Holocaust Survivor Testimonies, Poland

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Holocaust Survivor Testimonies, Poland / Relacje ocalalych z Holocaustu (Sygn. 301)


Contains approximately 7,000 Holocaust survivor testimonies <including around 600 children>. Testimonies describe the destruction of an entire Jewish community during World War II. From the autumn of 1944 to the summer of 1947, Centralna Żydowska Komisja Historyczna (Central Jewish Historical Commission, Poland) developed a questionnaire and trained interviewers to record the testimonies. Survivors came forward from bunkers in the forests, from partisan units, and from newly liberated concentration and labor camps wishing to relate to the Commission's field workers what they or their families had endured during the occupation. In some cases, the survivor wrote down his/her own statements. The materials in this collection have been and continue to be used as evidence in the trials of war crimes.

External links

  • USHMM Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database