Category:Paul of Tarsus--cinema (subject)

Works of cinema related to Paul of Tarsus
< Paul of Tarsus in : Art -- Cinema -- Literature -- Music >
Paul was not a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth and is therefore absent in the Jesus movies. He becomes the protagonist (or at least, a very important supporting character) in movies that are based on the Acts of the Apostles or focus on the development of the early Church.
In silent films Paul appears twice as a minor character. Only in 1938 the first movie on Paul appeared. It was followed in 1949-51 by a series of short films.
Since the 1950s, Paul has been present in numerous productions and the protagonist in many of them.
The group of films, in which Paul of Tarsus is the protagonist, includes:
- Life of St. Paul (1938), feature film starring Neal Arden
- Life of St. Paul Series (1949), feature film starring Nelson Leigh
- Le chemin de Damas (1952), feature film starring Jean-Marc Tennberg
- Paul of Tarsus (1960), TV mini-series starring Patrick Troughton
- Le chemin de Damas (1963), TV film starring Roger Coggio
- I, Paul (1980), short film starring Fred J. Scollay
- Peter and Paul (1981), TV mini-series starring Anthony Hopkins
- Saul of Tarsus (1990), animated short film starring Brian Nissen (voice)
- The Ministry of Paul (1992), animated short film starring Ray Porter (voice)
- The Emissary (1997), feature film starring Garry Cooper
- San Paolo (2000), TV mini-series starring Johannes Brandrup
- Irmãos de Fé (2004), feature film starring Thiago Lacerda
- Pablo de Tarso: el último viaje (2010), feature film starring Jacobo Muñoz
- Saul: The Journey to Damascus (2014), feature film starring Kyle Schmid
In other movies Paul of Tarsus has a very relevant role, notably:
- The Book of Acts Series (1957), film series starring Nelson Leigh
- Atti degli Apostoli (1969), TV mini-series starring Edoardo Torricella
- The Last Temptation of Christ (1988), feature film starring Harry Dean Stanton
- A.D.: The Bible Continues (2015), TV series starring Emmett J. Scanlan
Performing Paul of Tarsus (cinema & television)
The first actor to be credited as Paul of Tarsus was Louis R. Grisel in The Holy City (1912). Among the most famous actors who played the part in a supporting role are [[]]], [[]], [[]], and many others.
1910s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema | Country | Notes |
1912 | Louis R. Grisel | The Holy City (1912 Arnaud), short film | United States | Imdb |
1913 | Frank Van Buren | The Daughter of the Hills (1913 Dawley), short film | United States | Imdb |
1930s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema | Country | Notes |
1938 | Neal Arden | Life of St. Paul (1938 Walker), feature film | United Kingdom | Wiki Imdb |
1940s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema | Country | Notes |
1949 | Nelson Leigh | Life of St. Paul Series (1949 Coyle), feature film | United States | Wiki Imdb |
1950s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema / Television | Country | Notes |
1951 | Abraham Sofaer | Quo Vadis (1951 LeRoy), feature film. Based on Quo Vadis? (1895 Sienkiewicz), novel. | United States | Wiki Imdb |
1952 | Jean-Marc Tennberg | Le chemin de Damas (The Road to Damascus / 1952 Glass), feature film | France | Imdb |
1954 | Jack Stewart | Earthquake in Macedonia (1954 Milroy), TV film | United Kingdom | Wiki Imdb |
1955 | Vincent Cervera (uncredited) | Wine of Morning (1955 Stenholm), feature film | United States | Imdb |
1957 | Nelson Leigh | The Book of Acts Series (1957 Dew), film |
1960s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema / Television | Country | Notes |
1960 | Patrick Troughton | Paul of Tarsus (1960 Harington), TV mini-series | United Kingdom | Wiki Imdb |
1963 | Roger Coggio | Le chemin de Damas (1963 Hubert), TV film | France | Wiki Imdb |
1969 | Edoardo Torricella | Atti degli Apostoli (Acts of the Apostles / 1969 Rossellini), TV mini-series | Italy | Wiki Imdb |
1980s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema / Television | Country | Notes |
1980 | Fred J. Scollay | I, Paul (1980 Arbusto), short film | United States | Wiki Imdb |
1981 | Anthony Hopkins | Peter and Paul (1981 Day), TV mini-series | United States | Wiki Imdb |
1985 | Philip Sayer | A.D. - Anno Domini (1985 Cooper), TV mini-series. Adapted from The Kingdom of the Wicked (1985 Burgess), novel. | United Kingdom / Italy | Wiki Imdb |
1985 | Philippe Leroy | Quo Vadis? (1985 Rossi), TV mini-series. Based on Quo Vadis? (1895 Sienkiewicz), novel. Paul of Tarsus appears in 2 of the 6 episodes of the series. | Wiki Imdb | |
1988 | Harry Dean Stanton | The Last Temptation of Christ (1988 Scorsese), feature film | United States | Wiki Imdb |
1990s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema / Television | Country | Notes |
1990 | Brian Nissen (voice) | Saul of Tarsus (1990 Rich), animated short film | United States | Wiki Imdb |
1992 | Ray Porter (voice) | The Ministry of Paul (1992 Rich), animated short film | United States | Imdb |
1994 | Henry O. Arnold | Acts (1994 Bergh), feature film | United States | Imdb |
1997 | Garry Cooper | The Emissary (1997 Marcarelli), feature film | United States | Wiki Imdb |
1998 | Ben Ryan | Stephen’s Test of Faith (1998 Yake), short film | United States | Imdb |
2000s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema / Television | Country | Notes |
2000 | Johannes Brandrup | San Paolo (St. Paul / 2000 Young), TV mini-series | Italy | Wiki Imdb |
2001 | Zbigniew Waleryś | Quo Vadis? (2001 Kawalerowicz), feature film. Based on Quo Vadis? (1895 Sienkiewicz), novel. | Poland | Wiki Imdb |
2004 | Thiago Lacerda | Irmãos de Fé (Brothers in Faith / 2004 Góes), feature film | Brazil | Wiki Imdb |
2005 | Daniele Pecci | San Pietro (St. Peter / 2005 Base), TV mini-series | Italy | Wiki Imdb |
2006 | Fernando Guillén Cuervo | L'inchiesta (The Final Inquiry / 2006 Base), TV mini-series | Italy | Wiki Imdb |
2010s | Paul of Tarsus | Cinema / Television | Country | Notes |
2010 | Jacobo Muñoz | Pablo de Tarso: el último viaje (Paul of Tarsus: The Final Journey / 2010 Moreno), feature film | Spain | Imdb |
2014 | Mike Wilford | With The Lions of Rome (2014 Dohrmann), short film | United States | Imdb |
2014 | Kyle Schmid | Saul: The Journey to Damascus (2014 Azzopardi), feature film | Canada | Wiki Imdb |
2015 | Henry Zammit Cordina | The Shipwreck (2015 My), documentary | Malta | Imdb |
2015 | Emmett J. Scanlan | A.D.: The Bible Continues (2015 Downey, Burnett), TV series. Paul of Tarsus appears in 6 of the 12 episodes of the series. | United States | Wiki Imdb |
External links
- [ Paul of Tarsus] in Internet Movie Database
Pages in category "Paul of Tarsus--cinema (subject)"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
- San Paolo, dramma biblico (The Life of St. Paul / 1910 Liguoro), short film
- The Holy City (1912 Arnaud), short film
- The Daughter of the Hills (1913 Dawley), short film
- Life of St. Paul Series (1949 Coyle), feature film
- Encounter: The Vigil (1953), TV episode
- Wine of Morning (1955 Stenholm), feature film
- The Book of Acts Series (1957 Dew), film
- Paul of Tarsus (1960 Harington), TV mini-series
- Le chemin de Damas (1963 Hubert), TV film
- A.D. - Anno Domini (1985 Cooper), TV mini-series
- Animated Stories from the New Testament (1987-2005 Rich), film
- Saul of Tarsus (1990 Rich), animated short film
- The Ministry of Paul (1992 Rich), animated short film
- The Visual Bible: Acts (1994 Bergh), feature film
- The Emissary (1997 Marcarelli), feature film
- Stephen’s Test of Faith (1998 Yake), short film
- San Paolo (St. Paul / 2000 Young), TV mini-series
- Quo Vadis? (2001 Kawalerowicz), feature film
- Irmãos de Fé (Brothers in Faith / 2004 Góes), feature film (Portuguese)
- Imperium: Nero (2004 Marcus), feature film
- San Pietro (St. Peter / 2005 Base), TV mini-series
- L'inchiesta (The Final Inquiry / 2006 Base), TV mini-series
- With The Lions of Rome (2014 Dohrmann), short film
- Saul: The Journey to Damascus (2014 Azzopardi), feature film
- A.D.: The Bible Continues (2015 Downey, Burnett), TV series
- The Shipwreck (2015 My), documentary
Media in category "Paul of Tarsus--cinema (subject)"
The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.
- 1938 Walker (film).jpg 340 × 481; 213 KB
- 1951 * LeRoy (film).jpg 338 × 517; 79 KB
- 1952 Glass (film).png 343 × 501; 233 KB
- 1969 Rossellini (TV miniseries).jpg 194 × 259; 9 KB
- 1977 * Zeffirelli (TV miniseries).jpg 263 × 475; 43 KB
- 1980 Arbusto (short).jpg 200 × 281; 19 KB
- 1981 Day (TV miniseries).jpg 214 × 317; 19 KB
- 1985 Rossi (miniseries).jpg 299 × 419; 140 KB
- 1988 * Scorsese (film).png 300 × 459; 57 KB
- 2010 Moreno (film).jpg 400 × 561; 43 KB