Category:John the Baptist--literature (subject)
John the Baptist (literature); see John the Baptist (home page)
- John the Baptist (fiction) -- John the Baptist (art) -- John the Baptist (literature) -- John the Baptist (music) -- John the Baptist (dance) -- John the Baptist (cinema)
Unlike other biblical characters, John the Baptist does not emerge with distinctive features in literature. The interest of the readers focused on the bizzarre circumstances of his death rather than on his many life accomplishments, which gave him a quite marginal role in a drama where the real protagonists were others: Herod Antipas, Herodias and Salome. Soon his name disappeared even from the titles of plays and novels. Only in contemporary times have there been a few attempts to revisit his biography, the most ambitious of which is that of American novelist Brooks Hansen in 2009. Too little and too late to establish John the Baptist as a protagonist of biblical fiction.
Pages in category "John the Baptist--literature (subject)"
The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.
- Storie sacre (Sacred Narratives / 1475c Tornabuoni), poetry
- Commedia della vita e della morte di S. Giovanni Battista (1525 Ottonaio), play
- Johan Baptystes Preachynge in the Wyldernesse (1538 Bale), play
- Baptistes (1540 Buchanan), play
- Archipropheta (1547 Grimald), play
- Johannes der Täufer (1549 Aal), play
- Erodiade (Herodias / 1832 Pellico), play
- Atta Troll (1843 Heine), poetry
- Salome, the Daughter of Herodias (1862 Heywood), play
- Hérodias (1877 Flaubert), novel
- (++) Salomé (Salome / 1893 Wilde), play
- Johannes (1897 Sudermann), play
- Four Hitherto Unpublished Gospels (1920 Barton), novel
- John (1927 Barry), play
- Die Doper; of, Die Herodes-Treurspel (The Baptist; or, The Herod-Tragedy / 1928 Müller), play (Afrikaans)
- L'annonciateur (1942 Morel), novel
- Johanneslegende (1947 Bäte), novel
- San Juan Bautista (Saint John the Baptist / 1984 Cárdenas), novel