2021 Enoch Seminar on Apocalypticism

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Ancient Apocalypticism: History, Method, and Reception

11th Enoch Seminar - University of Munich (LMU) (23-27 May 2021)

Chairs: Loren Stuckenbruck, Gabriele Boccaccini, Kelley Coblentz Bautch

Organising Committee

  • Lorenzo DiTommaso, Concordia University Montreal, Canada (acting Vice-Director)
  • Kathy Ehrensperger, University of Wales Lampeter, Wales
  • Deborah Forger, Dartmouth University, USA
  • Gabriella Gelardini, Nord University, Norway
  • Matthias Henze, Rice University, USA
  • Liv Ingeborg Lied, Norwegian School of Theology, Norway
  • Isaac Oliver de Oliveira, Bradley University, USA
  • Benjamin E. Reynolds, Tyndale University, Canada
  • Cecilia Wassen, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Archie T. Wright, Regent University, USA
  • Jason M. Zurawski, University of Groningen, Netherlands (General Manager)

Advisory Board

  • Daniel Assefa, Capuchin Franciscan Institute Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
  • Albert Baumgarten, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
  • Esther Chazon, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel
  • John Collins, Yale University, USA
  • Paula Fredriksen, Boston University, USA
  • Ida Fröhlich, Catholic University Budapest, Hungary
  • Lester Grabbe, University of Hull, England
  • Annette Reed, New York University, USA
  • Adele Reinhartz, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Benjamin Wright, Lehigh University, USA


  • Joshua Scott
  • Ted Erho


The symposium is organized around seven special areas or clusters (called “Groups” in the schedule further below):

  • (1) Apocalypses, Method, and Reception (1 Plenary + 10 Seminar papers + 10 Responses) 10 + 1
  • (2) Apocalypses in the Ancient Mediterranean Context (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1
  • (3) Ancient Israel (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar Papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1
  • (4) Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins (1 Plenary + 12 Seminar papers + 12 Responses) 12 + 1
  • (5) Christianity in Late Antiquity (1 Plenary + 8 Seminar papers + 8 Responses) 8 + 1
  • (6) Judaism in Late Antiquity (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1
  • (7) Islam in Late Antiquity (1 Plenary + 4 Seminar papers + 4 Responses) 4 + 1

Summary of Numbers

  • 7 Keynote Lectures (45 min), 46 Seminar Papers (15 min), 46 Responses (5-7 min)

TOTAL: around 100 active participants

In addition to the Keynote Lectures, Seminar Papers, and Responses, there will be:

  • (1) a moderated panel with Senior Scholars on changes in the field since 1970’s
  • (2) a mentoring session with younger scholars

Moderators/Session chairs and perhaps some responses will be chosen among paper givers and the organizing committee

Responder will be, where possible, from other areas.


  • (1) Apocalypses, Method, and Reception ACCEPTED

Hindy Najman (will address integration of apocalypse into broader humanities, ethics of reading, and philology)

  • (2) Apocalypses in the Ancient Mediterranean context ACCEPTED

Jan Bremmer (Vergil and Jewish Apocalyptic)

  • (3) Ancient Israel WAITING TO HEAR

Martti Nissinen (specialist on prophecy)

  • (4) Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins ACCEPTED

Annette Yoshiko Reed

  • (5) Christianity in Late Antiquity ACCEPTED

Lorenzo DiTommaso

  • (6) Judaism in Late Antiquity ACCEPTED

Ra'anan Boustan

  • (7) Islam in Late Antiquity ACCEPTED

Carlos Segovia

Tentative Program

DAY 1 (Sunday 23 May, 2021)

10:00-11.00 Welcome [Loren Stuckenbruck] -- Presentation of the conference

11:00-12:30 -- Opening Session - [Chair: Gabriele Boccaccini?]: Interview with Senior Scholars (who were in Uppsala)

  • George Nickelsburg, John Collins, Adela Yarbo Collins, ...

+++++ BREAK (1 hour) +++++

1:30pm-2:30pm -- GROUP 1 (Area Keynote Paper): Apocalypses, Method, and Reception

  • Hindy Najman, University of Oxford, UK (45 min + 15 min discussion)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

3.00-4:30 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers + 2 respondents (Group 1, section A) [chair: ??]
  • 2 seminar papers + 2 respondents (Group 1, section B) [chair: ??]
  • 2 seminar papers + 2 respondents (Group 1, section C) [chair: ??]

DAY 2 (Monday, 24 May 2021)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 1 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

10:00am-11:am -- GROUP 2 (Area Keynote Paper): Apocalypses in the Ancient Mediterranean context

  • Jan Bremmer (Vergil and Jewish Apocalyptic) (45m + 15m discussion)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

11:30am-1:00pm -- Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 1, section D) [chair: ??]
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 1, section E) [chair: ??]
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 2, section A) [chair: ??]

+++++ BREAK (1 hour) +++++

2:00pm-3:00pm – GROUP 3 (Area Keynote Paper): Ancient Israel

  • Martti Nissinen (specialist on prophecy) (45m + 15m discussion)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

3:30-5:00 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 2, section B)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 3, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 3, section B)

Day 3 (Tuesday, 25 May 2021)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 2 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

10:00am-11:00am – GROUP 4 (Area Keynote Paper) Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins

  • Annette Yoshiko Reed, New York University, USA (45m + 15m discussion)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

11.30pm-1.00pm – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section B)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section C)

+++++ BREAK (1 hour) +++++

2:00-3:00 -- Mentoring session (reserved to PhD Student and post-Docs)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

3:30pm-5:00 – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section D)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section E)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section F)

Day 4 (Wednesday, 26 May, 2021)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 3 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

10.00-11.00 – GROUP 5 (Area Keynote Paper): Christianity in Late Antiquity

  • Lorenzo DiTommaso, Canada (45m + 15m discussion)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

11.30-1.00– Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section B)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section C)

+++++ BREAK (1 hour) +++++

2.00- 3:00 – GROUP 6 (Area Keynote Paper) Judaism in Late Antiquity

  • Ra'anan Boustan (45m + 15m Q&A)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

3:30pm-5:00pm – Special Area Sessions (3 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 5, section C)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 6, section A)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 6, section B)

Day 5 (Thursday, 27 May 2020)

9:00am Welcome -- 9:15-10:00 -- [Chair: ???]: Recap of DAY 4 [with the chairs of the previous day] + some special guests

10.00-11:00 – GROUP 7 (Area Keynote Paper): Islam in Late Antiquity

  • Carlos Segovia (45 min + 15 min Q&A)

+++++ BREAK (30 min) +++++

11.30-1:00pm – Special Area Sessions (2 running in parallel), with 2 seminar papers (15 min) and 2 responses (5-7 min each), plus discussion (45 min)

  • 2 seminar papers (Group 1, section 6)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 4, section 6)
  • 2 seminar papers (Group 7, section 2)

+++++ BREAK (1 hour) +++++

2:00--4:00 -- Wrap-up session (final panel)

  • [Chair: Gabriele Boccaccini]: Hindy Najman, Jan Bremmer, Martti Nissinen, Annette Yoshiko Reed, Lorenzo DiTommaso, Ra'anan Boustan, Carlos Segovia

Conclusions (Loren Stuckenbruck)