Revision as of 21:45, 29 July 2023 by Gabriele Boccaccini (talk | contribs)
Highlights (1900s)
- Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments (OT Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha / 1900 Kautzsch), edited volume
- A History of the Jewish People during the Maccabean and Roman Periods (1900 Riggs), book
- The Messianic Hope in the New Testament (1905 Mathews), book
- The Messages of the Apocalyptical Writers (1905 Porter), book
- Salome (1905 Strauss / Lachmann), opera
- The Ethiopic Version of the Book of Enoch (1906 Charles), book
- Von Reimarus zu Wrede (The Quest of the Historical Jesus / 1906 Schweitzer), book
- Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d'Alexandrie (The Religious and Philosophical Ideas of Philo of Alexandria / 1908 Bréhier), book
- Christ Legends = Kristuslegender (1908 @1904 Lagerlöf / Howard), novel (English ed.)
- The Legends of the Jews (1909-1938 Ginzberg), book
- Epochs in the Life of Paul: A Study of Development in Paul's Career (1909 Robertson), book
Interpreters (1900s)
Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
Emil Kautzsch (1841-1910)
Emile Bréhier (1876-1952)
Pages in category "1900s"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.
- Apocalyptic Studies (1900s)
- Archaeology (1900s)
- Bible Studies (1900s)
- Christian Origins Studies (1900s)
- Early Christian Studies (1900s)
- Early Islamic Studies (1900s)
- Early Jewish Studies (1900s)
- Early Samaritan Studies (1900s)
- Enochic Studies (1900s)
- Gospels Studies (1900s)
- Hebrew Bible Studies (1900s)
- Hellenistic-Jewish Studies (1900s)
- Historical Jesus Studies (1900s)
- Johannine Studies (1900s)
- Josephus Studies (1900s)
- New Testament Studies (1900s)
- NT Apocrypha Studies (1900s)
- OT Apocrypha Studies (1900s)
- OT Pseudepigrapha Studies (1900s)
- Pauline Studies (1900s)
- Petrine Studies (1900s)
- Philo Studies (1900s)
- Reception History (1900s)
- Second Temple Studies (1900s)
- Septuagint Studies (1900s)
- Wisdom Studies (1900s)
- Women's & Gender Studies (1900s)
Media in category "1900s"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
- 1900 * Corinth (art).jpg 3,000 × 2,601; 1.2 MB
- 1900 * Thackeray.jpg 855 × 1,360; 88 KB
- 1901 * Wrede.jpg 319 × 499; 16 KB
- 1906 * Schweitzer.jpg 265 × 380; 31 KB
- 1906-E * Hastings.jpg 750 × 1,000; 96 KB
- 1907 * Surenyants (art).jpg 636 × 624; 90 KB
- 1908 * Brehier.jpg 333 × 499; 27 KB