncino Books of the Bible and participated in the Soncino translation of the Talmud and Midrash.
Works on Second Temple Judaism
- Everyman's Talmud (1932 Cohen), book
- Le Talmud (Everyman's Talmud / 1933 Cohen / Marty), book (French ed.)
- Il Talmud (Everyman's Talmud / 1935 Cohen / Toaff), book (Italian ed.)
- 聖典탈무드 = Everyman's Talmud / 1984 Cohen / Pak), book (Korean ed.)
- Talmud = Everyman's Talmud / 1995 Cohen / Gromacka), book (Polish ed.)
- タルムード入門 = Everyman's Talmud / 1997 Cohen / Muraoka, Ichikawa, Fujii), book (Japanese ed.)
- 大众塔木德 = Everyman's Talmud / 1998 Cohen / Gai), book (Chinese ed.)
- Talmudul = Everyman's Talmud / 2000 Cohen / Litman), book (Romanian ed.)
- لتلمود = Everyman's Talmud / 2005 Cohen, Marty / Tannous), book (Arabic ed.)