(++) The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (1991 Baigent, Leigh), arch-fi

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Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (New York, NY: Summit Books, 1991).


German ed. (1991) : Verschlußsache Jesus, tr. Paul S. Dachs and Brigitta Neumeister-Taroni (Munich, Germany: Droemer Knaur, 1991).

Spanish ed. (1992) : El escándalo de los rollos del mar Muerto, tr. Mariano Casas (Barcelona, Spain: Martínez Roca, 1992 / repr. Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Martínez Roca, 2006).

French ed. (1992) : La Bible consfisquée, tr. Pascale de Mezamat (Paris, France: Plon, 1992).

Japanese ed. (1992) : 死海文書の謎, tr. Toshikazu Takao (Tokyo, Japan: Kashiwa Shobō, 1992).

Danish ed. (1993) : Bedrageriet med Dødehavsrullerne tr. Jørgensen (1993).

Dutch ed. (1994) : De Dode-Zeerollen en de verzwegen waarheid

Portuguese ed. (1994) : As intrigas em torno dos Manuscritos do Mar Morto

Hungarian ed. (1994) : Mi az igazság a Holt-tengeri tekercsek körül?

Polish ed. (1994) : Zwoje znad Morza Martwego

Italian ed. (1994) : Il mistero del Mar Morto

Croatian ed. (2000) : Obmana o svicima s Mrtvog mora

Slovenian ed. (2002) : Zgodba o kumranskih zvitkih

Turkish ed. (2005) : Ölü Deniz parşömenleri gerçeği

Russian ed. (2005) : Свитки Мертвого моря

Finnish ed. (2005) : Kiista Kuolleenmeren kääröistä

Swedish ed. (2006) : Dödahavsrullarnas hemlighet

Korean ed. (2007) : Sahae sabon ui jinsil

Croatian ed. (2012) : Oszustwo znad Morza Martwego


“The explosive contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls and how the Church conspired to suppress them.” A masterpiece of fantastic archaeology. The authors argued that the Scrolls were the work of Jewish zealots who had much in common with, and may have been identical to, the early followers of Jesus led by his brother James, and promoted a conspiracy theory accusing the Roman Catholic Church of having suppressed the “true” contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls. By two of the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail (1982 Baigent/Leigh/Lincoln), arch-fi.

"The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves 20 miles east of Jerusalem in 1947 and 1956. Now Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, co-authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, have succeeded in uncovering what has been described as 'the academic scandal par excellence of the twentieth century': the story of how and why up to 75 per cent of the eight hundred ancient Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts, hidden for some nineteen centuries, have, until very recently, remained concealed from the rest of the world. Through interviews, historical analysis and a close study of both published and unpublished scroll material, the authors are able to reveal the true cause of the bitter struggle between scholars, for these documents disclose nothing less than a new account of the origins of Christianity and an alternative and highly significant version of the New Testament."--Publisher description.

"Wahrheiten, die die Kirche fürchtet und deshalb zurückhält Warum sind die meisten der so genannten Qumran-Rollen bis heute nicht veröffentlicht worden und werden nicht einmal Gelehrten außerhalb einer bestimmten Gruppe zugänglich gemacht? Michael Baigent und Richard Leigh enthüllen in diesem Buch zum ersten Mal, welch brisantes Material zurückgehalten wird ═ bislang unbekannte Texte über die Urchristen, über den Kampf des Paulus gegen Jakobus, den Gerechten, den Bruder Jesu und Führer der Jerusalemer Urkirche, über gewalttätige Auseinandersetzungen um den Führungsanspruch nach dem Tod des Jesus von Nazareth, der sich in höchstem Maße politisch engagiert hatte. Neue Entdeckungen der Bestseller-Autoren, die die römische Kirche erschüttern werden."--Publisher description (German ed.)

"De los autores de El enigma sagrado y El legado mesiánicoEl estudio de los manuscritos del mar Muerto estuvo rodeado por un escándalo sin precedentes: la Iglesia católica se sirvió de todos los métodos a su alcance para mantenerlos ocultos. ¿Esconden estos ochocientos rollos escritos en arameo y hebreo historias capaces de hacer temblar los cimientos de la ortodoxia católica?."--Publisher description (Spanish ed.)


The discovery of the scrolls --; The international team --; The scandal of the scrolls --; Opposing the consensus --; Academic politics and the bureaucratic inertia --; The onslaught of science --; The inquisition today --; The dilemma for Christian orthodoxy --; The scrolls --; Science in the service of faith --; The Essenes --; The Acts of the Apostles --; James the Righteous --; Zeal for the law --; Zealot suicide --; Paul : Roman agent or informer?

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